public static void runScenarioSummary() { runCalcAction( ()=>{ shts = oWB.Worksheets; oSheet = (Worksheet) shts["Projection Input Options"]; InputOptionsPage userOptionsAndVerification = new InputOptionsPage(oSheet); RatingGroups groups = new RatingGroups("Rating Groups", true); PriorSurcharge priorSurcharge = new PriorSurcharge("Rating Groups", userOptionsAndVerification.modalAdj); NewSurcharge newSurcharge = new NewSurcharge("Rating Groups", userOptionsAndVerification.modalAdj); PriorPremiums priorPremiums = new PriorPremiums("Prior Premiums"); NewPremiums newPremiums = new NewPremiums("New Premiums"); Census census = new Census("Census"); System.Data.DataTable rfTableMultipliers = groups.RFactors; System.Data.DataTable newPrm = Utility.ConvertListToDataTable(newPremiums.NewPrmLst); System.Data.DataTable oldPrm = Utility.ConvertListToDataTable(priorPremiums.OldPrmLst); newPrm = Utility.mdlPrm(newPrm, userOptionsAndVerification.modalAdj); oldPrm = Utility.mdlPrm(oldPrm, userOptionsAndVerification.modalAdj); System.Data.DataTable cns = Utility.ConvertListToDataTable(census.CnLst); List<System.Data.DataTable> prSurChrg = priorSurcharge.PSCharge; List<System.Data.DataTable> nwSurChrg = newSurcharge.NSCharge; //Code works in following way //1) optimalCarrierRates chooses best CARRIER rates for MIGRATION ONLY //2) ratesToAnchorOffOf is the CARRIER rates to anchor off of (this could be the same as 1) or it could be the second lowest cost carrier) // these are all metallic levels at this point, the anchor plan level is selected later //3) optimalRatesAndFactors joins the subsidy factors to the optimal rates //4) anchoredPlans takes ratesToAnchorOffOf and only keeps the correct metallic level that the user selected //5) nwPrm uses the Anchored plans, calcs the subsidy based on the user selected subsidy option and then applies this to the optimalCarrierRates //6) fnlCns migrates the population to the correct plan level, then attaches surcharge amounts to the premiums //7) finalRateGrid simply attaches the non lowest cost carriers to the rates to provide a complete set of carrier rates. These are treated as a // buy up with the EE shouldering any burden of buying a non anchored plan. //8) prjTb produces exhibit output tabs //9) sendCalcLog logs the model use with the model logger System.Data.DataTable optimalCarrierRates = FindOptimalCarrierPremiums.FindPremiumCarrier(newPrm, userOptionsAndVerification.defaultAnchorPlan); //Finds optimal rates System.Data.DataTable ratesToAnchorOffOf = FindOptimalCarrierPremiums.FindPremiumCarrier(newPrm, userOptionsAndVerification.ancPln); //Allows the anchored plan to be different than optimal carrier System.Data.DataTable optimalRatesAndFactors = Utility.Join(rfTableMultipliers, optimalCarrierRates); //Join on factors to optimal rates System.Data.DataTable anchoredPlans = AnchorPlans.GetAnchorPlans(ratesToAnchorOffOf, userOptionsAndVerification.ancPln, groups.baselineCoverageTier); //Get anchor plan and join onto optimal rates and factors System.Data.DataTable nwPrm = SubsidyCalculation.CalcBaseSubsidy(optimalRatesAndFactors, anchoredPlans, userOptionsAndVerification); //calculate Subsidy System.Data.DataTable fnlCns = SurchargeCombine.SurChrgCombine(MigrationEngine.mrgCnsPrm(cns, oldPrm, nwPrm, ref userOptionsAndVerification), prSurChrg, nwSurChrg); System.Data.DataTable finalRateGrid = Utility.CreateCombinedPremiumExhibit(newPrm, nwPrm); ProjectionResults.prjTb(fnlCns, finalRateGrid, userOptionsAndVerification, oWB); AxCalcEngineAPI.sendCalcLog(userOptionsAndVerification, urlName, modVersion); }); }
public static void runScenarioSummary() { runCalcAction(delegate { AxCalcEngineAPI.AxCalcEngineAPI.Initialize(); shts = oWB.Worksheets; oSheet = (Worksheet) shts["Projection Input Options"]; string ancPln = (string) oSheet.Range("anchorPlan").Value; string option = (string) oSheet.Range("subType").Value; string mgOpt = (string) oSheet.Range("migType").Value; string str4 = (string) oSheet.Range("projNme").Value; string inMode = (string) oSheet.Range("modal").Value; string outMode = (string) oSheet.Range("modalOut").Value; string str7 = (string) oSheet.Range("clientNme").Value; string str8 = oSheet.Range("clientID").Value.ToString(); string str9 = ""; double modalAdj = Utility.modalConvert(inMode, outMode); if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(str7) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str8)) || (str8.Length != 8)) { throw new Exception("Enter valid client name and ID"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { throw new Exception("You must enter a projection name"); } string displayName = ""; try { displayName = AxCalcEngineAPI.AxCalcEngineAPI._user.DisplayName; } catch { throw new Exception("Establishing a Connection"); } if (displayName.Equals("Offline User")) { throw new Exception("You must be connected to the Aon Network to run Ax Model"); } RatingGroups groups = new RatingGroups("Rating Groups", true); PriorSurcharge surcharge = new PriorSurcharge("Rating Groups", modalAdj); NewSurcharge surcharge2 = new NewSurcharge("Rating Groups", modalAdj); PriorPremiums premiums = new PriorPremiums("Prior Premiums"); NewPremiums premiums2 = new NewPremiums("New Premiums"); Census census = new Census("Census"); System.Data.DataTable first = groups.RFactors; System.Data.DataTable prm = Utility.convertListToDataTable(premiums2.NewPrmLst); System.Data.DataTable table3 = Utility.convertListToDataTable(premiums.OldPrmLst); prm = Utility.mdlPrm(prm, modalAdj); table3 = Utility.mdlPrm(table3, modalAdj); System.Data.DataTable cns = Utility.convertListToDataTable(census.CnLst); List<System.Data.DataTable> prSurChrg = surcharge.PSCharge; List<System.Data.DataTable> nwSurChrg = surcharge2.NSCharge; System.Data.DataTable second = Utility.findPremiumCarrier(prm, str9); System.Data.DataTable dt = Utility.findPremiumCarrier(prm, ancPln); System.Data.DataTable table7 = Utility.Join(first, second); System.Data.DataTable anc = Utility.getAnchorPlans(dt, ancPln, groups.bsCvTr); System.Data.DataTable nwPrm = Utility.calcBaseSubsidy(table7, anc, option, modalAdj); System.Data.DataTable fnlCns = Utility.SurChrgCombine(Utility.mrgCnsPrm(cns, table3, nwPrm, mgOpt), prSurChrg, nwSurChrg); groups = null; surcharge = null; surcharge2 = null; premiums = null; premiums2 = null; census = null; prjTb(fnlCns, nwPrm, str4); AxCalcEngineAPI.AxCalcEngineAPI.sendCalcLog(str7, str8, "", "AxModel_0.9"); }); }