예제 #1
        private void GetPlayerInput( PlayerIndex playerIndex, InputState input, out PlayerInput playerInput )
            if ( playerIndex < PlayerIndex.One )
            playerAI.GetInput( out playerInput );
            playerInput.ButtonAHit = input.IsNewButtonPress( Buttons.A, playerIndex, out playerIndex );
            playerInput.ButtonBHit = input.IsNewButtonPress( Buttons.B, playerIndex, out playerIndex );
            playerInput.ButtonXHit = input.IsNewButtonPress( Buttons.X, playerIndex, out playerIndex );
            playerInput.ButtonYHit = input.IsNewButtonPress( Buttons.Y, playerIndex, out playerIndex );
            playerInput.ButtonADown = input.CurrentGamePadStates[(int)playerIndex].IsButtonDown( Buttons.A );
            playerInput.ButtonBDown = input.CurrentGamePadStates[(int)playerIndex].IsButtonDown( Buttons.B );
            if ( !playerInput.ButtonBDown )
              playerInput.ButtonBDown = input.CurrentGamePadStates[(int)playerIndex].IsButtonDown( Buttons.X );

            GamePadState gamePadState = input.CurrentGamePadStates[(int)playerIndex];

            playerInput.LeftTrigger = gamePadState.Triggers.Left;
            playerInput.RightTrigger = gamePadState.Triggers.Right;
            playerInput.LeftBumper = gamePadState.IsButtonDown( Buttons.LeftShoulder );
            playerInput.RightBumper = gamePadState.IsButtonDown( Buttons.RightShoulder );
            playerInput.LeftStick = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left;
            playerInput.LeftDpad = gamePadState.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed;
            playerInput.RightDpad = gamePadState.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed;
            playerInput.DownDpad = gamePadState.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed;
예제 #2
        public void GetInput( out PlayerInput playerInput )
              playerInput.ButtonAHit = false;
              playerInput.ButtonADown = false;
              playerInput.ButtonBHit = false;
              playerInput.ButtonBDown = false;
              playerInput.ButtonXHit = false;
              playerInput.ButtonYHit = ShouldUsePowerup;
              playerInput.LeftTrigger = 0;
              playerInput.RightTrigger = 0;
              playerInput.LeftStick = Vector2.Zero;
              playerInput.LeftDpad = false;
              playerInput.DownDpad = false;
              playerInput.RightDpad = false;
              playerInput.LeftBumper = false;
              playerInput.RightBumper = false;

              // No stage data yet
              if ( rows.Count == 0 || !player.Screen.CameraIsScrolling )

              // MOVEMENT
              //if falling through row
              //  try to align self with hole
              //else if row has been visible for x seconds
              //  find nearest hole
              //    set target to hole

              PhysCircle circle = player.BoundingCircle;

              // determine if falling through hole
              float rowsTraveled = ( player.Screen.FirstRow - circle.Position.Y ) / player.Screen.RowSpacing;
              float remainder = rowsTraveled - (float)Math.Floor( rowsTraveled );
              if ( remainder > .5f )
            remainder = 1f - remainder;
              float holeDist = ( FloorBlock.Height / 2 + circle.Radius ) / player.Screen.RowSpacing;

              if ( remainder < holeDist )
            if ( circle.Touching != null )
              playerInput.DownDpad = true;
            foreach ( KeyValuePair<float, int> row in rows )
              // TODO: Reaction time delay
              if ( row.Key < circle.Position.Y )
            Vector2 hole = GetNearestHole( row );
            if ( circle.Position.X < hole.X )
              playerInput.LeftStick.X = 1;
            else if ( circle.Position.X > hole.X )
              playerInput.LeftStick.X = -1;