/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the BuildGraph command /// </summary> public override ExitCode Execute() { // Parse the command line parameters string ScriptFileName = ParseParamValue("Script", null); string TargetNames = ParseParamValue("Target", null); string DocumentationFileName = ParseParamValue("Documentation", null); string SchemaFileName = ParseParamValue("Schema", null); string ExportFileName = ParseParamValue("Export", null); string PreprocessedFileName = ParseParamValue("Preprocess", null); string SharedStorageDir = ParseParamValue("SharedStorageDir", null); string SingleNodeName = ParseParamValue("SingleNode", null); string TriggerName = ParseParamValue("Trigger", null); string[] SkipTriggerNames = ParseParamValue("SkipTrigger", "").Split(new char[] { '+', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray(); bool bSkipTriggers = ParseParam("SkipTriggers"); string TokenSignature = ParseParamValue("TokenSignature", null); bool bSkipTargetsWithoutTokens = ParseParam("SkipTargetsWithoutTokens"); bool bResume = SingleNodeName != null || ParseParam("Resume"); bool bListOnly = ParseParam("ListOnly"); bool bShowDiagnostics = ParseParam("ShowDiagnostics"); bool bWriteToSharedStorage = ParseParam("WriteToSharedStorage") || CommandUtils.IsBuildMachine; bool bPublicTasksOnly = ParseParam("PublicTasksOnly"); string ReportName = ParseParamValue("ReportName", null); GraphPrintOptions PrintOptions = GraphPrintOptions.ShowCommandLineOptions; if (ParseParam("ShowDeps")) { PrintOptions |= GraphPrintOptions.ShowDependencies; } if (ParseParam("ShowNotifications")) { PrintOptions |= GraphPrintOptions.ShowNotifications; } // Parse any specific nodes to clean List <string> CleanNodes = new List <string>(); foreach (string NodeList in ParseParamValues("CleanNode")) { foreach (string NodeName in NodeList.Split('+', ';')) { CleanNodes.Add(NodeName); } } // Set up the standard properties which build scripts might need Dictionary <string, string> DefaultProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); DefaultProperties["Branch"] = P4Enabled ? P4Env.Branch : "Unknown"; DefaultProperties["Depot"] = P4Enabled ? DefaultProperties["Branch"].Substring(2).Split('/').First() : "Unknown"; DefaultProperties["EscapedBranch"] = P4Enabled ? CommandUtils.EscapePath(P4Env.Branch) : "Unknown"; DefaultProperties["Change"] = P4Enabled ? P4Env.Changelist.ToString() : "0"; DefaultProperties["CodeChange"] = P4Enabled ? P4Env.CodeChangelist.ToString() : "0"; DefaultProperties["RootDir"] = CommandUtils.RootDirectory.FullName; DefaultProperties["IsBuildMachine"] = IsBuildMachine ? "true" : "false"; DefaultProperties["HostPlatform"] = HostPlatform.Current.HostEditorPlatform.ToString(); DefaultProperties["RestrictedFolderNames"] = String.Join(";", RestrictedFolders.Names); DefaultProperties["RestrictedFolderFilter"] = String.Join(";", RestrictedFolders.Names.Select(x => String.Format(".../{0}/...", x))); // Attempt to read existing Build Version information BuildVersion Version; if (BuildVersion.TryRead(BuildVersion.GetDefaultFileName(), out Version)) { DefaultProperties["EngineMajorVersion"] = Version.MajorVersion.ToString(); DefaultProperties["EngineMinorVersion"] = Version.MinorVersion.ToString(); DefaultProperties["EnginePatchVersion"] = Version.PatchVersion.ToString(); DefaultProperties["EngineCompatibleChange"] = Version.CompatibleChangelist.ToString(); } // Add any additional custom arguments from the command line (of the form -Set:X=Y) Dictionary <string, string> Arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (string Param in Params) { const string Prefix = "set:"; if (Param.StartsWith(Prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { int EqualsIdx = Param.IndexOf('='); if (EqualsIdx >= 0) { Arguments[Param.Substring(Prefix.Length, EqualsIdx - Prefix.Length)] = Param.Substring(EqualsIdx + 1); } else { LogWarning("Missing value for '{0}'", Param.Substring(Prefix.Length)); } } } // Find all the tasks from the loaded assemblies Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask = new Dictionary <string, ScriptTask>(); if (!FindAvailableTasks(NameToTask, bPublicTasksOnly)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Generate documentation if (DocumentationFileName != null) { GenerateDocumentation(NameToTask, new FileReference(DocumentationFileName)); return(ExitCode.Success); } // Create a schema for the given tasks ScriptSchema Schema = new ScriptSchema(NameToTask); if (SchemaFileName != null) { FileReference FullSchemaFileName = new FileReference(SchemaFileName); LogInformation("Writing schema to {0}...", FullSchemaFileName.FullName); Schema.Export(FullSchemaFileName); if (ScriptFileName == null) { return(ExitCode.Success); } } // Check there was a script specified if (ScriptFileName == null) { LogError("Missing -Script= parameter for BuildGraph"); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Read the script from disk Graph Graph; if (!ScriptReader.TryRead(new FileReference(ScriptFileName), Arguments, DefaultProperties, Schema, out Graph)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Create the temp storage handler DirectoryReference RootDir = new DirectoryReference(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot); TempStorage Storage = new TempStorage(RootDir, DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDir, "Engine", "Saved", "BuildGraph"), (SharedStorageDir == null)? null : new DirectoryReference(SharedStorageDir), bWriteToSharedStorage); if (!bResume) { Storage.CleanLocal(); } foreach (string CleanNode in CleanNodes) { Storage.CleanLocalNode(CleanNode); } // Convert the supplied target references into nodes HashSet <Node> TargetNodes = new HashSet <Node>(); if (TargetNames == null) { if (!bListOnly) { LogError("Missing -Target= parameter for BuildGraph"); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } TargetNodes.UnionWith(Graph.Agents.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes)); } else { foreach (string TargetName in TargetNames.Split(new char[] { '+', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Trim())) { Node[] Nodes; if (!Graph.TryResolveReference(TargetName, out Nodes)) { LogError("Target '{0}' is not in graph", TargetName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } TargetNodes.UnionWith(Nodes); } } // Try to acquire tokens for all the target nodes we want to build if (TokenSignature != null) { // Find all the lock files HashSet <FileReference> RequiredTokens = new HashSet <FileReference>(TargetNodes.SelectMany(x => x.RequiredTokens)); // List out all the required tokens if (SingleNodeName == null) { CommandUtils.LogInformation("Required tokens:"); foreach (Node Node in TargetNodes) { foreach (FileReference RequiredToken in Node.RequiredTokens) { CommandUtils.LogInformation(" '{0}' requires {1}", Node, RequiredToken); } } } // Try to create all the lock files List <FileReference> CreatedTokens = new List <FileReference>(); if (!bListOnly) { CreatedTokens.AddRange(RequiredTokens.Where(x => WriteTokenFile(x, TokenSignature))); } // Find all the tokens that we don't have Dictionary <FileReference, string> MissingTokens = new Dictionary <FileReference, string>(); foreach (FileReference RequiredToken in RequiredTokens) { string CurrentOwner = ReadTokenFile(RequiredToken); if (CurrentOwner != null && CurrentOwner != TokenSignature) { MissingTokens.Add(RequiredToken, CurrentOwner); } } // If we want to skip all the nodes with missing locks, adjust the target nodes to account for it if (MissingTokens.Count > 0) { if (bSkipTargetsWithoutTokens) { // Find all the nodes we're going to skip HashSet <Node> SkipNodes = new HashSet <Node>(); foreach (IGrouping <string, FileReference> MissingTokensForBuild in MissingTokens.GroupBy(x => x.Value, x => x.Key)) { LogInformation("Skipping the following nodes due to {0}:", MissingTokensForBuild.Key); foreach (FileReference MissingToken in MissingTokensForBuild) { foreach (Node SkipNode in TargetNodes.Where(x => x.RequiredTokens.Contains(MissingToken) && SkipNodes.Add(x))) { LogInformation(" {0}", SkipNode); } } } // Write a list of everything left over if (SkipNodes.Count > 0) { TargetNodes.ExceptWith(SkipNodes); LogInformation("Remaining target nodes:"); foreach (Node TargetNode in TargetNodes) { LogInformation(" {0}", TargetNode); } if (TargetNodes.Count == 0) { LogInformation(" None."); } } } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, string> Pair in MissingTokens) { List <Node> SkipNodes = TargetNodes.Where(x => x.RequiredTokens.Contains(Pair.Key)).ToList(); LogError("Cannot run {0} due to previous build: {1}", String.Join(", ", SkipNodes), Pair.Value); } foreach (FileReference CreatedToken in CreatedTokens) { FileReference.Delete(CreatedToken); } return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } } // Cull the graph to include only those nodes Graph.Select(TargetNodes); // Collapse any triggers in the graph which are marked to be skipped HashSet <ManualTrigger> SkipTriggers = new HashSet <ManualTrigger>(); if (bSkipTriggers) { SkipTriggers.UnionWith(Graph.NameToTrigger.Values); } else { foreach (string SkipTriggerName in SkipTriggerNames) { ManualTrigger SkipTrigger; if (!Graph.NameToTrigger.TryGetValue(TriggerName, out SkipTrigger)) { LogError("Couldn't find trigger '{0}'", TriggerName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } SkipTriggers.Add(SkipTrigger); } } Graph.SkipTriggers(SkipTriggers); // If a report for the whole build was requested, insert it into the graph if (ReportName != null) { Report NewReport = new Report(ReportName); NewReport.Nodes.UnionWith(Graph.Agents.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes)); Graph.NameToReport.Add(ReportName, NewReport); } // Write out the preprocessed script if (PreprocessedFileName != null) { FileReference PreprocessedFileLocation = new FileReference(PreprocessedFileName); LogInformation("Writing {0}...", PreprocessedFileLocation); Graph.Write(PreprocessedFileLocation, (SchemaFileName != null)? new FileReference(SchemaFileName) : null); return(ExitCode.Success); } // Find the triggers which we are explicitly running. ManualTrigger Trigger = null; if (TriggerName != null && !Graph.NameToTrigger.TryGetValue(TriggerName, out Trigger)) { LogError("Couldn't find trigger '{0}'", TriggerName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // If we're just building a single node, find it Node SingleNode = null; if (SingleNodeName != null && !Graph.NameToNode.TryGetValue(SingleNodeName, out SingleNode)) { LogError("Node '{0}' is not in the trimmed graph", SingleNodeName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // If we just want to show the contents of the graph, do so and exit. if (bListOnly) { HashSet <Node> CompletedNodes = FindCompletedNodes(Graph, Storage); Graph.Print(CompletedNodes, PrintOptions); } // Print out all the diagnostic messages which still apply, unless we're running a step as part of a build system or just listing the contents of the file. if (SingleNode == null && (!bListOnly || bShowDiagnostics)) { IEnumerable <GraphDiagnostic> Diagnostics = Graph.Diagnostics.Where(x => x.EnclosingTrigger == Trigger); foreach (GraphDiagnostic Diagnostic in Diagnostics) { if (Diagnostic.EventType == LogEventType.Console) { CommandUtils.LogInformation(Diagnostic.Message); } else if (Diagnostic.EventType == LogEventType.Warning) { CommandUtils.LogWarning(Diagnostic.Message); } else { CommandUtils.LogError(Diagnostic.Message); } } if (Diagnostics.Any(x => x.EventType == LogEventType.Error)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } // Export the graph to a file if (ExportFileName != null) { HashSet <Node> CompletedNodes = FindCompletedNodes(Graph, Storage); Graph.Print(CompletedNodes, PrintOptions); Graph.Export(new FileReference(ExportFileName), Trigger, CompletedNodes); return(ExitCode.Success); } // Execute the command if (!bListOnly) { if (SingleNode != null) { if (!BuildNode(new JobContext(this), Graph, SingleNode, Storage, bWithBanner: true)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } else { if (!BuildAllNodes(new JobContext(this), Graph, Storage)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } } return(ExitCode.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the BuildGraph command /// </summary> public override ExitCode Execute() { // Parse the command line parameters string ScriptFileName = ParseParamValue("Script", null); if (ScriptFileName == null) { LogError("Missing -Script= parameter for BuildGraph"); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } string TargetNames = ParseParamValue("Target", null); if (TargetNames == null) { LogError("Missing -Target= parameter for BuildGraph"); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } string SchemaFileName = ParseParamValue("Schema", null); string ExportFileName = ParseParamValue("Export", null); string SharedStorageDir = ParseParamValue("SharedStorageDir", null); string SingleNodeName = ParseParamValue("SingleNode", null); string[] TriggerNames = ParseParamValue("Trigger", "").Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray(); bool bSkipTriggers = ParseParam("SkipTriggers"); bool bClean = ParseParam("Clean"); bool bListOnly = ParseParam("ListOnly"); bool bWriteToSharedStorage = ParseParam("WriteToSharedStorage") || CommandUtils.IsBuildMachine; bool bPublicTasksOnly = ParseParam("PublicTasksOnly"); GraphPrintOptions PrintOptions = 0; if (ParseParam("ShowDeps")) { PrintOptions |= GraphPrintOptions.ShowDependencies; } if (ParseParam("ShowNotifications")) { PrintOptions |= GraphPrintOptions.ShowNotifications; } // Parse any specific nodes to clean List <string> CleanNodes = new List <string>(); foreach (string NodeList in ParseParamValues("CleanNode")) { foreach (string NodeName in NodeList.Split('+')) { CleanNodes.Add(NodeName); } } // Read any environment variables Dictionary <string, string> DefaultProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (DictionaryEntry Entry in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()) { DefaultProperties[Entry.Key.ToString()] = Entry.Value.ToString(); } // Add any additional custom parameters from the command line (of the form -Set:X=Y) foreach (string Param in Params) { const string Prefix = "set:"; if (Param.StartsWith(Prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { int EqualsIdx = Param.IndexOf('='); if (EqualsIdx >= 0) { DefaultProperties[Param.Substring(Prefix.Length, EqualsIdx - Prefix.Length)] = Param.Substring(EqualsIdx + 1); } else { LogWarning("Missing value for '{0}'", Param.Substring(Prefix.Length)); } } } // Set up the standard properties which build scripts might need DefaultProperties["Branch"] = P4Enabled? P4Env.BuildRootP4 : "Unknown"; DefaultProperties["EscapedBranch"] = P4Enabled? P4Env.BuildRootEscaped : "Unknown"; DefaultProperties["Change"] = P4Enabled? P4Env.Changelist.ToString() : "0"; DefaultProperties["RootDir"] = CommandUtils.RootDirectory.FullName; DefaultProperties["IsBuildMachine"] = IsBuildMachine? "true" : "false"; DefaultProperties["HostPlatform"] = HostPlatform.Current.HostEditorPlatform.ToString(); // Find all the tasks from the loaded assemblies Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask = new Dictionary <string, ScriptTask>(); if (!FindAvailableTasks(NameToTask, bPublicTasksOnly)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Create a schema for the given tasks ScriptSchema Schema = new ScriptSchema(NameToTask); if (SchemaFileName != null) { Schema.Export(new FileReference(SchemaFileName)); } // Read the script from disk Graph Graph; if (!ScriptReader.TryRead(new FileReference(ScriptFileName), DefaultProperties, Schema, out Graph)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Create the temp storage handler DirectoryReference RootDir = new DirectoryReference(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot); TempStorage Storage = new TempStorage(RootDir, DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDir, "Engine", "Saved", "BuildGraph"), (SharedStorageDir == null)? null : new DirectoryReference(SharedStorageDir), bWriteToSharedStorage); if (bClean) { Storage.CleanLocal(); } foreach (string CleanNode in CleanNodes) { Storage.CleanLocalNode(CleanNode); } // Convert the supplied target references into nodes HashSet <Node> TargetNodes = new HashSet <Node>(); foreach (string TargetName in TargetNames.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Trim())) { Node[] Nodes; if (!Graph.TryResolveReference(TargetName, out Nodes)) { LogError("Target '{0}' is not in graph", TargetName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } TargetNodes.UnionWith(Nodes); } // Cull the graph to include only those nodes Graph.Select(TargetNodes); // Find the triggers which are explicitly activated, and all of its upstream triggers. HashSet <ManualTrigger> Triggers = new HashSet <ManualTrigger>(); foreach (string TriggerName in TriggerNames) { ManualTrigger Trigger; if (!Graph.NameToTrigger.TryGetValue(TriggerName, out Trigger)) { LogError("Couldn't find trigger '{0}'", TriggerName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } while (Trigger != null) { Triggers.Add(Trigger); Trigger = Trigger.Parent; } } if (bSkipTriggers) { Triggers.UnionWith(Graph.NameToTrigger.Values); } // If we're just building a single node, find it Node SingleNode = null; if (SingleNodeName != null && !Graph.NameToNode.TryGetValue(SingleNodeName, out SingleNode)) { LogError("Node '{0}' is not in the trimmed graph", SingleNodeName); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Print out all the diagnostic messages which still apply, unless we're running a step as part of a build system. if (SingleNode == null) { IEnumerable <GraphDiagnostic> Diagnostics = Graph.Diagnostics.Where(x => x.EnclosingTrigger == null || Triggers.Contains(x.EnclosingTrigger)); foreach (GraphDiagnostic Diagnostic in Diagnostics) { if (Diagnostic.EventType == LogEventType.Warning) { CommandUtils.LogWarning(Diagnostic.Message); } else { CommandUtils.LogError(Diagnostic.Message); } } if (Diagnostics.Any(x => x.EventType == LogEventType.Error)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } // Execute the command if (bListOnly) { HashSet <Node> CompletedNodes = FindCompletedNodes(Graph, Storage); Graph.Print(CompletedNodes, PrintOptions); } else if (ExportFileName != null) { HashSet <Node> CompletedNodes = FindCompletedNodes(Graph, Storage); Graph.Print(CompletedNodes, PrintOptions); Graph.Export(new FileReference(ExportFileName), Triggers, CompletedNodes); } else if (SingleNode != null) { if (!BuildNode(new JobContext(this), Graph, SingleNode, Storage, bWithBanner: true)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } else { if (!BuildAllNodes(new JobContext(this), Graph, Storage)) { return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } } return(ExitCode.Success); }