예제 #1
        public override bool InformClientOfNeighbor(UUID AgentID, ulong requestingRegion, AgentCircuitData circuitData, ref GridRegion neighbor, uint TeleportFlags, AgentData agentData, out string reason, out bool useCallbacks)
            useCallbacks = true;
            if (neighbor == null)
                reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
                return false;

            MainConsole.Instance.Info ("[AgentProcessing]: Starting to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);

            //Notes on this method
            // 1) the SimulationService.CreateAgent MUST have a fixed CapsUrl for the region, so we have to create (if needed)
            //       a new Caps handler for it.
            // 2) Then we can call the methods (EnableSimulator and EstatablishAgentComm) to tell the client the new Urls
            // 3) This allows us to make the Caps on the grid server without telling any other regions about what the
            //       Urls are.

            ISimulationService SimulationService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ISimulationService> ();
            if (SimulationService != null)
                ICapsService capsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICapsService> ();
                IClientCapsService clientCaps = capsService.GetClientCapsService (AgentID);
                GridRegion originalDest = neighbor;
                if ((neighbor.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    neighbor = GetFinalDestination (neighbor);
                    if (neighbor == null || neighbor.RegionHandle == 0)
                        reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
                        return false;
                    //Remove any offenders
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (originalDest.RegionHandle);
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (neighbor.RegionHandle);

                IRegionClientCapsService oldRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService (neighbor.RegionHandle);

                //If its disabled, it should be removed, so kill it!
                if (oldRegionService != null && oldRegionService.Disabled)
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    oldRegionService = null;

                bool newAgent = oldRegionService == null;
                IRegionClientCapsService otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetOrCreateCapsService (neighbor.RegionHandle,
                    CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath (CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath ()), circuitData, 0);

                if (!newAgent)
                    //Note: if the agent is already there, send an agent update then
                    bool result = true;
                    if (agentData != null)
                        agentData.IsCrossing = false;
                        result = SimulationService.UpdateAgent (neighbor, agentData);
                    if (result)
                        oldRegionService.Disabled = false;
                    reason = "";
                    return result;

                ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICommunicationService> ();
                if (commsService != null)
                    commsService.GetUrlsForUser (neighbor, circuitData.AgentID);//Make sure that we make userURLs if we need to

                circuitData.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetCapsPathFromCapsSeed (otherRegionService.CapsUrl);
                if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                    circuitData.firstname = clientCaps.AccountInfo.FirstName;
                    circuitData.lastname = clientCaps.AccountInfo.LastName;
                bool regionAccepted = false;
                int requestedUDPPort = 0;
                if ((originalDest.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    if (circuitData.ServiceURLs == null || circuitData.ServiceURLs.Count == 0)
                        if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs = new Dictionary<string, object> ();
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_GatekeeperURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_InventoryServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_AssetServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_ProfileServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_FriendsServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_IMServerURI] = GetHandlers.IM_URL;
                            clientCaps.AccountInfo.ServiceURLs = circuitData.ServiceURLs;
                            //Store the new urls
                            m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IUserAccountService> ().StoreUserAccount (clientCaps.AccountInfo);
                    string userAgentDriver = circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI].ToString ();
                    IUserAgentService connector = new UserAgentServiceConnector (userAgentDriver);
                    regionAccepted = connector.LoginAgentToGrid (circuitData, originalDest, neighbor, out reason);
                        circuitData.reallyischild = true;
                    regionAccepted = SimulationService.CreateAgent (neighbor, ref circuitData,
                            TeleportFlags, agentData, out requestedUDPPort, out reason);
                if (regionAccepted)
                    IPAddress ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    string otherRegionsCapsURL;
                    //If the region accepted us, we should get a CAPS url back as the reason, if not, its not updated or not an Aurora region, so don't touch it.
                    if (reason != "")
                        OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson (reason);
                        OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                            string ip = responseMap["OurIPForClient"].AsString();
                            ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
                        otherRegionService.AddCAPS (SimSeedCaps);
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = otherRegionService.CapsUrl;
                        //We are assuming an OpenSim region now!
                        #region OpenSim teleport compatibility!

                        useCallbacks = false;
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = neighbor.ServerURI +
                            CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath (circuitData.CapsPath);
                        otherRegionService.CapsUrl = otherRegionsCapsURL;

                    if (requestedUDPPort == 0)
                        requestedUDPPort = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
                    if(ipAddress == null)
                        ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    circuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;
                    otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    otherRegionService.LoopbackRegionIP = ipAddress;
                    otherRegionService.CircuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;

                    IEventQueueService EQService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueueService> ();

                    EQService.EnableSimulator (neighbor.RegionHandle,
                        requestedUDPPort, AgentID,
                        neighbor.RegionSizeX, neighbor.RegionSizeY, requestingRegion);

                    // EnableSimulator makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination,
                    // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                    // So let's wait
                    Thread.Sleep (300);
                    EQService.EstablishAgentCommunication (AgentID, neighbor.RegionHandle,
                        requestedUDPPort, otherRegionsCapsURL, neighbor.RegionSizeX,

                    if (!useCallbacks)
                        Thread.Sleep (3000); //Give it a bit of time, only for OpenSim...

                    MainConsole.Instance.Info ("[AgentProcessing]: Completed inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason);
                    return false;
                return true;
            reason = "SimulationService does not exist";
            MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason + "!");
            return false;
예제 #2
 public bool VerifyAgent(AgentCircuitData circuit)
     if (circuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey ("HomeURI"))
         string url = circuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString ();
         UserAgentServiceConnector security = new UserAgentServiceConnector (url);
         return security.VerifyAgent (circuit.SessionID, circuit.ServiceSessionID);
         MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent {0} {1} does not have a HomeURI OH NO!", circuit.firstname, circuit.lastname);
     return VerifyAgent (circuit.SessionID, circuit.ServiceSessionID);
예제 #3
 public bool RemoteStatusNotification(FriendInfo friend, UUID userID, bool online)
     string url, first, last, secret;
     UUID FriendToInform;
     if (HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier (friend.Friend, out FriendToInform, out url, out first, out last, out secret))
         UserAgentServiceConnector connector = new UserAgentServiceConnector (url);
         List<UUID> informedFriends = connector.StatusNotification (new List<string> (new string[1] { FriendToInform.ToString () }),
             userID, online);
         return informedFriends.Count > 0;
     return false;
예제 #4
        public GridRegion GetHomeRegion(AgentCircuitData circuit, out Vector3 position, out Vector3 lookAt)
            if (circuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey ("HomeURI"))
                IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector (circuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString ());
                GridRegion region = userAgentService.GetHomeRegion (circuit, out position, out lookAt);
                if (region != null)
                    Uri uri = null;
                    if (!circuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey ("HomeURI") ||
                        (circuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey ("HomeURI") && !Uri.TryCreate (circuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString (), UriKind.Absolute, out uri)))
                        return null;

                    region.ExternalHostName = uri.Host;
                    region.HttpPort = (uint)uri.Port;
                    region.ServerURI = region.ServerURI;
                    region.RegionName = string.Empty;
                    region.InternalEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint (System.Net.IPAddress.Parse (""), (int)0);
                    bool isComingHome = userAgentService.AgentIsComingHome (circuit.SessionID, m_GridName);
                    return region;
            return GetHomeRegion (circuit.AgentID, out position, out lookAt);
예제 #5
        public string GetUserServerURL(UUID userID, string serverType)
            if (m_UserCache.ContainsKey (userID))
                UserData userdata = m_UserCache[userID];
                if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey (serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                    return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString ();

                if (userdata.HomeURL != string.Empty)
                    UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector (userdata.HomeURL);
                    userdata.ServerURLs = uConn.GetServerURLs (userID);
                    if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey (serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                        return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString ();

            return string.Empty;
예제 #6
        protected bool Authenticate(AgentCircuitData aCircuit)
            if (!CheckAddress (aCircuit.ServiceSessionID))
                return false;

            string userURL = string.Empty;
            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey ("HomeURI"))
                userURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString ();

            if (userURL == string.Empty)
                MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Agent did not provide an authentication server URL");
                return false;

            if (userURL == m_ExternalName)
                return m_UserAgentService.VerifyAgent (aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.ServiceSessionID);
            //                Object[] args = new Object[] { userURL };
            IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector (userURL);
                return userAgentService.VerifyAgent (aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.ServiceSessionID);
                MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to contact authentication service at {0}", userURL);
                return false;