예제 #1
        protected void requestMeshes(object sender, IRequestInterface args)            // Only works with the v2 server using the v1 API
        // Meshes are safe because they will be called only once
            MeshesRequest reqObj     = args as MeshesRequest;
            HashSet <int> collectIds = new HashSet <int> ();

            foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, int, OpenCTM.Mesh> item in reqObj._openctm)
            string dbIds = string.Join(",", collectIds);

            reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/meshes/" + dbIds);
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ());
예제 #2
        public override GameObject BuildScene(string name, bool saveToDisk = false)
            try {
                foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, int, OpenCTM.Mesh> openctm in _openctm)
                    OpenCTM.Mesh ctmMesh = openctm.Item3;
                    if (ctmMesh == null || ctmMesh.getVertexCount() == 0 || ctmMesh.getTriangleCount() == 0)
                        state = SceneLoadingStatus.eCancelled;

                    Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> item = fragments.Single(x => x.Item1 == openctm.Item2);
                    GameObject meshObject = item.Item3;

                    Mesh       mesh     = new Mesh();
                    Vector3 [] vertices = MeshesRequest.getAsVector3(ctmMesh.vertices);
                    mesh.vertices  = vertices;
                    mesh.triangles = ctmMesh.indices;
                    if (ctmMesh.hasNormals())
                        mesh.normals = MeshesRequest.getAsVector3(ctmMesh.normals);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ctmMesh.getUVCount(); i++)
                        mesh.SetUVs(i, MeshesRequest.getAsVector2List(ctmMesh.texcoordinates [i].values));


                    MeshFilter filter = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();
                    filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
                    MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
                    renderer.sharedMaterial = ForgeLoaderEngine.GetDefaultMaterial();
                    if (createCollider)
                        MeshCollider collider = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                        collider.sharedMesh = mesh;
                    if (saveToDisk)
                        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, ForgeConstants._resourcesPath + this.loader.PROJECTID + "/" + GetName(openctm.Item1, openctm.Item2) + ".asset");
                        //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets () ;
                        //AssetDatabase.Refresh () ;
                        //mesh =AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Mesh> (ForgeConstants._resourcesPath + this.loader.PROJECTID + "/" + name + ".asset") ;

                    // Add our material to the queue
                    //if ( loader.GetMgr ()._materials.Add (item.Item2) ) {
                    //	MaterialRequest req = new MaterialRequest (loader, null, bearer, item.Item2, item.Item4);
                    //	req.gameObject = meshObject;
                    //	if ( fireRequestCallback != null )
                    //		fireRequestCallback (this, req);
                base.BuildScene(name, saveToDisk);
                state = SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingMaterial;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Debug.Log(ForgeLoader.GetCurrentMethod() + " " + ex.Message);
                state = SceneLoadingStatus.eError;
예제 #3
        public virtual void Update()
            //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample ("Forge AR|VR Toolkit");
            if (!Active)

            // Do we got more requests to fire?
            int pending = _mgr.Count(SceneLoadingStatus.ePending);

            if (pending < ForgeLoaderConstants.NB_MAX_REQUESTS)
                RequestQueueMgrEnumerator news = _mgr.GetTypeEnumerator(SceneLoadingStatus.eNew);
                pending = _mgr.Count(SceneLoadingStatus.eNew);
                if (news.MoveNext())
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log (DateTime.Now.ToString ("HH:mm:ss.f") + " / " + ((IRequestInterface)news.Current).uri.ToString ());

            // For each request we got an answer for, we build the corresponding scene object
            RequestQueueMgrEnumerator items = _mgr.GetCompletedEnumerator();

            while (items.MoveNext())
                IRequestInterface item = items.Current;

                if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree)
                    item.fireRequestCallback += requestSceneObjectDetails;
                //else if ( item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eMesh )
                //	item.fireRequestCallback += requestMaterials;
                else if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial)
                    item.fireRequestCallback += requestTextures;

                GameObject obj = item.BuildScene(
                    item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree ?
                    SCENEID : item.GetName(),
                if (obj != null && item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree)
                    if (ROOT == null)
                        ROOT = obj;
                        obj.transform.parent        = ROOT.transform;
                        obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                else if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial)
                    _materialLib = (item as MaterialsRequest).materials;                     // Safe as we make only 1 request for all materials
                    // otherwise, _materialLib.Add ((item as MaterialRequest).matId, (item as MaterialRequest).material) ;
                else if (item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ForgeProperties> props in (item as PropertiesRequest2).properties)
                        _properties.Add(props.Key, props.Value);
                    // otherwise, _properties.Add ((item as PropertiesRequest).dbId, (item as PropertiesRequest).properties); // Safe as we make only 1 request per propertyset
                }                 // else if ( item.resolved == SceneLoadingStatus.eTexture )

            // Assign Material to Mesh waiting for it
            items = _mgr.GetTypeEnumerator(SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingMaterial);
            while (items.MoveNext())
                MeshesRequest item = items.Current as MeshesRequest;
                int           nb   = 0;
                foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> fragment in item.fragments)
                    if (!_materialLib.ContainsKey(fragment.Item2))
                    MeshRenderer renderer = fragment.Item3.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
                    renderer.sharedMaterial = _materialLib [fragment.Item2];
                if (nb == item.fragments.Count)
                    item.state = item.resolved;

            // Showing progress
            if (ProcessedNodes != null)
                int total = _mgr.Count();
                int built = _mgr.Count(new SceneLoadingStatus [] {
                    SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree, SceneLoadingStatus.eMesh, SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial, SceneLoadingStatus.eTexture, SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties,
                    SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingMaterial, SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingTexture
                int completed = _mgr.Count(SceneLoadingStatus.eReceived);

                float val = 100.0f * Math.Min(completed + built, total) / total;
                ProcessedNodes(this, val);

                if (ProcessingNodesCompleted != null)
                    built = _mgr.Count(new SceneLoadingStatus [] {
                        SceneLoadingStatus.eInstanceTree, SceneLoadingStatus.eMesh, SceneLoadingStatus.eMaterial, SceneLoadingStatus.eTexture, SceneLoadingStatus.eProperties,
                    int unprocessed = _mgr.Count(new SceneLoadingStatus [] {
                        SceneLoadingStatus.eCancelled, SceneLoadingStatus.eError,

                    if (built + unprocessed == total)
                        ProcessingNodesCompleted(this, unprocessed);
                        TimeSpan tm = DateTime.Now - started;
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log(URN + "-" + SCENEID + " loaded in: " + tm.TotalSeconds.ToString());
                        Sleep();                          // Sleep ourself

            //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample ();
예제 #4
        public override GameObject BuildScene(string name, bool saveToDisk = false)
            GameObject pivot = null;

            try {
                gameObject = new GameObject(name);
                if (lmvtkDef == null)
                ForgeProperties properties = gameObject.AddComponent <ForgeProperties> ();
                properties.Properties = lmvtkDef ["metadata"];

                foreach (JSONNode child in lmvtkDef["childs"].AsArray)
                    IteratorNodes(child, gameObject);
                base.BuildScene(name, saveToDisk);

                pivot = ForgeLoaderEngine.SetupForSceneOrientationAndUnits(gameObject, properties.Properties);

                // Create as much Meshes requests we need to load chunks of 0.5Mb-0.7Mb pack files
                // 1-499 polys = factor of 25
                // >500 poly = factor of 17
                int compSize = 0;
                List <Eppy.Tuple <int, int> > components = new List <Eppy.Tuple <int, int> > ();
                List <Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> > fragments = new List <Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> > ();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, InstanceTreeData> data in _components)
                    //if ( data.Value.fragments.Count == 0 )
                    foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> frag in data.Value.fragments)
                        JSONArray json  = frag.Item4 ["fragments"].AsArray;
                        JSONArray json2 = frag.Item4 ["fragPolys"].AsArray;
                        int       index = 0;
                        for ( ; index < json.Count && json [index].AsInt != frag.Item1; index++)
                        if (index >= json2.Count)
                        compSize += json2 [index].AsInt;
                        //Debug.Log (data.Key + "-" + frag.Item1 + " " + json2 [index].AsInt);
                        components.Add(new Eppy.Tuple <int, int> (data.Key, frag.Item1));

                    if (compSize > 29411 /* 29411 * 17 = 500kb */)
                        MeshesRequest reqMeshes = new MeshesRequest(loader, null, bearer, components, fragments, null);
                        reqMeshes.gameObject = null;
                        if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                            fireRequestCallback(this, reqMeshes);
                        compSize   = 0;
                        components = new List <Eppy.Tuple <int, int> > ();
                        fragments  = new List <Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> > ();
                if (components.Count > 0)
                    MeshesRequest reqMeshes = new MeshesRequest(loader, null, bearer, components, fragments, null);
                    reqMeshes.gameObject = null;
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, reqMeshes);

                if (loader.GetMgr()._materials.Count > 0)
                    MaterialsRequest reqMaterials = new MaterialsRequest(loader, null, bearer, loader.GetMgr()._materials, lmvtkDef);
                    reqMaterials.gameObject = null;
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, reqMaterials);
                }                 // Textures will be requested by the material request (one by one)

                // Now Properties
                int []    dbIds  = _components.Keys.ToArray();
                int [] [] chunks = dbIds
                                   .Select((s, i) => new { Value = s, Index = i })
                                   .GroupBy(x => x.Index / 100)
                                   .Select(grp => grp.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray())
                for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++)
                    List <Eppy.Tuple <int, GameObject> > dbIdsTuple = new List <Eppy.Tuple <int, GameObject> > ();
                    foreach (int dbId in chunks[i])
                        dbIdsTuple.Add(new Eppy.Tuple <int, GameObject> (dbId, _components [dbId].obj));
                    PropertiesRequest2 reqProps = new PropertiesRequest2(loader, null, bearer, dbIdsTuple);
                    reqProps.gameObject = null;
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, reqProps);

            } catch (Exception /*ex*/) {
                if (gameObject)
                gameObject = null;
                pivot      = null;