예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts and loads an archived modpack into the model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modpackPath"></param>
        public static void LoadModpack(string modpackPath)
            var modpackExtractionPath = string.Empty;
            var modpackHeader         = new Header();
            var modpackMods           = new List <Mod>();

            // Extract the modpack archive out to a temp folder
            using (var extractionHandler = new ArchiveExtractor(modpackPath))

            modpackExtractionPath = AutomatonInstance.ModpackExtractionLocation;

            // Load the modpack header
            var modpackHeaderPath = Path.Combine(modpackExtractionPath, $"modpack.json");

            if (!File.Exists(modpackHeaderPath))
                GenericErrorHandler.Throw(GenericErrorType.ModpackStructure, "Valid modpack.json was not found.", new StackTrace());

            // Load modpack header into Instance
            modpackHeader = Json.TryDeserializeJson <Header>(File.ReadAllText(modpackHeaderPath), out string parseError);

            // The json string was not parsed correctly, throw error
            if (parseError != string.Empty)
                GenericErrorHandler.Throw(GenericErrorType.JSONParse, parseError, new StackTrace());

            // Set global instances, these will update viewmodels automatically via the message service
            Instance.AutomatonInstance.ModpackHeader = modpackHeader;
            Instance.AutomatonInstance.ModpackMods   = LoadModInstallParameters(modpackHeader, modpackExtractionPath);

예제 #2
        public static void InstallModpack(IProgress <InstallModpackProgress> progress)
            var progressObject = new InstallModpackProgress();

            // If Mod Organizer is set to be used, locate it and install
            if (AutomatonInstance.ModpackHeader.InstallModOrganizer)

            var mods = AutomatonInstance.ModpackMods;
            var extractionDirectory = AutomatonInstance.ModpackExtractionLocation;

            foreach (var mod in mods)
                progressObject.UpdateString = $"{mod.ModName} | ({mods.IndexOf(mod) + 1}, {mods.Count})";

                // Extract the archive into the extract folder
                var archivePath      = mod.FilePath;
                var archiveExtractor = new ArchiveExtractor(archivePath);

                var    modExtractionPath = Path.Combine(extractionDirectory, mod.ModName);
                string modInstallPath    = Path.Combine(AutomatonInstance.InstallLocation, mod.ModName);

                // Extract the archive into the target path
                var extractionResponse = archiveExtractor.ExtractArchive(modExtractionPath);

                // Something broke during the extraction process, pass message back to user and attempt to solve
                if (!extractionResponse)

                // Catch non-existent install parameters. In this instance, move all files / directories.
                if (!mod.InstallationParameters.ContainsAny())
                    if (Directory.Exists(modInstallPath))
                        Directory.Delete(modInstallPath, true);

                    Directory.Move(modExtractionPath, modInstallPath);


                foreach (var installParameter in mod.InstallationParameters)
                    var sourcePath = Path.Combine(modExtractionPath, installParameter.SourceLocation.StandardizePathSeparators());
                    var targetPath = Path.Combine(AutomatonInstance.InstallLocation, installParameter.TargetLocation.StandardizePathSeparators());

                    // Copy/move operation if the source is a directory
                    if (Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
                        CopyDirectory(sourcePath, targetPath);

                    // Copy/move directory if the source is a file
                    if (File.Exists(sourcePath))
                        File.Copy(sourcePath, targetPath);

                // Delete the extracted files