예제 #1
        void PushOutputC40TextWord(ref C40TextState state, int value)
            if (!(value >= 0 && value < 256))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value: Exceeds range for conversion to byte");

            this.Output[this._outputIdx] = (byte)value;

            if (state.UpperShift)
                if (!(value >= 0 && value < 256))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value: Exceeds range for conversion to upper case character");
                this.Output[this._outputIdx] += 128;


            state.Shift      = DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextBasicSet;
            state.UpperShift = false;
예제 #2
        int DecodeSchemeC40Text(int startIndex, int endIndex, DmtxScheme encScheme)
            int[]        c40Values = new int[3];
            C40TextState state     = new C40TextState {
                Shift = DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextBasicSet, UpperShift = false

            if (!(encScheme == DmtxScheme.DmtxSchemeC40 || encScheme == DmtxScheme.DmtxSchemeText))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid scheme selected for decodind!");

            while (startIndex < endIndex)
                /* FIXME Also check that ptr+1 is safe to access */
                int packed = (this.Code[startIndex] << 8) | this.Code[startIndex + 1];
                c40Values[0] = ((packed - 1) / 1600);
                c40Values[1] = ((packed - 1) / 40) % 40;
                c40Values[2] = (packed - 1) % 40;
                startIndex  += 2;

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (state.Shift == DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextBasicSet)
                    { /* Basic set */
                        if (c40Values[i] <= 2)
                            state.Shift = c40Values[i] + 1;
                        else if (c40Values[i] == 3)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, ' ');
                        else if (c40Values[i] <= 13)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] - 13 + '9'); /* 0-9 */
                        else if (c40Values[i] <= 39)
                            if (encScheme == DmtxScheme.DmtxSchemeC40)
                                PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] - 39 + 'Z'); /* A-Z */
                            else if (encScheme == DmtxScheme.DmtxSchemeText)
                                PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] - 39 + 'z'); /* a-z */
                    else if (state.Shift == DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextShift1)
                    {                                                   /* Shift 1 set */
                        PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i]); /* ASCII 0 - 31 */
                    else if (state.Shift == DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextShift2)
                    { /* Shift 2 set */
                        if (c40Values[i] <= 14)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] + 33); /* ASCII 33 - 47 */
                        else if (c40Values[i] <= 21)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] + 43); /* ASCII 58 - 64 */
                        else if (c40Values[i] <= 26)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] + 69); /* ASCII 91 - 95 */
                        else if (c40Values[i] == 27)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, 0x1d); /* FNC1 -- XXX depends on position? */
                        else if (c40Values[i] == 30)
                            state.UpperShift = true;
                            state.Shift      = DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextBasicSet;
                    else if (state.Shift == DmtxConstants.DmtxC40TextShift3)
                    { /* Shift 3 set */
                        if (encScheme == DmtxScheme.DmtxSchemeC40)
                            PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] + 96);
                        else if (encScheme == DmtxScheme.DmtxSchemeText)
                            if (c40Values[i] == 0)
                                PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] + 96);
                            else if (c40Values[i] <= 26)
                                PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] - 26 + 'Z'); /* A-Z */
                                PushOutputC40TextWord(ref state, c40Values[i] - 31 + 127); /* { | } ~ DEL */

                /* Unlatch if codeword 254 follows 2 codewords in C40/Text encodation */
                if (this.Code[startIndex] == DmtxConstants.DmtxCharTripletUnlatch)
                    return(startIndex + 1);

                /* Unlatch is implied if only one codeword remains */
                if (endIndex - startIndex == 1)