//This loads the invoice (or return) located at the specified path and returns a GetTaxRequest object for tax calculation.
        public static GetTaxRequest Load()
            GetTaxRequest req = new GetTaxRequest();
            //loads the invoice file
            string[] txtInv = File.ReadAllLines("INV0001.txt");

            //Parses header-level data from the invoice file
            req.DocCode = txtInv[0].Split(':')[1] + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            req.CustomerCode = txtInv[1].Split(':')[1];
            req.DocDate = "2012-07-07";//txtInv[3].Split(':')[1];
            req.DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice;

            string[] shipto = txtInv[10].Split(':')[1].Split(',');

            req.Addresses = new Address[2]; //We will need to pass in two addresses, our origin and destination.
            //Parse our destiniation address
            Address dest = new Address();
            dest.AddressCode = "01";
            dest.Line1 = shipto[0];
            dest.City = shipto[1];
            dest.Region = shipto[2];
            dest.PostalCode = shipto[3];

            //Add the address to our request object.
            req.Addresses[0] = new Address();
            req.Addresses[0] = dest;
            //Hardcodes the origin address for the GetTaxRequest. This should be your warehouse or company address, and should not be hardcoded.
            req.Addresses[1] = new Address();
            req.Addresses[1].AddressCode = "02";
            req.Addresses[1].Line1 = "PO Box 123";
            req.Addresses[1].City = "Bainbridge Island";
            req.Addresses[1].Region = "WA";
            req.Addresses[1].PostalCode = "98110";

            //create array of line items
            req.Lines = new Line[txtInv.Length - 12];

            //Iterate through line items on transaction and add them to the request
            for (int i = 1; txtInv.Length > 12 + i; i++)
                string[] item = txtInv[12 + i].Split(',');
                req.Lines[i] = new Line();
                req.Lines[i].LineNo = item[0];
                req.Lines[i].ItemCode = item[1];
                req.Lines[i].Qty = Convert.ToDecimal(item[3]);
                req.Lines[i].Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(item[4]) * req.Lines[i].Qty;
                req.Lines[i].OriginCode = "02";
                req.Lines[i].DestinationCode = "01";

            //Pull the freight line from the header information and add to the request as an additional line item
            req.Lines[0] = new Line();
            req.Lines[0].ItemCode = "Shipping";
            req.Lines[0].Qty = 1;
            req.Lines[0].LineNo = "FR";
            req.Lines[0].Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtInv[7].Split(':')[1]);
            req.Lines[0].OriginCode = "02";
            req.Lines[0].DestinationCode = "01";
            return req;
        static void Main()
            GetTaxRequest calcReq = DocumentLoader.Load(); //Loads document from file to generate request

            //Run address validation test (address/validate)
                ValidateResult addressResult = ValidateAddress.Validate(calcReq.Addresses[0], ACCTNUM, KEY, WEBADDR); //Validates a given address.
                Console.Write("ValidateAddress test result: " + addressResult.ResultCode.ToString() + " >> ");
                if (addressResult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success))
                    Console.WriteLine("Address=" + addressResult.Address.Line1 + " " + addressResult.Address.City + " " + addressResult.Address.Region + " " + addressResult.Address.PostalCode);//At this point, you would display the validated result to the user for approval, and write it to the customer record.
            catch (Exception ex)
            { Console.WriteLine("ValidateAddress Exception: " + ex.Message); }

            //Run tax calculation test (tax/get POST)
                GetTaxResult calcresult = GetTax.Get(calcReq, ACCTNUM, KEY, COMPANYCODE, WEBADDR); //Calculates tax on document
                Console.Write("GetTax test result: " + calcresult.ResultCode.ToString() + " >> ");
                if (calcresult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success))
                    Console.WriteLine("TotalTax=" + calcresult.TotalTax.ToString()); //At this point, you would write the tax calculated to your database and display to the user.
            catch (Exception ex)
            { Console.WriteLine("GetTax Exception: " + ex.Message); }

            //Run cancel tax test (tax/cancel)
                CancelTaxResult cancelresult = CancelTax.Cancel(calcReq, ACCTNUM, KEY, COMPANYCODE, WEBADDR); //Let's void this document to demonstrate tax/cancel
                //You would normally initiate a tax/cancel call upon voiding or deleting the document in your system.
                Console.Write("CancelTax test result: " + cancelresult.ResultCode.ToString() + " >> ");
                //Let's display the result of the cancellation. At this point, you would allow your system to complete the delete/void.
                if (cancelresult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success))
                    Console.WriteLine("Document Cancelled");
            catch (Exception ex)
            { Console.WriteLine("CancelTax Exception: " + ex.Message); }

예제 #3
        //This calls CancelTax to void a transaction specified in taxreq
        public static CancelTaxResult Cancel(GetTaxRequest taxReq, string acctNum, string licKey, string companyCode, string webAddr)
            CancelTaxRequest req = new CancelTaxRequest();

            req.CompanyCode = taxReq.CompanyCode;
            req.DocCode     = taxReq.DocCode;
            req.DocType     = taxReq.DocType;
            req.CancelCode  = CancelCode.DocVoided;

            //Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            namesp.Add("", "");
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
            XmlSerializer x  = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            x.Serialize(XmlTextWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            //Call the service
            Uri            address = new Uri(webAddr + "tax/cancel");
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;

            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acctNum + ":" + licKey)));
            request.Method        = "POST";
            request.ContentType   = "text/xml";
            request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();

            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            CancelTaxResponse cancelResponse = new CancelTaxResponse();

                WebResponse   response = request.GetResponse();
                XmlSerializer r        = new XmlSerializer(cancelResponse.GetType());
                cancelResponse = (CancelTaxResponse)r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(cancelResponse.GetType());
                cancelResponse = (CancelTaxResponse)r.Deserialize(((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).GetResponseStream());
                if (cancelResponse.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Error)) //If the error is returned at the cancelResponse level, translate it to the cancelResult.
                    cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult            = new CancelTaxResult();
                    cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult.ResultCode = cancelResponse.ResultCode;
                    cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult.Messages   = cancelResponse.Messages;
예제 #4
        // This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public GetTaxResult GetTax(GetTaxRequest req)
            var jsonRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req);

            // Call the service
            var address = new Uri(svcURL + "tax/get");
            var request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;

            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(accountNum + ":" + license)));
            request.Method        = "POST";
            request.ContentType   = "text/json";
            request.ContentLength = jsonRequest.Length;
            var newStream = request.GetRequestStream();

            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonRequest), 0, jsonRequest.Length);

            var result = new GetTaxResult();

                using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                    // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
                    newStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(newStream))
                        result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GetTaxResult>(reader.ReadToEnd());
            catch (WebException ex)
                if (ex.Response == null)
                    result.ResultCode = SeverityLevel.Error;
                    result.Messages   = new[] { new Message {
                                                    Severity = SeverityLevel.Error, Summary = ex.Message
                                                } };

                using (var response = ex.Response)
                    using (var data = response.GetResponseStream())
                        // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(data))
                            result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GetTaxResult>(reader.ReadToEnd());
예제 #5
        // This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public GetTaxResult GetTax(GetTaxRequest req)
            var jsonRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req);
            // Call the service
            var address = new Uri(svcURL + "tax/get");
            var request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;
            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(accountNum + ":" + license)));
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "text/json";
            request.ContentLength = jsonRequest.Length;
            var newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonRequest), 0, jsonRequest.Length);
            var result = new GetTaxResult();
                using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                    // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
                    newStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(newStream))
                        result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetTaxResult>(reader.ReadToEnd());
            catch (WebException ex)
                if (ex.Response == null)
                    result.ResultCode = SeverityLevel.Error;
                    result.Messages = new[] { new Message { Severity = SeverityLevel.Error, Summary = ex.Message } };
                    return result;

                using (var response = ex.Response)
                    using (var data = response.GetResponseStream())
                        // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(data))
                            result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetTaxResult>(reader.ReadToEnd());
            return result;
        //This calls CancelTax to void a transaction specified in taxreq
        public static CancelTaxResult Cancel(GetTaxRequest taxReq, string acctNum, string licKey, string companyCode, string webAddr)
            CancelTaxRequest req = new CancelTaxRequest();
            req.CompanyCode = taxReq.CompanyCode;
            req.DocCode = taxReq.DocCode;
            req.DocType = taxReq.DocType;
            req.CancelCode = CancelCode.DocVoided;

            //Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            namesp.Add("", "");
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
            XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            x.Serialize(XmlTextWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //Call the service
            Uri address = new Uri(webAddr + "tax/cancel");
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;
            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acctNum + ":" + licKey)));
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "text/xml";
            request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            CancelTaxResponse cancelResponse = new CancelTaxResponse();
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(cancelResponse.GetType());
                cancelResponse = (CancelTaxResponse)r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(cancelResponse.GetType());
                cancelResponse = (CancelTaxResponse)r.Deserialize(((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).GetResponseStream());
                if(cancelResponse.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Error)) //If the error is returned at the cancelResponse level, translate it to the cancelResult.
                    cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult = new CancelTaxResult();
                    cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult.ResultCode = cancelResponse.ResultCode;
                    cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult.Messages = cancelResponse.Messages;
            return cancelResponse.CancelTaxResult;
예제 #7
        //This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public static GetTaxResult Get(GetTaxRequest req, string acctNum, string licKey, string companyCode, string webAddr)
            //Company Code is ususally maintiained with the account credentials, so it's passed in to this function even though it's included in the body of the GetTaxRequest.
            req.CompanyCode = companyCode;

            //Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            namesp.Add("", "");
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
            XmlSerializer x  = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            x.Serialize(XmlTextWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            //Call the service
            Uri            address = new Uri(webAddr + "tax/get");
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;

            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acctNum + ":" + licKey)));
            request.Method        = "POST";
            request.ContentType   = "text/xml";
            request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();

            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            GetTaxResult result = new GetTaxResult();

                WebResponse   response = request.GetResponse();
                XmlSerializer r        = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize(((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).GetResponseStream());
예제 #8
        // This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public GetTaxResult GetTax(GetTaxRequest req)
            // Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            namesp.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
            XmlSerializer x  = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            x.Serialize(XmlTextWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            // Call the service
            Uri            address = new Uri(svcURL + "tax/get");
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;

            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(accountNum + ":" + license)));
            request.Method        = "POST";
            request.ContentType   = "text/xml";
            request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();

            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            GetTaxResult result = new GetTaxResult();

                WebResponse   response = request.GetResponse();
                XmlSerializer r        = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize((ex.Response).GetResponseStream());

예제 #9
        //This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public static GetTaxResult Get(GetTaxRequest req, string acctNum, string licKey, string companyCode, string webAddr)
            //Company Code is ususally maintiained with the account credentials, so it's passed in to this function even though it's included in the body of the GetTaxRequest.
            req.CompanyCode = companyCode;

            //Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            namesp.Add("", "");
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
            XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            x.Serialize(XmlTextWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //Call the service
            Uri address = new Uri(webAddr + "tax/get");
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;
            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acctNum + ":" + licKey)));
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "text/xml";
            request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            GetTaxResult result = new GetTaxResult();
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize(((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).GetResponseStream());
            return result;
예제 #10
        // This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public GetTaxResult GetTax(GetTaxRequest req)
            // Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            namesp.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
            XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            x.Serialize(XmlTextWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Call the service
            Uri address = new Uri(svcURL + "tax/get");
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;
            request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(accountNum + ":" + license)));
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "text/xml";
            request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            newStream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            GetTaxResult result = new GetTaxResult();
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult)r.Deserialize((ex.Response).GetResponseStream());

            return result;
        //This loads some test data and returns a GetTaxRequest object for tax calculation.
        //TODO: These values should not be hardcoded in your integration. You will need to map to the values appropriate to your system.
        public static GetTaxRequest Load()
            GetTaxRequest getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest();

            //Document Level Setup
            //	     R: indicates Required Element
            //	     O: Indicates Optional Element

            // Set the tax document properties - Required unless noted as Optional
            //getTaxRequest.CompanyCode = "SDK";                              // R: Company Code from the Admin Console. This is passed in to the GetTax.Get function, since it is information typically maintained with the credentials.
            getTaxRequest.Client = "AvaTaxCalcRESTCsharp Sample";
            DateTime docDate = DateTime.Today;
            getTaxRequest.DocCode = "SampleDoc: " + docDate.ToString();  	// R: Invoice or document tracking number - Must be unique
            getTaxRequest.DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice;                	// R: Typically SalesOrder,SalesInvoice, ReturnInvoice
            getTaxRequest.DocDate = docDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");         // R:  sets reporting date and default tax date
            getTaxRequest.CustomerCode = "TaxSvcTest";                   	// R: String - Customer Tracking number or Exemption Customer Code
            getTaxRequest.DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax;             		// R: Chose Summary, Document, Line or Tax - varying levels of results detail
            getTaxRequest.Commit = false;                           		// O: Default is "false" - Set to "true" to commit the Document
            //getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType="G";						    // O: Send for tax exempt transactions only.
            //getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo="12334";						    // O: Send for tax exempt transactions only.
            //getTaxRequest.Discount=0;									    // O: Send for document-level discounts only.
            getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = "PO 23423";					    // O: Specifies the purchase order number associated with the transaction. This value can be used to track single-use exemption certficates.
            getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = "";								// O: This is a reportable value that does not affect tax calculation.
            getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "";								    // O: This is a reportable value that does not affect tax calculation.
            //getTaxRequest.TaxOverride=new TaxOverrideDef();			    // O: Allows the TaxDate =or other values) to be overridden for tax calculation. Situational only.
            //getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo="";				    // O: Specified VAT ID of customer for international/VAT calculations and reporting.

            //	          Begin Address Section
            //	          Add the origin and destination addresses referred to by the
            //	          "setOriginCode" and "setDestinationCode" properties above.

            Address origin = new Address();
            origin.AddressCode = "Origin";
            origin.Line1 = "Avalara";
            origin.Line2 = "100 Ravine Lane NE";
            origin.Line3 = "Suite 220";
            origin.City = "Bainbridge Island";
            origin.Region = "WA";
            origin.PostalCode = "98110";
            origin.Country = "USA";

            Address destination = new Address();
            destination.AddressCode = "Dest";
            destination.Line1 = "7462 Kearny Street";
            destination.City = "Commerce City";
            destination.Region = "CO";
            destination.PostalCode = "80022";
            destination.Country = "USA";

            Address[] addresses = { origin, destination };

            // Alternate:  Latitude / Longitude addressing
            //	            Address origin = new BaseAddress=;
            //	            origin.AddressCode="Origin";
            //	            origin.Latitude="47.6253";
            //	            origin.Longitude="-122.515114";
            //	            Address destination = new BaseAddress=;
            //	            destination.AddressCode="Destination";
            //	            destination.Latitude="39.833597";
            //	            destination.Longitude="-104.917220";
            //				Address[] addresses = {origin, destination};

            //	          End Address Section

            getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses;

            // Add invoice lines

            Line line1 = new Line();                                        // New instance of a line
            line1.LineNo = "101";                                           // R: string - line Number of invoice - must be unique.
            line1.ItemCode = "Item001";                                     // R: string - SKU or short name of Item
            line1.Qty = 1;                                                  // R: decimal - The number of items -- Qty of product sold. Does not function as a mulitplier for Amount
            line1.Amount = 1000;                                            // R: decimal - the "NET" amount -- Amount should be the 'extended' or 'net' amount
            line1.CustomerUsageType = "";                                   // O: string - AKA Entity Use Code - Typically A - L =G = Reseller)
            line1.Description = "ITEM1";                                    // O: string - Description or category of item sold.
            line1.TaxCode = "";                                             // O: string - Pass standard, custom or Pro-Tax code
                                                                            //              Can be NULL to default to tangible personal property =P0000000)
            line1.OriginCode = "Origin";                      	            // R: Value representing the Origin Address
            line1.DestinationCode = "Dest";                 	  	        // R: Value representing the Destination Address

            //Line 2 - Shipping/Freight line - See property descriptions above
            Line line2 = new Line();                                        // New instance of a line
            line2.LineNo = "102";                                           // R: string - SKU or short name of Item
            line2.ItemCode = "Shipping";                                    // R: string - SKU or short name of Item
            line2.Description = "Shipping- Freight Charges";                // O: string - Description or category of item sold.
            line2.Qty = 1;                                                  // R: decimal - The number of items -- Qty of product sold. Does not function as a mulitplier for Amount
            line2.Amount = 10;                                              // R: decimal - the "NET" amount -- Amount should be the 'extended' or 'net' amount
            line2.TaxCode = "FR";                                           // O: string - Pass standard, custom or Pro-Tax code FR020100
            line2.OriginCode = "Origin";                      	            // R: Value representing the Origin Address
            line2.DestinationCode = "Dest";                 	  	        // R: Value representing the Destination Address

            Line[] lines = { line1, line2 };
            getTaxRequest.Lines = lines;                                    // Sets array of lines

            return getTaxRequest;
        public static GetTaxRequest ToAvaTaxRequest(this TaxEvaluationContext evalContext, string companyCode, bool commit = false)
            if (evalContext.Address != null && evalContext.Lines != null && evalContext.Lines.Any())
                // Document Level Elements
                // Required Request Parameters
                var getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest
                    CustomerCode = evalContext.Customer.Id,
                    DocDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    CompanyCode = companyCode,
                    Client = "VirtoCommerce,2.x,VirtoCommerce",
                    DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax,
                    Commit = commit,
                    DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice,
                    DocCode = evalContext.Id,
                    CurrencyCode = evalContext.Currency.ToString()

                // Best Practice Request Parameters

                // Situational Request Parameters
                // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
                // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
                // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
                // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

                // Optional Request Parameters
                //getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = order.Number;
                //getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = "ref123456";
                //getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "09";

                //add customer tax exemption code to cart if exists
                getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = evalContext.Customer.GetDynamicPropertyValue("Tax exempt", string.Empty);

                string destinationAddressIndex = "0";

                // Address Data
                var addresses = new List<Address>{
                    new Address
                        AddressCode = evalContext.Address.AddressType.ToString(),
                        Line1 = evalContext.Address.Line1,
                        City = evalContext.Address.City,
                        Region = evalContext.Address.RegionName ?? evalContext.Address.RegionId,
                        PostalCode = evalContext.Address.PostalCode,
                        Country = evalContext.Address.CountryName
                    } };
                getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses.ToArray();

                // Line Data
                // Required Parameters

                getTaxRequest.Lines = evalContext.Lines.Select(li =>
                    new Line
                        LineNo = li.Id,
                        ItemCode = li.Code,
                        Qty = li.Amount,
                        Amount = li.Price * li.Amount,
                        OriginCode = destinationAddressIndex, //TODO set origin address (fulfillment?)
                        DestinationCode = destinationAddressIndex,
                        Description = li.Name,
                        TaxCode = li.TaxType
                return getTaxRequest;
            return null;
예제 #13
        public static GetTaxRequest ToAvaTaxRequest(
            this VirtoCommerce.Domain.Cart.Model.ShoppingCart cart,
            string companyCode,
            bool commit = false)
            if (cart.Addresses != null && cart.Addresses.Any() && cart.Items != null && cart.Items.Any())
                var getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest
                    CustomerCode = cart.CustomerId,
                    DocDate = cart.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString(),
                    CompanyCode = companyCode,
                    Client = "VirtoCommerce,2.x,VirtoCommerce",
                    DocCode = cart.Id,
                    DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax,
                    Commit = false,
                    DocType = DocType.SalesOrder

                // Document Level Elements
                // Required Request Parameters

                // Best Practice Request Parameters

                // Situational Request Parameters
                // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
                // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
                // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
                // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

                // Optional Request Parameters
                //getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = order.Id;
                //getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = "ref123456";
                //getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "09";
                //getTaxRequest.CurrencyCode = order.Currency.ToString();

                // Address Data
                string destinationAddressIndex = "0";

                // Address Data
                var addresses = new List<Address>();

                foreach (var address in cart.Addresses.Select((x, i) => new { Value = x, Index = i }))

                        new Address
                            AddressCode = address.Index.ToString(),
                            Line1 = address.Value.Line1,
                            City = address.Value.City,
                            Region = address.Value.RegionName ?? address.Value.RegionId,
                            PostalCode = address.Value.PostalCode,
                            Country = address.Value.CountryName

                    if (address.Value.AddressType == AddressType.Shipping
                        || address.Value.AddressType == AddressType.Shipping)
                        destinationAddressIndex = address.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses;

                // Line Data
                // Required Parameters

                getTaxRequest.Lines = cart.Items.Select((x, i) => new { Value = x, Index = i }).Select(li =>
                    new Line
                        LineNo = li.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        ItemCode = li.Value.ProductId,
                        Qty = li.Value.Quantity,
                        Amount = li.Value.PlacedPrice,
                        OriginCode = destinationAddressIndex, //TODO set origin address (fulfillment?)
                        DestinationCode = destinationAddressIndex,
                        Description = li.Value.Name,
                        TaxCode = li.Value.Product.TaxType
                return getTaxRequest;

            return null;
        public static GetTaxRequest ToAvaTaxAdjustmentRequest(this VirtoCommerce.Domain.Order.Model.CustomerOrder modifiedOrder, string companyCode, Contact contact, VirtoCommerce.Domain.Order.Model.CustomerOrder originalOrder, bool commit = false)
            if (modifiedOrder.Addresses != null && modifiedOrder.Addresses.Any() && originalOrder.Items != null && originalOrder.Items.Any())
                // Document Level Elements
                // Required Request Parameters
                var getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest
                    CustomerCode = modifiedOrder.CustomerId,
                    DocDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    CompanyCode = companyCode,
                    Client = "VirtoCommerce,2.x,VirtoCommerce",
                    DocCode = string.Format("{0}.{1}", originalOrder.Number, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yy-MM-dd-hh-mm")),
                    DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax,
                    Commit = commit,
                    DocType = DocType.ReturnInvoice,
                    TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef
                        TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate",
                        Reason = "Adjustment for return",
                        TaxDate = originalOrder.CreatedDate == DateTime.MinValue
                            ? DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                            : originalOrder.CreatedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TaxAmount = "0"

                // Best Practice Request Parameters

                // Situational Request Parameters
                // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
                // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
                // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243"; //for VAT tax calculations
                // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;

                // Optional Request Parameters
                //getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = order.Number;
                getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = originalOrder.Number;
                //getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "09";
                getTaxRequest.CurrencyCode = modifiedOrder.Currency.ToString();

                //add customer tax exemption code to cart if exists
                getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = contact.GetDynamicPropertyValue("Tax exempt", string.Empty);

                string destinationAddressIndex = "0";

                // Address Data
                var addresses = new List<Address>();

                foreach (var address in modifiedOrder.Addresses.Select((x, i) => new { Value = x, Index = i }))
                    addresses.Add(new Address
                        AddressCode = address.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Line1 = address.Value.Line1,
                        City = address.Value.City,
                        Region = address.Value.RegionName ?? address.Value.RegionId,
                        PostalCode = address.Value.PostalCode,
                        Country = address.Value.CountryName

                    if (address.Value.AddressType == AddressType.Shipping
                        || address.Value.AddressType == AddressType.Shipping)
                        destinationAddressIndex = address.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses.ToArray();

                // Line Data
                // Required Parameters

                getTaxRequest.Lines = originalOrder.Items.Where(i => !modifiedOrder.Items.Any(mli => mli.Id.Equals(i.Id)) || i.Quantity > (modifiedOrder.Items.Single(oi => oi.Id.Equals(i.Id)).Quantity)).Select(li =>
                    new Line
                        LineNo = li.Id,
                        ItemCode = li.ProductId,
                        Qty = modifiedOrder.Items.Any(mli => mli.Id.Equals(li.Id)) ? Math.Abs(li.Quantity - modifiedOrder.Items.Single(oi => oi.Id.Equals(li.Id)).Quantity) : li.Quantity,
                        Amount = modifiedOrder.Items.Any(mli => mli.Id.Equals(li.Id)) ? -(li.Price * li.Quantity - modifiedOrder.Items.Single(oi => oi.Id.Equals(li.Id)).Price * modifiedOrder.Items.Single(mli => mli.Id.Equals(li.Id)).Quantity) : -li.Price * li.Quantity,
                        OriginCode = destinationAddressIndex, //TODO set origin address (fulfillment?)
                        DestinationCode = destinationAddressIndex,
                        Description = li.Name,
                        TaxCode = li.TaxType

                return getTaxRequest;
            return null;
        public static GetTaxRequest ToAvaTaxRequest(this VirtoCommerce.Domain.Order.Model.CustomerOrder order, string companyCode, Contact contact, bool commit = false)
            if (order.Addresses != null && order.Addresses.Any() && order.Items != null && order.Items.Any())
                // Document Level Elements
                // Required Request Parameters
                var getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest
                    CustomerCode = order.CustomerId,
                    DocDate =
                        order.CreatedDate == DateTime.MinValue
                            ? DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                            : order.CreatedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    CompanyCode = companyCode,
                    Client = "VirtoCommerce,2.x,VirtoCommerce",
                    DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax,
                    Commit = commit,
                    DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice,
                    DocCode = order.Number,
                    CurrencyCode = order.Currency.ToString()

                // Best Practice Request Parameters

                // Situational Request Parameters
                // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
                // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
                // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
                // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
                // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

                // Optional Request Parameters
                //getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = order.Number;
                //getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = "ref123456";
                //getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "09";

                //add customer tax exemption code to cart if exists
                getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = contact.GetDynamicPropertyValue("Tax exempt", string.Empty);

                string destinationAddressIndex = "0";

                // Address Data
                var addresses = new List<Address>();

                foreach (var address in order.Addresses.Select((x, i) => new { Value = x, Index = i }))
                    addresses.Add(new Address
                        AddressCode = address.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Line1 = address.Value.Line1,
                        City = address.Value.City,
                        Region = address.Value.RegionName ?? address.Value.RegionId,
                        PostalCode = address.Value.PostalCode,
                        Country = address.Value.CountryName

                    if (address.Value.AddressType == AddressType.Shipping
                        || address.Value.AddressType == AddressType.Shipping)
                        destinationAddressIndex = address.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses.ToArray();

                // Line Data
                // Required Parameters

                getTaxRequest.Lines = order.Items.Select(li =>
                    new Line
                        LineNo = li.Id,
                        ItemCode = li.ProductId,
                        Qty = li.Quantity,
                        Amount = li.Price * li.Quantity,
                        OriginCode = destinationAddressIndex, //TODO set origin address (fulfillment?)
                        DestinationCode = destinationAddressIndex,
                        Description = li.Name,
                        TaxCode = li.TaxType

                //Add shipments as lines
                if (order.Shipments != null && order.Shipments.Any())
                    order.Shipments.ForEach(sh =>
                    getTaxRequest.Lines.Add(new Line
                        LineNo = sh.Id ?? sh.ShipmentMethodCode,
                        ItemCode = sh.ShipmentMethodCode,
                        Qty = 1,
                        Amount = sh.Sum,
                        OriginCode = destinationAddressIndex, //TODO set origin address (fulfillment?)
                        DestinationCode = destinationAddressIndex,
                        Description = sh.ShipmentMethodCode,
                        TaxCode = sh.TaxType ?? "FR"

                return getTaxRequest;
            return null;
예제 #16
        public static void Test()
            // Header Level Elements
            // Required Header Level Elements
            string accountNumber = "1234567890";
            string licenseKey = "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8";
            string serviceURL = "https://development.avalara.net";

            TaxSvc taxSvc = new TaxSvc(accountNumber, licenseKey, serviceURL);

            GetTaxRequest getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest();

            // Document Level Elements
            // Required Request Parameters
            getTaxRequest.CustomerCode = "ABC4335";
            getTaxRequest.DocDate = "2014-01-01";

            // Best Practice Request Parameters
            getTaxRequest.CompanyCode = "APITrialCompany";
            getTaxRequest.Client = "AvaTaxSample";
            getTaxRequest.DocCode = "INV001";
            getTaxRequest.DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax;
            getTaxRequest.Commit = false;
            getTaxRequest.DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice;

            // Situational Request Parameters
            // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
            // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
            // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

            // Optional Request Parameters
            getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = "PO123456";
            getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode = "ref123456";
            getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode = "09";
            getTaxRequest.CurrencyCode = "USD";

            // Address Data
            Address address1 = new Address();
            address1.AddressCode = "01";
            address1.Line1 = "45 Fremont Street";
            address1.City = "San Francisco";
            address1.Region = "CA";

            Address address2 = new Address();
            address2.AddressCode = "02";
            address2.Line1 = "118 N Clark St";
            address2.Line2 = "Suite 100";
            address2.Line3 = "ATTN Accounts Payable";
            address2.City = "Chicago";
            address2.Region = "IL";
            address2.Country = "US";
            address2.PostalCode = "60602";

            Address address3 = new Address();
            address3.AddressCode = "03";
            address3.Latitude = (decimal)47.627935;
            address3.Longitude = (decimal)-122.51702;
            Address[] addresses = { address1, address2, address3 };
            getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses;

            // Line Data
            // Required Parameters
            Line line1 = new Line();
            line1.LineNo = "01";
            line1.ItemCode = "N543";
            line1.Qty = 1;
            line1.Amount = 10;
            line1.OriginCode = "01";
            line1.DestinationCode = "02";

            // Best Practice Request Parameters
            line1.Description = "Red Size 7 Widget";
            line1.TaxCode = "NT";

            // Situational Request Parameters
            // line1.CustomerUsageType = "L";
            // line1.Discounted = true;
            // line1.TaxIncluded = true;
            // line1.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
            // line1.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

            // Optional Request Parameters
            line1.Ref1 = "ref123";
            line1.Ref2 = "ref456";

            Line line2 = new Line();
            line2.LineNo = "02";
            line2.ItemCode = "T345";
            line2.Qty = 3;
            line2.Amount = 150;
            line2.OriginCode = "01";
            line2.DestinationCode = "03";
            line2.Description = "Size 10 Green Running Shoe";
            line2.TaxCode = "PC030147";

            Line line3 = new Line();
            line3.LineNo = "02-FR";
            line3.ItemCode = "FREIGHT";
            line3.Qty = 1;
            line3.Amount = 15;
            line3.OriginCode = "01";
            line3.DestinationCode = "03";
            line3.Description = "Shipping Charge";
            line3.TaxCode = "FR";
            Line[] lines = { line1, line2, line3 };
            getTaxRequest.Lines = lines;

            GetTaxResult getTaxResult = taxSvc.GetTax(getTaxRequest);

            // Print results
            Console.WriteLine("GetTaxTest Result: " + getTaxResult.ResultCode.ToString());
            if (!getTaxResult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success))
                foreach (Message message in getTaxResult.Messages)
                Console.WriteLine("Document Code: " + getTaxResult.DocCode + " Total Tax: " + getTaxResult.TotalTax);
                foreach (TaxLine taxLine in getTaxResult.TaxLines ?? Enumerable.Empty<TaxLine>())
                    Console.WriteLine("    " + "Line Number: " + taxLine.LineNo + " Line Tax: " + taxLine.Tax.ToString());
                    foreach (TaxDetail taxDetail in taxLine.TaxDetails ?? Enumerable.Empty<TaxDetail>())
                        Console.WriteLine("        " + "Jurisdiction: " + taxDetail.JurisName + "Tax: " + taxDetail.Tax.ToString());
예제 #17
        public static void Test()
            // Header Level Elements
            // Required Header Level Elements
            string accountNumber = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AvaTax:AccountNumber"];
            string licenseKey    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AvaTax:LicenseKey"];
            string serviceURL    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AvaTax:ServiceUrl"];

            TaxSvc taxSvc = new TaxSvc(accountNumber, licenseKey, serviceURL);

            GetTaxRequest getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest();

            // Document Level Elements
            // Required Request Parameters
            getTaxRequest.CustomerCode = "ABC4335";
            getTaxRequest.DocDate      = "2014-01-01";

            // Best Practice Request Parameters
            getTaxRequest.CompanyCode = "APITrialCompany";
            getTaxRequest.Client      = "AvaTaxSample";
            getTaxRequest.DocCode     = "INV001";
            getTaxRequest.DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax;
            getTaxRequest.Commit      = false;
            getTaxRequest.DocType     = DocType.SalesInvoice;

            // Situational Request Parameters
            // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
            // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
            // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
            // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

            // Optional Request Parameters
            getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = "PO123456";
            getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode   = "ref123456";
            getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode     = "09";
            getTaxRequest.CurrencyCode    = "USD";

            // Address Data
            Address address1 = new Address();

            address1.AddressCode = "01";
            address1.Line1       = "45 Fremont Street";
            address1.City        = "San Francisco";
            address1.Region      = "CA";

            Address address2 = new Address();

            address2.AddressCode = "02";
            address2.Line1       = "118 N Clark St";
            address2.Line2       = "Suite 100";
            address2.Line3       = "ATTN Accounts Payable";
            address2.City        = "Chicago";
            address2.Region      = "IL";
            address2.Country     = "US";
            address2.PostalCode  = "60602";

            Address address3 = new Address();

            address3.AddressCode = "03";
            address3.Latitude    = (decimal)47.627935;
            address3.Longitude   = (decimal) - 122.51702;
            Address[] addresses = { address1, address2, address3 };
            getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses;

            // Line Data
            // Required Parameters
            Line line1 = new Line();

            line1.LineNo          = "01";
            line1.ItemCode        = "N543";
            line1.Qty             = 1;
            line1.Amount          = 10;
            line1.OriginCode      = "01";
            line1.DestinationCode = "02";

            // Best Practice Request Parameters
            line1.Description = "Red Size 7 Widget";
            line1.TaxCode     = "NT";

            // Situational Request Parameters
            // line1.CustomerUsageType = "L";
            // line1.Discounted = true;
            // line1.TaxIncluded = true;
            // line1.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
            // line1.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
            // line1.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

            // Optional Request Parameters
            line1.Ref1 = "ref123";
            line1.Ref2 = "ref456";

            Line line2 = new Line();

            line2.LineNo          = "02";
            line2.ItemCode        = "T345";
            line2.Qty             = 3;
            line2.Amount          = 150;
            line2.OriginCode      = "01";
            line2.DestinationCode = "03";
            line2.Description     = "Size 10 Green Running Shoe";
            line2.TaxCode         = "PC030147";

            Line line3 = new Line();

            line3.LineNo          = "02-FR";
            line3.ItemCode        = "FREIGHT";
            line3.Qty             = 1;
            line3.Amount          = 15;
            line3.OriginCode      = "01";
            line3.DestinationCode = "03";
            line3.Description     = "Shipping Charge";
            line3.TaxCode         = "FR";
            Line[] lines = { line1, line2, line3 };
            getTaxRequest.Lines = lines;

            GetTaxResult getTaxResult = taxSvc.GetTax(getTaxRequest);

            // Print results
            Console.WriteLine("GetTaxTest Result: " + getTaxResult.ResultCode.ToString());
            if (!getTaxResult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success))
                foreach (Message message in getTaxResult.Messages)
                Console.WriteLine("Document Code: " + getTaxResult.DocCode + " Total Tax: " + getTaxResult.TotalTax);
                foreach (TaxLine taxLine in getTaxResult.TaxLines ?? Enumerable.Empty <TaxLine>())
                    Console.WriteLine("    " + "Line Number: " + taxLine.LineNo + " Line Tax: " + taxLine.Tax.ToString());
                    foreach (TaxDetail taxDetail in taxLine.TaxDetails ?? Enumerable.Empty <TaxDetail>())
                        Console.WriteLine("        " + "Jurisdiction: " + taxDetail.JurisName + "Tax: " + taxDetail.Tax.ToString());
        //This loads some test data and returns a GetTaxRequest object for tax calculation.
        //TODO: These values should not be hardcoded in your integration. You will need to map to the values appropriate to your system.
        public static GetTaxRequest Load()
            GetTaxRequest getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest();

            //Document Level Setup
            //	     R: indicates Required Element
            //	     O: Indicates Optional Element

            // Set the tax document properties - Required unless noted as Optional
            //getTaxRequest.CompanyCode = "SDK";                              // R: Company Code from the Admin Console. This is passed in to the GetTax.Get function, since it is information typically maintained with the credentials.
            getTaxRequest.Client = "AvaTaxCalcRESTCsharp Sample";
            DateTime docDate = DateTime.Today;

            getTaxRequest.DocCode      = "SampleDoc: " + docDate.ToString(); // R: Invoice or document tracking number - Must be unique
            getTaxRequest.DocType      = DocType.SalesInvoice;               // R: Typically SalesOrder,SalesInvoice, ReturnInvoice
            getTaxRequest.DocDate      = docDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");     // R:  sets reporting date and default tax date
            getTaxRequest.CustomerCode = "TaxSvcTest";                       // R: String - Customer Tracking number or Exemption Customer Code
            getTaxRequest.DetailLevel  = DetailLevel.Tax;                    // R: Chose Summary, Document, Line or Tax - varying levels of results detail
            getTaxRequest.Commit       = false;                              // O: Default is "false" - Set to "true" to commit the Document
            //getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType="G";						    // O: Send for tax exempt transactions only.
            //getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo="12334";						    // O: Send for tax exempt transactions only.
            //getTaxRequest.Discount=0;									    // O: Send for document-level discounts only.
            getTaxRequest.PurchaseOrderNo = "PO 23423";                                     // O: Specifies the purchase order number associated with the transaction. This value can be used to track single-use exemption certficates.
            getTaxRequest.ReferenceCode   = "";                                             // O: This is a reportable value that does not affect tax calculation.
            getTaxRequest.PosLaneCode     = "";                                             // O: This is a reportable value that does not affect tax calculation.
            //getTaxRequest.TaxOverride=new TaxOverrideDef();			    // O: Allows the TaxDate =or other values) to be overridden for tax calculation. Situational only.
            //getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo="";				    // O: Specified VAT ID of customer for international/VAT calculations and reporting.

            //	          Begin Address Section
            //	          Add the origin and destination addresses referred to by the
            //	          "setOriginCode" and "setDestinationCode" properties above.

            Address origin = new Address();

            origin.AddressCode = "Origin";
            origin.Line1       = "Avalara";
            origin.Line2       = "100 Ravine Lane NE";
            origin.Line3       = "Suite 220";
            origin.City        = "Bainbridge Island";
            origin.Region      = "WA";
            origin.PostalCode  = "98110";
            origin.Country     = "USA";

            Address destination = new Address();

            destination.AddressCode = "Dest";
            destination.Line1       = "7462 Kearny Street";
            destination.City        = "Commerce City";
            destination.Region      = "CO";
            destination.PostalCode  = "80022";
            destination.Country     = "USA";

            Address[] addresses = { origin, destination };

            // Alternate:  Latitude / Longitude addressing
            //	            Address origin = new BaseAddress=;
            //	            origin.AddressCode="Origin";
            //	            origin.Latitude="47.6253";
            //	            origin.Longitude="-122.515114";
            //	            Address destination = new BaseAddress=;
            //	            destination.AddressCode="Destination";
            //	            destination.Latitude="39.833597";
            //	            destination.Longitude="-104.917220";
            //				Address[] addresses = {origin, destination};

            //	          End Address Section

            getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses;

            // Add invoice lines

            Line line1 = new Line();                                        // New instance of a line

            line1.LineNo            = "101";                                // R: string - line Number of invoice - must be unique.
            line1.ItemCode          = "Item001";                            // R: string - SKU or short name of Item
            line1.Qty               = 1;                                    // R: decimal - The number of items -- Qty of product sold. Does not function as a mulitplier for Amount
            line1.Amount            = 1000;                                 // R: decimal - the "NET" amount -- Amount should be the 'extended' or 'net' amount
            line1.CustomerUsageType = "";                                   // O: string - AKA Entity Use Code - Typically A - L =G = Reseller)
            line1.Description       = "ITEM1";                              // O: string - Description or category of item sold.
            line1.TaxCode           = "";                                   // O: string - Pass standard, custom or Pro-Tax code
                                                                            //              Can be NULL to default to tangible personal property =P0000000)
            line1.OriginCode      = "Origin";                               // R: Value representing the Origin Address
            line1.DestinationCode = "Dest";                                 // R: Value representing the Destination Address

            //Line 2 - Shipping/Freight line - See property descriptions above
            Line line2 = new Line();                                        // New instance of a line

            line2.LineNo          = "102";                                  // R: string - SKU or short name of Item
            line2.ItemCode        = "Shipping";                             // R: string - SKU or short name of Item
            line2.Description     = "Shipping- Freight Charges";            // O: string - Description or category of item sold.
            line2.Qty             = 1;                                      // R: decimal - The number of items -- Qty of product sold. Does not function as a mulitplier for Amount
            line2.Amount          = 10;                                     // R: decimal - the "NET" amount -- Amount should be the 'extended' or 'net' amount
            line2.TaxCode         = "FR";                                   // O: string - Pass standard, custom or Pro-Tax code FR020100
            line2.OriginCode      = "Origin";                               // R: Value representing the Origin Address
            line2.DestinationCode = "Dest";                                 // R: Value representing the Destination Address

            Line[] lines = { line1, line2 };
            getTaxRequest.Lines = lines;                                    // Sets array of lines

        //This loads the invoice (or return) located at the specified path and returns a GetTaxRequest object for tax calculation.
        public static GetTaxRequest Load()
            GetTaxRequest req = new GetTaxRequest();

            //loads the invoice file
            string[] txtInv = File.ReadAllLines("INV0001.txt");

            //Parses header-level data from the invoice file
            req.DocCode      = txtInv[0].Split(':')[1] + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            req.CustomerCode = txtInv[1].Split(':')[1];
            req.DocDate      = "2012-07-07";//txtInv[3].Split(':')[1];
            req.DocType      = DocType.SalesInvoice;

            string[] shipto = txtInv[10].Split(':')[1].Split(',');

            req.Addresses = new Address[2]; //We will need to pass in two addresses, our origin and destination.
            //Parse our destiniation address
            Address dest = new Address();

            dest.AddressCode = "01";
            dest.Line1       = shipto[0];
            dest.City        = shipto[1];
            dest.Region      = shipto[2];
            dest.PostalCode  = shipto[3];

            //Add the address to our request object.
            req.Addresses[0] = new Address();
            req.Addresses[0] = dest;
            //Hardcodes the origin address for the GetTaxRequest. This should be your warehouse or company address, and should not be hardcoded.
            req.Addresses[1]             = new Address();
            req.Addresses[1].AddressCode = "02";
            req.Addresses[1].Line1       = "PO Box 123";
            req.Addresses[1].City        = "Bainbridge Island";
            req.Addresses[1].Region      = "WA";
            req.Addresses[1].PostalCode  = "98110";

            //create array of line items
            req.Lines = new Line[txtInv.Length - 12];

            //Iterate through line items on transaction and add them to the request
            for (int i = 1; txtInv.Length > 12 + i; i++)
                string[] item = txtInv[12 + i].Split(',');
                req.Lines[i]                 = new Line();
                req.Lines[i].LineNo          = item[0];
                req.Lines[i].ItemCode        = item[1];
                req.Lines[i].Qty             = Convert.ToDecimal(item[3]);
                req.Lines[i].Amount          = Convert.ToDecimal(item[4]) * req.Lines[i].Qty;
                req.Lines[i].OriginCode      = "02";
                req.Lines[i].DestinationCode = "01";

            //Pull the freight line from the header information and add to the request as an additional line item
            req.Lines[0]                 = new Line();
            req.Lines[0].ItemCode        = "Shipping";
            req.Lines[0].Qty             = 1;
            req.Lines[0].LineNo          = "FR";
            req.Lines[0].Amount          = Convert.ToDecimal(txtInv[7].Split(':')[1]);
            req.Lines[0].OriginCode      = "02";
            req.Lines[0].DestinationCode = "01";