예제 #1
        public void ShowForm(UIApplication uiapp)
            if (_AutomaticArrangementUserControl == null)
                if (Instance == null)
                    Instance = this;

                // A new handler to handle request posting by the dialog
                RevitHandler handler = new RevitHandler();

                // External Event for the dialog to use (to post requests)
                ExternalEvent exEvent = ExternalEvent.Create(handler);

                // We give the objects to the new dialog;
                // The dialog becomes the owner responsible for disposing them, eventually.

                _AutomaticArrangementUserControl = new AutomaticArrangementUserControl(exEvent);
                BitmapImage pb1Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/AutomaticArrangement;component/Resources/icon.ico"));

                Window.Content = _AutomaticArrangementUserControl;
                Window.Icon    = pb1Image;
                Window.Title   = Util.ApplicationWindowTitle;
                Window.Height  = Util.ApplicationWindowHeight;
                Window.Topmost = Util.IsApplicationWindowTopMost;
                Window.Width   = Util.ApplicationWindowWidth;
                Window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;

                Window.Closed += OnClosing;
                App.AutomaticArrangementButton.Enabled = false;
        public AutomaticArrangementUserControl(ExternalEvent exEvent)

            Instance    = this;
            ViewModel   = new ViewModel();
            DataContext = ViewModel;
            _event      = exEvent;
예제 #3
 public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
     _AutomaticArrangementUserControl = null;