private char _lastRealChar; // last non-comment char public void Reformat(IDocumentAccessor doc, IndentationSettings set) { Init(); while (doc.MoveNext()) { Step(doc, set); } }
public void Indent(IndentationSettings set) { Indent(set.IndentString); }
public void Step(IDocumentAccessor doc, IndentationSettings set) { var line = doc.Text; if (set.LeaveEmptyLines && line.Length == 0) { return; // leave empty lines empty } line = line.TrimStart(); var indent = new StringBuilder(); if (line.Length == 0) { // Special treatment for empty lines: if (_blockComment || (_inString && _verbatim)) { return; } indent.Append(_block.InnerIndent); indent.Append(Repeat(set.IndentString, _block.OneLineBlock)); if (doc.Text != indent.ToString()) { doc.Text = indent.ToString(); } return; } if (TrimEnd(doc)) { line = doc.Text.TrimStart(); } var oldBlock = _block; var startInComment = _blockComment; var startInString = (_inString && _verbatim); #region Parse char by char _lineComment = false; _inChar = false; _escape = false; if (!_verbatim) { _inString = false; } _lastRealChar = '\n'; var c = ' '; var nextchar = line[0]; for (var i = 0; i < line.Length; i++) { if (_lineComment) { break; // cancel parsing current line } var lastchar = c; c = nextchar; nextchar = i + 1 < line.Length ? line[i + 1] : '\n'; if (_escape) { _escape = false; continue; } #region Check for comment/string chars switch (c) { case '/': if (_blockComment && lastchar == '*') { _blockComment = false; } if (!_inString && !_inChar) { if (!_blockComment && nextchar == '/') { _lineComment = true; } if (!_lineComment && nextchar == '*') { _blockComment = true; } } break; case '#': if (!(_inChar || _blockComment || _inString)) { _lineComment = true; } break; case '"': if (!(_inChar || _lineComment || _blockComment)) { _inString = !_inString; if (!_inString && _verbatim) { if (nextchar == '"') { _escape = true; // skip escaped quote _inString = true; } else { _verbatim = false; } } else if (_inString && lastchar == '@') { _verbatim = true; } } break; case '\'': if (!(_inString || _lineComment || _blockComment)) { _inChar = !_inChar; } break; case '\\': if ((_inString && !_verbatim) || _inChar) { _escape = true; // skip next character } break; } #endregion if (_lineComment || _blockComment || _inString || _inChar) { if (_wordBuilder.Length > 0) { _block.LastWord = _wordBuilder.ToString(); } _wordBuilder.Length = 0; continue; } if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && c != '[' && c != '/') { if (_block.Bracket == '{') { _block.Continuation = true; } } if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)) { _wordBuilder.Append(c); } else { if (_wordBuilder.Length > 0) { _block.LastWord = _wordBuilder.ToString(); } _wordBuilder.Length = 0; } #region Push/Pop the blocks switch (c) { case '{': _block.ResetOneLineBlock(); _blocks.Push(_block); _block.StartLine = doc.LineNumber; if (_block.LastWord == "switch") { _block.Indent(set.IndentString + set.IndentString); /* oldBlock refers to the previous line, not the previous block * The block we want is not available anymore because it was never pushed. * } else if (oldBlock.OneLineBlock) { * // Inside a one-line-block is another statement * // with a full block: indent the inner full block * // by one additional level * block.Indent(set, set.IndentString + set.IndentString); * block.OuterIndent += set.IndentString; * // Indent current line if it starts with the '{' character * if (i == 0) { * oldBlock.InnerIndent += set.IndentString; * }*/ } else { _block.Indent(set); } _block.Bracket = '{'; break; case '}': while (_block.Bracket != '{') { if (_blocks.Count == 0) { break; } _block = _blocks.Pop(); } if (_blocks.Count == 0) { break; } _block = _blocks.Pop(); _block.Continuation = false; _block.ResetOneLineBlock(); break; case '(': case '[': _blocks.Push(_block); if (_block.StartLine == doc.LineNumber) { _block.InnerIndent = _block.OuterIndent; } else { _block.StartLine = doc.LineNumber; } _block.Indent(Repeat(set.IndentString, oldBlock.OneLineBlock) + (oldBlock.Continuation ? set.IndentString : "") + (i == line.Length - 1 ? set.IndentString : new string(' ', i + 1))); _block.Bracket = c; break; case ')': if (_blocks.Count == 0) { break; } if (_block.Bracket == '(') { _block = _blocks.Pop(); if (IsSingleStatementKeyword(_block.LastWord)) { _block.Continuation = false; } } break; case ']': if (_blocks.Count == 0) { break; } if (_block.Bracket == '[') { _block = _blocks.Pop(); } break; case ';': case ',': _block.Continuation = false; _block.ResetOneLineBlock(); break; case ':': if (_block.LastWord == "case" || line.StartsWith("case ", StringComparison.Ordinal) || line.StartsWith(_block.LastWord + ":", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _block.Continuation = false; _block.ResetOneLineBlock(); } break; } if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { // register this char as last char _lastRealChar = c; } #endregion } #endregion if (_wordBuilder.Length > 0) { _block.LastWord = _wordBuilder.ToString(); } _wordBuilder.Length = 0; if (startInString) { return; } if (startInComment && line[0] != '*') { return; } if (doc.Text.StartsWith("//\t", StringComparison.Ordinal) || doc.Text == "//") { return; } if (line[0] == '}') { indent.Append(oldBlock.OuterIndent); oldBlock.ResetOneLineBlock(); oldBlock.Continuation = false; } else { indent.Append(oldBlock.InnerIndent); } if (indent.Length > 0 && oldBlock.Bracket == '(' && line[0] == ')') { indent.Remove(indent.Length - 1, 1); } else if (indent.Length > 0 && oldBlock.Bracket == '[' && line[0] == ']') { indent.Remove(indent.Length - 1, 1); } if (line[0] == ':') { oldBlock.Continuation = true; } else if (_lastRealChar == ':' && indent.Length >= set.IndentString.Length) { if (_block.LastWord == "case" || line.StartsWith("case ", StringComparison.Ordinal) || line.StartsWith(_block.LastWord + ":", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { indent.Remove(indent.Length - set.IndentString.Length, set.IndentString.Length); } } else if (_lastRealChar == ')') { if (IsSingleStatementKeyword(_block.LastWord)) { _block.OneLineBlock++; } } else if (_lastRealChar == 'e' && _block.LastWord == "else") { _block.OneLineBlock = Math.Max(1, _block.PreviousOneLineBlock); _block.Continuation = false; oldBlock.OneLineBlock = _block.OneLineBlock - 1; } if (doc.IsReadOnly) { // We can't change the current line, but we should accept the existing // indentation if possible (=if the current statement is not a multiline // statement). if (!oldBlock.Continuation && oldBlock.OneLineBlock == 0 && oldBlock.StartLine == _block.StartLine && _block.StartLine < doc.LineNumber && _lastRealChar != ':') { // use indent StringBuilder to get the indentation of the current line indent.Length = 0; line = doc.Text; // get untrimmed line foreach (var t in line) { if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(t)) { break; } indent.Append(t); } // /* */ multiline comments have an extra space - do not count it // for the block's indentation. if (startInComment && indent.Length > 0 && indent[indent.Length - 1] == ' ') { indent.Length -= 1; } _block.InnerIndent = indent.ToString(); } return; } if (line[0] != '{') { if (line[0] != ')' && oldBlock.Continuation && oldBlock.Bracket == '{') { indent.Append(set.IndentString); } indent.Append(Repeat(set.IndentString, oldBlock.OneLineBlock)); } // this is only for blockcomment lines starting with *, // all others keep their old indentation if (startInComment) { indent.Append(' '); } if (indent.Length != (doc.Text.Length - line.Length) || !doc.Text.StartsWith(indent.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal) || char.IsWhiteSpace(doc.Text[indent.Length])) { doc.Text = indent + line; } }