public void SetFullPathName(string[] para) { string diskpath = ""; string message = ""; string relativefile = ""; if (para[0].ToLower() == "articles") { diskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalArticleDir", ref message); relativefile = GetRightFileName(para); this.Fullpath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", diskpath, relativefile, this.File); this.ArticleCategory = FileCategory.Article; } if (para[0].ToLower() == "includes") { diskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalIncludeDir", ref message); relativefile = GetRightFileName(para); this.Fullpath = string.Format(@"{0}\{2}", diskpath, relativefile, this.File); this.ArticleCategory = FileCategory.Includes; } }
public ArrayList GetAllFileByServiceWithCustomziedate(string customizedate) { ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList(); string message = string.Empty; string diskpath = string.Empty; string parentpath = string.Empty; if (this.CheckFileList != null && this.CheckFileList.Count > 0) { this.CheckFileList = new ArrayList(); } foreach (InvolvedService curtService in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InvolvedService))) { if (curtService.ToString().ToLower() == "articles".ToLower()) { //Did not collect the articles in the <repository-parth>/articles/ direction break; } if (curtService.ToString().ToLower() == "includes".ToLower()) { diskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalIncludeDir", ref message); parentpath = string.Format("{0}", diskpath); } else { diskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalArticleDir", ref message); parentpath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", diskpath, curtService.ToString().Replace('_', '-')); } this.GetAllFilesInDirectoryWithCustomizedate(parentpath, customizedate); } fileList = this.CheckFileList; return(fileList); }
public string FindParentOfIncludeFile() { string parentFile = string.Empty; //string parentFile = this.GetParentIncludeFileOfIncludeFile(); string message = string.Empty; string diskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalArticleDir", ref message); string parentpath = string.Empty; string filecontent = string.Empty; string regRule = "\\[\\!INCLUDE \\[([\\S|\\s]+)(\\.md)?\\]\\(((\\.\\.\\/)*)includes\\/{0}\\)\\]"; //string regRule = "\\[\\!INCLUDE \\[(\\S+)(\\.md)?\\]\\(((\\.\\.\\/)*)includes\\/{0}\\)\\]"; Regex reg; FileStream fs; StreamReader sr; StreamWriter sw; bool findFile = false; foreach (InvolvedService curtService in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InvolvedService))) { if (this.CheckFileList != null && this.CheckFileList.Count > 0) { this.CheckFileList = new ArrayList(); } findFile = false; parentpath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", diskpath, curtService.ToString().Replace('_', '-')); this.GetAllFilesInDirectory(parentpath); ArrayList fileList = this.CheckFileList; foreach (string curtFile in fileList) { //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Tread[{0}] checking {1}", this.Id, curtFile)); try { Mutex fileMutex = new Mutex(false, GetMetuxFileName(curtFile)); fileMutex.WaitOne(); fs = new FileStream(curtFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { sr = new StreamReader(fs); filecontent = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); reg = new Regex(string.Format(regRule, this.File.Replace(".", "\\."))); if (reg.IsMatch(filecontent)) { sw = new StreamWriter(curtFile, false); filecontent += string.Format("\n<!--The parent file of includes file of {0}-->", this.File); filecontent += string.Format("\n<!{0}-->", this.CustomizedDate); sw.Write(filecontent); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); parentFile = curtFile; findFile = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message.ToString()); } finally { fileMutex.ReleaseMutex(); if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); fs = null; } } if (findFile == true) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (findFile == true) { break; } } return(parentFile); }
public string GetParentIncludeFileOfIncludeFile() { string parentInclude = string.Empty; string message = string.Empty; string parentpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalIncludeDir", ref message); string filecontent = string.Empty; string regRule = "\\[\\!INCLUDE \\[([\\S|\\s]+)(\\.md)?\\]\\(((\\.\\.\\/)*)includes\\/{0}\\)\\]"; string curtCheckFile = string.Empty; Regex reg; FileStream fs; StreamReader sr; StreamWriter sw; bool findFile = false; if (this.CheckFileList != null && this.CheckFileList.Count > 0) { this.CheckFileList = new ArrayList(); } this.GetAllFilesInDirectory(parentpath); ArrayList fileList = this.CheckFileList; int idx = 1; parentInclude = this.Fullpath; while (parentInclude != string.Empty) { foreach (string curtFile in fileList) { //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Tread[{0}] checking {1}", this.Id, curtFile)); try { curtCheckFile = curtFile; Mutex fileMutex = new Mutex(false, GetMetuxFileName(curtCheckFile)); fileMutex.WaitOne(); fs = new FileStream(curtCheckFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { sr = new StreamReader(fs); filecontent = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); reg = new Regex(string.Format(regRule, Path.GetFileName(parentInclude).Replace(".", "\\."))); if (reg.IsMatch(filecontent)) { sw = new StreamWriter(curtCheckFile, false); filecontent += string.Format("\n<!--Not Available the {0} parent file {1} of includes file of {2}-->", idx, Path.GetFileName(curtCheckFile), Path.GetFileName(parentInclude)); filecontent += string.Format("\n<!{0}-->", this.CustomizedDate); sw.Write(filecontent); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); parentInclude = curtCheckFile; this.ParentIncludeFile = Path.GetFileName(parentInclude); findFile = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message.ToString()); } finally { fileMutex.ReleaseMutex(); if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); fs = null; } } if (findFile == true) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (findFile == false) { parentInclude = string.Empty; } } if (this.ParentIncludeFile == string.Empty) { parentInclude = this.File; } else { parentInclude = this.ParentIncludeFile; } return(parentInclude); }
public void ProcessConvertJson(ref string articleContent) { this.Status = ProcessStatus.Process; string ruleJson = string.Empty; lock (ObjJason) { string ruleDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; ruleDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../ConvertJson/ConvertRule.json"); FileStream fsRule = new FileStream(ruleDir, FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fsRule); ruleJson = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); } JObject JUrl = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ruleJson); string urlGlobal = string.Empty; string urlMooncake = string.Empty; bool bGlobal = false; bool bMooncake = false; bool bValidService = false; Regex reg = null; //AuthorReplacement Section int iCount = 0; ConvertCategory category = this.ProcessCategory; if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.FindArticle) { //Empth code to find the articles in Source Tree. articleContent += "\n"; } #if DEBUG DateTime dStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime dEnd = DateTime.Now; string sTakeTime = string.Empty; #endif if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { this.RepalceParameter(ref urlMooncake); reg = new Regex(urlGlobal, RegexOptions.Multiline); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } //URLReplacement Section if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.URLReplacement) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.URLReplacement.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.URLReplacement.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } //URLCorrection Section if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.URLCorrection) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.URLCorrection.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLCorrection, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLCorrection, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); //bValidService = this.GetProcessConvertRuleValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.validservice, this.Fullpath); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.URLCorrection.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } //For only md File string filePostfix = this.File.Trim().Substring(this.File.Trim().Length - 3).ToLower(); if (filePostfix == ".md") { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); //bValidService = this.GetProcessConvertRuleValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.validservice, this.Fullpath); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } if (filePostfix == "yml") { //For only yml File iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); //bValidService = this.GetProcessConvertRuleValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.validservice, this.Fullpath); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } } //ToolReplacement Section if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } //Find Reference file of Include File if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.IncludeParentFile) { if (this.ArticleCategory == FileCategory.Includes) { if (this.CheckFileList == null && this.CheckFileList.Count > 0) { this.CheckFileList.Clear(); } this.ParentFile = this.FindParentOfIncludeFile(); } } //articleContent += "\n"; }
public void ProcessConvertJson(ref string articleContent) { this.Status = ProcessStatus.Process; string ruleJson = string.Empty; lock (ObjJason) { string ruleDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; ruleDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../ConvertJson/ConvertRule.json"); FileStream fsRule = new FileStream(ruleDir, FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fsRule); ruleJson = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); } JObject JUrl = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ruleJson); string urlGlobal = string.Empty; string urlMooncake = string.Empty; bool bGlobal = false; bool bMooncake = false; bool bValidService = false; Regex reg = null; //AuthorReplacement Section int iCount = 0; ConvertCategory category = this.ProcessCategory; if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.FindArticle) { //Empth code to find the articles in Source Tree. articleContent += "\n"; } #if DEBUG DateTime dStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime dEnd = DateTime.Now; string sTakeTime = string.Empty; #endif string[] fileKey = this.Fullpath.Split('\\'); int iCheckStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= fileKey.Length - 1; i++) { switch (fileKey[i].ToLower()) { case "articles": case "includes": iCheckStart = i; break; } } if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bValidService = this.GetProcessValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement, i, ConvertItem.service, fileKey, iCheckStart, this.File); if (bValidService == false) { continue; } bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { this.RepalceParameter(ref urlMooncake); reg = new Regex(urlGlobal, RegexOptions.Multiline); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.AuthorReplacement.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } // Append Update_Description for all the articles // New files // string message = ""; string gArticlediskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalArticleDir", ref message); string cArticlediskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("ChinaArticleDir", ref message); string gIncludediskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("GlobalIncludeDir", ref message); string cIncludediskpath = CommonFun.GetConfigurationValue("ChinaIncludeDir", ref message); bool isExistFile = this.CheckCustomizedFileIsNewFile(gArticlediskpath, cArticlediskpath, gIncludediskpath, cIncludediskpath); if (isExistFile == false) { string fileDescription = this.File.Replace("-", " "); fileDescription = fileDescription.Substring(0, fileDescription.Length - 3); articleContent += "\n\n"; articleContent += string.Format("<!-- Update_Description: new article about {0} -->", fileDescription); articleContent += "\n"; articleContent += string.Format("<! {0}-->", this.CustomizedDate); } else { articleContent += "\n\n"; articleContent += string.Format("<!-- Update_Description: update meta properties, wording update, update link -->"); } } //URLReplacement Section if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.URLReplacement) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.URLReplacement.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bValidService = this.GetProcessValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.service, fileKey, iCheckStart, this.File); if (bValidService == false) { continue; } bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.URLReplacement.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } //URLCorrection Section if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.URLCorrection) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.URLCorrection.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bValidService = this.GetProcessValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLCorrection, i, ConvertItem.service, fileKey, iCheckStart, this.File); if (bValidService == false) { continue; } bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLCorrection, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLCorrection, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); //bValidService = this.GetProcessConvertRuleValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.validservice, this.Fullpath); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.URLCorrection.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } //For only md File string filePostfix = this.File.Trim().Substring(this.File.Trim().Length - 3).ToLower(); if (filePostfix == ".md") { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bValidService = this.GetProcessValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection, i, ConvertItem.service, fileKey, iCheckStart, this.File); if (bValidService == false) { continue; } bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); //bValidService = this.GetProcessConvertRuleValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.validservice, this.Fullpath); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.MDFileCorrection.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } if (filePostfix == "yml") { //For only yml File iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bValidService = this.GetProcessValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection, i, ConvertItem.service, fileKey, iCheckStart, this.File); if (bValidService == false) { continue; } bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); //bValidService = this.GetProcessConvertRuleValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.URLReplacement, i, ConvertItem.validservice, this.Fullpath); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.YMLFileCorrection.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } } //ToolReplacement Section if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement) { iCount = JUrl[ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement.ToString()].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { bValidService = this.GetProcessValidService(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement, i, ConvertItem.service, fileKey, iCheckStart, this.File); if (bValidService == false) { continue; } bGlobal = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement, i,, ref urlGlobal); bMooncake = this.GetProcessConvertRule(ref JUrl, ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement, i, ConvertItem.mooncake, ref urlMooncake); if (bGlobal && bMooncake) { #if DEBUG this.PrintMatchCollection(ref articleContent, ref urlGlobal, ref urlMooncake); #endif reg = new Regex(urlGlobal); articleContent = reg.Replace(articleContent, urlMooncake); } #if DEBUG dEnd = DateTime.Now; sTakeTime = CommonFun.DateDiff(ref dEnd, ref dStart); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1} Regular Express {2} --> {3} takes\t{4}", ConvertCategory.ToolReplacement.ToString(), i, urlGlobal, urlMooncake, sTakeTime)); #endif } } //Find Reference file of Include File if (category == ConvertCategory.ALL || category == ConvertCategory.IncludeParentFile) { if (this.ArticleCategory == FileCategory.Includes) { if (this.CheckFileList == null && this.CheckFileList.Count > 0) { this.CheckFileList.Clear(); } this.ParentFile = this.FindParentOfIncludeFile(); } } //articleContent += "\n"; }
public void ProcessFileCustomize() { this.Status = ProcessStatus.Start; FileStream fs = null; StreamReader sr = null; StreamWriter sw = null; string error = ""; try { string sDirectoryName = this.Fullpath; sDirectoryName = sDirectoryName.Replace(this.File, ""); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(sDirectoryName)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(sDirectoryName); } fs = new FileStream(this.Fullpath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); sr = new StreamReader(fs); string fullcontent = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); ConvertCategory category = this.ProcessCategory; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing Thread[{0}] : {1}", this.Id, this.Fullpath)); this.ProcessConvertJson(ref fullcontent); sw = new StreamWriter(this.Fullpath, false); sw.Write(fullcontent); sw.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message.ToString(); CommonFun.GenerateErrorDownloadFile(ref error); } finally { if (sr != null) { sr.Close(); } if (sw != null) { sw.Close(); } if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); } } this.Status = ProcessStatus.Complete; Console.WriteLine("Check Status of the Thread[{0}] : {1}", this.Id, this.Status.ToString()); }