public popupImport(formOptions form) { optionsform = form; InitializeComponent(); oheight = Height; }
public formMain(bool full) { #if DEBUG DateTime time = DateTime.Now; #endif string cfgpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).Replace("file:\\", ""); string userpath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); if (File.Exists(cfgpath + "\\" + Settings.Default.cfgfilepath)) Settings.Default.cfgpath = cfgpath + "\\" + Settings.Default.cfgfilepath; else if (File.Exists(userpath + "\\" + Settings.Default.cfgfilepath)) Settings.Default.cfgpath = userpath + "\\" + Settings.Default.cfgfilepath; else { try { Settings.Default.cfgpath = cfgpath + "\\" + Settings.Default.cfgfilepath; XmlCreate(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { if (!File.Exists(userpath)) { try { Settings.Default.cfgpath = userpath + "\\" + Settings.Default.cfgfilepath; XmlCreate(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Error("No really, I could not find nor write my configuration file :'(\rPlease check your user permissions."); Environment.Exit(-1); } } } } if (!full) return; InitializeComponent(); FindSwitch(false); cbType.SelectedIndex = 0; if (XmlConfigGet("password") != "") Settings.Default.password = XmlConfigGet("password"); if (XmlConfigGet("multicolumnwidth") != "") Settings.Default.multicolumnwidth = Convert.ToInt32(XmlConfigGet("multicolumnwidth")); if (XmlConfigGet("multicolumn").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.multicolumn = true; if (XmlConfigGet("minimize").ToLower() == "false") Settings.Default.minimize = false; if (XmlConfigGet("putty") != "") Settings.Default.puttypath = XmlConfigGet("putty"); if (XmlConfigGet("puttyexecute").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.puttyexecute = true; if (XmlConfigGet("puttycommand") != "") Settings.Default.puttycommand = XmlConfigGet("puttycommand"); if (XmlConfigGet("puttykey").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.puttykey = true; if (XmlConfigGet("puttykeyfile") != "") Settings.Default.puttykeyfile = XmlConfigGet("puttykeyfile"); if (XmlConfigGet("puttyforward").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.puttyforward = true; if (XmlConfigGet("remotedesktop") != "") Settings.Default.rdpath = XmlConfigGet("remotedesktop"); if (XmlConfigGet("rdfilespath") != "") Settings.Default.rdfilespath = XmlConfigGet("rdfilespath"); if (XmlConfigGet("rdadmin").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.rdadmin = true; if (XmlConfigGet("rddrives").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.rddrives = true; if (XmlConfigGet("rdspan").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.rdspan = true; if (XmlConfigGet("rdsize") != "") Settings.Default.rdsize = XmlConfigGet("rdsize"); if (XmlConfigGet("vnc") != "") Settings.Default.vncpath = XmlConfigGet("vnc"); if (XmlConfigGet("vncfilespath") != "") Settings.Default.vncfilespath = XmlConfigGet("vncfilespath"); if (XmlConfigGet("vncfullscreen").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.vncfullscreen = true; if (XmlConfigGet("vncviewonly").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.vncviewonly = true; if (XmlConfigGet("winscp") != "") Settings.Default.winscppath = XmlConfigGet("winscp"); if (XmlConfigGet("winscpkey").ToLower() == "true") Settings.Default.winscpkey = true; if (XmlConfigGet("winscpkeyfile") != "") Settings.Default.winscpkeyfile = XmlConfigGet("winscpkeyfile"); optionsform = new formOptions(this); IntPtr sysMenuHandle = GetSystemMenu(Handle, false); //It would be better to find the position at run time of the 'Close' item, but... InsertMenu(sysMenuHandle, 5, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, string.Empty); InsertMenu(sysMenuHandle, 6, MF_BYPOSITION, IDM_ABOUT, "About"); notifyIcon.Visible = Settings.Default.minimize; notifyIcon.ContextMenu = cmSystray; int i = 0; MenuItem connectmenu = new MenuItem(); connectmenu.Index = i; connectmenu.Text = "Connect"; connectmenu.Click += lbList_DoubleClick; cmList.MenuItems.Add(connectmenu); i++; MenuItem sepmenu1 = new MenuItem(); sepmenu1.Index = i; sepmenu1.Text = "-"; cmList.MenuItems.Add(sepmenu1); i++; foreach (string type in cbType.Items) { int j = i; MenuItem listmenu = new MenuItem(); listmenu.Index = i; listmenu.Text = type; listmenu.Click += delegate { Connect(listmenu.Text); }; cmList.MenuItems.Add(listmenu); i++; } MenuItem sepmenu2 = new MenuItem(); sepmenu2.Index = i; sepmenu2.Text = "-"; cmList.MenuItems.Add(sepmenu2); i++; MenuItem deletemenu = new MenuItem(); deletemenu.Index = i; deletemenu.Text = "Delete"; deletemenu.Click += mDelete_Click; cmList.MenuItems.Add(deletemenu); XmlToList(); if (lbList.Items.Count > 0) lbList.SelectedIndex = 0; BeginInvoke(new InvokeDelegate(lbList.Focus)); AutoSize = false; MinimumSize = Size; #if DEBUG MessageBox.Show("StartUp Time :" + (DateTime.Now - time)); #endif }
public popupRecrypt(formOptions form) { optionsform = form; InitializeComponent(); }