예제 #1
        public void UpdatePin(IControl element, bool addPin)
            var parent = element.VisualParent;
            var child  = (IVisual)element;

            while (parent != null)
                if (parent is ItemsRepeater repeater)
                    var virtInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo((IControl)child);
                    if (virtInfo.IsRealized)
                        if (addPin)
                        else if (virtInfo.IsPinned)
                            if (virtInfo.RemovePin() == 0)
                                // ElementFactory is invoked during the measure pass.
                                // We will clear the element then.

                child  = parent;
                parent = child.VisualParent;
예제 #2
        public void ClearElementToElementFactory(IControl element)

            if (_owner.ItemTemplateShim != null)
                _owner.ItemTemplateShim.RecycleElement(_owner, element);
                // No ItemTemplate to recycle to, remove the element from the children collection.
                if (!_owner.Children.Remove(element))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("ItemsRepeater's child not found in its Children collection.");

            var virtInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);


            if (_lastFocusedElement == element)
                // Focused element is going away. Remove the tracked last focused element
                // and pick a reasonable next focus if we can find one within the layout
                // realized elements.
예제 #3
        private void UpdateFocusedElement()
            IControl?focusedElement = null;

            var child = FocusManager.Instance?.Current;

            if (child != null)
                var parent = child.VisualParent;
                var owner  = _owner;

                // Find out if the focused element belongs to one of our direct
                // children.
                while (parent != null)
                    if (parent is ItemsRepeater repeater)
                        var element = child as IControl;
                        if (repeater == owner &&
                            element is not null &&
                            focusedElement = element;


                    child  = parent as IInputElement;
                    parent = child?.VisualParent;

            // If the focused element has changed,
            // we need to unpin the old one and pin the new one.
            if (_lastFocusedElement != focusedElement)
                if (_lastFocusedElement != null)
                    UpdatePin(_lastFocusedElement, false /* addPin */);

                if (focusedElement != null)
                    UpdatePin(focusedElement, true /* addPin */);

                _lastFocusedElement = focusedElement;
예제 #4
        public void ClearElementToElementFactory(IControl element)
            var virtInfo     = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
            var clearedIndex = virtInfo.Index;

            _owner.ItemTemplateShim.RecycleElement(_owner, element);


            if (_lastFocusedElement == element)
                // Focused element is going away. Remove the tracked last focused element
                // and pick a reasonable next focus if we can find one within the layout
                // realized elements.
예제 #5
        private IControl GetElementFromUniqueIdResetPool(int index)
            IControl element = null;

            // See if you can get it from the reset pool.
            if (_isDataSourceStableResetPending)
                element = _resetPool.Remove(index);
                if (element != null)
                    // Make sure that the index is updated to the current one
                    var virtInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
                    UpdateElementIndex(element, virtInfo, index);

예제 #6
        // We need to clear the datacontext to prevent crashes from happening,
        //  however we only do that if we were the ones setting it.
        // That is when one of the following is the case (numbering taken from line ~642):
        // 1.2    No ItemTemplate, data is not a UIElement
        // 2.1    ItemTemplate, data is not FrameworkElement
        // 2.2.2  Itemtemplate, data is FrameworkElement, ElementFactory returned Element different to data
        // In all of those three cases, we the ItemTemplateShim is NOT null.
        // Luckily when we create the items, we store whether we were the once setting the DataContext.
        public void ClearElementToElementFactory(IControl element)

            var virtInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);


            // During creation of this object, we were the one setting the DataContext, so clear it now.
            if (virtInfo.MustClearDataContext)
                element.DataContext = null;

            if (_owner.ItemTemplateShim != null)
                var context = _elementFactoryRecycleArgs ??= new ElementFactoryRecycleArgs();
                context.Element = element;
                context.Parent  = _owner;


                context.Element = null;
                context.Parent  = null;
                // No ItemTemplate to recycle to, remove the element from the children collection.
                if (!_owner.Children.Remove(element))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("ItemsRepeater's child not found in its Children collection.");

            if (_lastFocusedElement == element)
                // Focused element is going away. Remove the tracked last focused element
                // and pick a reasonable next focus if we can find one within the layout
                // realized elements.
예제 #7
        public void ClearElement(IControl element, bool isClearedDueToCollectionChange)
            var  virtInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
            var  index    = virtInfo.Index;
            bool cleared  =
                ClearElementToUniqueIdResetPool(element, virtInfo) ||
                ClearElementToPinnedPool(element, virtInfo, isClearedDueToCollectionChange);

            if (!cleared)

            // Both First and Last indices need to be valid or default.
            if (index == _firstRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout && index == _lastRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout)
                // First and last were pointing to the same element and that is going away.
            else if (index == _firstRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout)
                // The FirstElement is going away, shrink the range by one.
            else if (index == _lastRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout)
                // Last element is going away, shrink the range by one at the end.
                // Index is either outside the range we are keeping track of or inside the range.
                // In both these cases, we just keep the range we have. If this clear was due to
                // a collection change, then in the CollectionChanged event, we will invalidate these guys.
예제 #8
 public PinnedElementInfo(IControl element)
     PinnedElement      = element;
     VirtualizationInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
예제 #9
        public void OnItemsSourceChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
            // Note: For items that have been removed, the index will not be touched. It will hold
            // the old index before it was removed. It is not valid anymore.
            switch (args.Action)
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                var newIndex = args.NewStartingIndex;
                var newCount = args.NewItems.Count;
                if (newIndex <= _lastRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout)
                    _lastRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout += newCount;
                    foreach (var element in _owner.Children)
                        var virtInfo  = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
                        var dataIndex = virtInfo.Index;

                        if (virtInfo.IsRealized && dataIndex >= newIndex)
                            UpdateElementIndex(element, virtInfo, dataIndex + newCount);
                    // Indices held by layout are not affected
                    // We could still have items in the pinned elements that need updates. This is usually a very small vector.
                    for (var i = 0; i < _pinnedPool.Count; ++i)
                        var elementInfo = _pinnedPool[i];
                        var virtInfo    = elementInfo.VirtualizationInfo;
                        var dataIndex   = virtInfo.Index;

                        if (virtInfo.IsRealized && dataIndex >= newIndex)
                            var element = elementInfo.PinnedElement;
                            UpdateElementIndex(element, virtInfo, dataIndex + newCount);

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                // Requirement: oldStartIndex == newStartIndex. It is not a replace if this is not true.
                // Two cases here
                // case 1: oldCount == newCount
                //         indices are not affected. nothing to do here.
                // case 2: oldCount != newCount
                //         Replaced with less or more items. This is like an insert or remove
                //         depending on the counts.
                var oldStartIndex    = args.OldStartingIndex;
                var newStartingIndex = args.NewStartingIndex;
                var oldCount         = args.OldItems.Count;
                var newCount         = args.NewItems.Count;
                if (oldStartIndex != newStartingIndex)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Replace is only allowed with OldStartingIndex equals to NewStartingIndex.");

                if (oldCount == 0)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Replace notification with args.OldItemsCount value of 0 is not allowed. Use Insert action instead.");

                if (newCount == 0)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Replace notification with args.NewItemCount value of 0 is not allowed. Use Remove action instead.");

                int countChange = newCount - oldCount;
                if (countChange != 0)
                    // countChange > 0 : countChange items were added
                    // countChange < 0 : -countChange  items were removed
                    foreach (var element in _owner.Children)
                        var virtInfo  = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
                        var dataIndex = virtInfo.Index;

                        if (virtInfo.IsRealized)
                            if (dataIndex >= oldStartIndex + oldCount)
                                UpdateElementIndex(element, virtInfo, dataIndex + countChange);

                    _lastRealizedElementIndexHeldByLayout += countChange;

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                var oldStartIndex = args.OldStartingIndex;
                var oldCount      = args.OldItems.Count;
                foreach (var element in _owner.Children)
                    var virtInfo  = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
                    var dataIndex = virtInfo.Index;

                    if (virtInfo.IsRealized)
                        if (virtInfo.AutoRecycleCandidate && oldStartIndex <= dataIndex && dataIndex < oldStartIndex + oldCount)
                            // If we are doing the mapping, remove the element who's data was removed.
                        else if (dataIndex >= (oldStartIndex + oldCount))
                            UpdateElementIndex(element, virtInfo, dataIndex - oldCount);


            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
                if (_owner.ItemsSourceView.HasKeyIndexMapping)
                    _isDataSourceStableResetPending = true;

                // Walk through all the elements and make sure they are cleared, they will go into
                // the stable id reset pool.
                foreach (var element in _owner.Children)
                    var virtInfo = ItemsRepeater.GetVirtualizationInfo(element);
                    if (virtInfo.IsRealized && virtInfo.AutoRecycleCandidate)
