예제 #1
        public override List <Tuple <TimeSpan, TimeSpan> > Execute(IAudioStream s1, IAudioStream s2)
            s1 = PrepareStream(s1);
            s2 = PrepareStream(s2);

            int searchWidth = (int)(this.searchWidth.TotalSeconds * (1d * FrameReader.SAMPLERATE / FrameReader.WINDOW_HOP_SIZE));

            totalCostMatrix = new PatchMatrix <double>(double.PositiveInfinity);
            cellCostMatrix  = new PatchMatrix <double>(double.PositiveInfinity);
            rb1             = new RingBuffer <float[]>(searchWidth);
            rb1FrameCount   = 0;
            rb2             = new RingBuffer <float[]>(searchWidth);
            rb2FrameCount   = 0;

            stream1FrameQueue = new BlockingCollection <float[]>(20);
            FrameReader stream1FrameReader = new FrameReader(s1);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                while (stream1FrameReader.HasNext())
                    float[] frame = new float[FrameReader.FRAME_SIZE];

            stream2FrameQueue = new BlockingCollection <float[]>(20);
            FrameReader stream2FrameReader = new FrameReader(s2);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                while (stream2FrameReader.HasNext())
                    float[] frame = new float[FrameReader.FRAME_SIZE];

            // init matrix
            // NOTE do not explicitely init the PatchMatrix, otherwise the sparse matrix characteristic would
            //      be gone and the matrix would take up all the space like a standard matrix does
            totalCostMatrix[0, 0] = 0;
            cellCostMatrix[0, 0]  = 0;

            IProgressReporter progressReporter = progressMonitor.BeginTask("OLTW", true);
            int totalFrames = stream1FrameReader.WindowCount + stream2FrameReader.WindowCount;

            // --------- OLTW -----------

            t        = 1;
            j        = 1;
            previous = GetIncResult.None;
            runCount = 0;
            c        = searchWidth;
            EvaluatePathCost(t, j);

            FireOltwInit(c, cellCostMatrix, totalCostMatrix);

            while (rb1FrameCount + rb2FrameCount < totalFrames)
                GetIncResult getInc = GetInc(t, j);
                if (t < stream1FrameReader.WindowCount && getInc != GetIncResult.Column)
                    for (int k = j - c + 1; k <= j; k++)
                        if (k > 0)
                            EvaluatePathCost(t, k);
                if (j < stream2FrameReader.WindowCount && getInc != GetIncResult.Row)
                    for (int k = t - c + 1; k <= t; k++)
                        if (k > 0)
                            EvaluatePathCost(k, j);
                if (getInc == previous)
                    runCount = 1;
                if (getInc != GetIncResult.Both)
                    previous = getInc;

                FireOltwProgress(t, j, t, j, false);

                //Debug.WriteLine(t + " " + j + " " + getInc);

                progressReporter.ReportProgress((rb1FrameCount + rb2FrameCount) / (double)totalFrames * 100);

            FireOltwProgress(t, j, t, j, true);

            Debug.WriteLine("OLTW finished @ t={0}/{1}, j={2}/{3}",
                            t, stream1FrameReader.WindowCount,
                            j, stream2FrameReader.WindowCount);


            // --------- generate results -----------

            List <Pair> path = OptimalWarpingPath(totalCostMatrix);


            List <Tuple <TimeSpan, TimeSpan> > pathTimes = new List <Tuple <TimeSpan, TimeSpan> >();

            foreach (Pair pair in path)
                Tuple <TimeSpan, TimeSpan> timePair = new Tuple <TimeSpan, TimeSpan>(
                    PositionToTimeSpan(pair.i1 * FrameReader.WINDOW_HOP_SIZE),
                    PositionToTimeSpan(pair.i2 * FrameReader.WINDOW_HOP_SIZE));
                if (timePair.Item1 >= TimeSpan.Zero && timePair.Item2 >= TimeSpan.Zero)

예제 #2
        public virtual List<Tuple<TimeSpan, TimeSpan>> Execute(IAudioStream s1, IAudioStream s2) {
            s1 = PrepareStream(s1);
            s2 = PrepareStream(s2);

            int diagonalWidth = (int)(searchWidth.TotalSeconds * (1d * FrameReader.SAMPLERATE / FrameReader.WINDOW_HOP_SIZE));

            // init ring buffers
            rb1 = new float[diagonalWidth][];
            rb1FrameCount = 0;
            rb2 = new float[diagonalWidth][];
            rb2FrameCount = 0;

            stream1FrameQueue = new BlockingCollection<float[]>(20);
            FrameReader stream1FrameReader = new FrameReader(s1);
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                while (stream1FrameReader.HasNext()) {
                    float[] frame = new float[FrameReader.FRAME_SIZE];

            stream2FrameQueue = new BlockingCollection<float[]>(20);
            FrameReader stream2FrameReader = new FrameReader(s2);
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                while (stream2FrameReader.HasNext()) {
                    float[] frame = new float[FrameReader.FRAME_SIZE];

            IProgressReporter progressReporter = progressMonitor.BeginTask("DTW aligning...", true);
            int n = stream1FrameReader.WindowCount;
            int m = stream2FrameReader.WindowCount;

            double deltaN;
            double deltaM;
            if (m > n) {
                deltaN = (double)(n - 1) / (m - 1);
                deltaM = 1d;
            else if (m < n) {
                deltaN = 1d;
                deltaM = (double)(m - 1) / (n - 1);
            else {
                deltaN = 1d;
                deltaM = 1d;

            // NOTE the SparseMatrix is NOT USABLE for DTW -> OutOfMemoryException (1.3GB RAM) at a densely filled matrix of ~4000x3000
            IMatrix<double> totalCostMatrix = new PatchMatrix<double>(double.PositiveInfinity);
            IMatrix<double> cellCostMatrix = new PatchMatrix<double>(double.PositiveInfinity);

            // init matrix
            // NOTE do not explicitely init the PatchMatrix, otherwise the sparse matrix characteristic would 
            //      be gone and the matrix would take up all the space like a standard matrix does
            totalCostMatrix[0, 0] = 0;
            cellCostMatrix[0, 0] = 0;

            double progressN = 0;
            double progressM = 0;
            int i, x = 0;
            int j, y = 0;

            FireOltwInit(diagonalWidth, cellCostMatrix, totalCostMatrix);

            while (x < n || y < m) {
                x = (int)progressN + 1;
                y = (int)progressM + 1;
                ReadFrames(x, y);

                i = Math.Max(x - diagonalWidth, 1);
                j = y;
                for (; i <= x; i++) {
                    double cost = CalculateCost(rb1[(i - 1) % diagonalWidth], rb2[(j - 1) % diagonalWidth]);
                    totalCostMatrix[i, j] = cost + Min(
                        totalCostMatrix[i - 1, j], 
                        totalCostMatrix[i, j - 1], 
                        totalCostMatrix[i - 1, j - 1]);
                    cellCostMatrix[i, j] = cost;

                i = x;
                j = Math.Max(y - diagonalWidth, 1);
                for (; j <= y; j++) {
                    double cost = CalculateCost(rb1[(i - 1) % diagonalWidth], rb2[(j - 1) % diagonalWidth]);
                    totalCostMatrix[i, j] = cost + Min(
                        totalCostMatrix[i - 1, j], 
                        totalCostMatrix[i, j - 1], 
                        totalCostMatrix[i - 1, j - 1]);
                    cellCostMatrix[i, j] = cost;

                FireOltwProgress(x, y, x, y, false);

                progressReporter.ReportProgress((double)x / n * 100);

                progressN += deltaN;
                progressM += deltaM;
            FireOltwProgress(x, y, x, y, true);

            List<Pair> path = OptimalWarpingPath(totalCostMatrix);

            return WarpingPathTimes(path, true);
예제 #3
        public override List <Tuple <TimeSpan, TimeSpan> > Execute(IAudioStream s1, IAudioStream s2)
            s1 = PrepareStream(s1);
            s2 = PrepareStream(s2);

            IProgressReporter progressReporter;

            progressReporter = progressMonitor.BeginTask("OLTW analyzing stream 1..", true);
            FrameReader s1FrameReader = new FrameReader(s1);

            s1Frames = new List <float[]>(s1FrameReader.WindowCount);
            int s1FrameCount = 0;

            while (s1FrameReader.HasNext())
                float[] frame = new float[FrameReader.FRAME_SIZE];
                progressReporter.ReportProgress((double)++s1FrameCount / s1Frames.Capacity * 100);

            progressReporter = progressMonitor.BeginTask("OLTW analyzing stream 2...", true);
            FrameReader s2FrameReader = new FrameReader(s2);

            s2Frames = new List <float[]>(s2FrameReader.WindowCount);
            int s2FrameCount = 0;

            while (s2FrameReader.HasNext())
                float[] frame = new float[FrameReader.FRAME_SIZE];
                progressReporter.ReportProgress((double)++s2FrameCount / s2Frames.Capacity * 100);

            int c = (int)(this.searchWidth.TotalSeconds * (1d * FrameReader.SAMPLERATE / FrameReader.WINDOW_HOP_SIZE));

            c = Math.Min(c, Math.Min(s1FrameCount, s2FrameCount)); // reduce c to the shortest stream if necessary

            totalCostMatrix = new PatchMatrix <double>(double.PositiveInfinity, 100);
            cellCostMatrix  = new PatchMatrix <double>(double.PositiveInfinity, 100);

            int       i = 0, j = 0; // position of the "head" in each step
            int       minI, minJ;   // position of the cell with the min path cost in each step
            Direction r        = Direction.None;
            Direction previous = Direction.None;
            int       runCount = 0;

            pathLengthRow = new int[c + MAX_RUN_COUNT];
            pathLengthCol = new int[c + MAX_RUN_COUNT];
            int[] pathLengthRowPrev = new int[c + MAX_RUN_COUNT];
            int[] pathLengthColPrev = new int[c + MAX_RUN_COUNT];
            int   totalFrames       = s1Frames.Count + s2Frames.Count;

            progressReporter = progressMonitor.BeginTask("OLTW aligning...", true);

            // init
            totalCostMatrix[0, 0] = cellCostMatrix[0, 0] = CalculateCost(s1Frames[0], s2Frames[0]);
            FireOltwInit(c, cellCostMatrix, totalCostMatrix);

            while (i < s1Frames.Count - 1 || j < s2Frames.Count - 1)
                if (i < c)   // build initial square matrix
                    r    = Direction.Both;
                    minI = i;
                    minJ = j;
                else   // calculate temp. min cost path
                    int    xI = i;
                    double xV = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    for (int x = i - c + 1; x <= i; x++)
                        double pC = totalCostMatrix[x, j] / pathLengthRow[x % pathLengthRow.Length];
                        if (pC <= xV)
                            xV = pC;
                            xI = x;

                    int    yI = j;
                    double yV = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    for (int y = j - c + 1; y <= j; y++)
                        double pC = totalCostMatrix[i, y] / pathLengthCol[y % pathLengthRow.Length];
                        if (pC <= yV)
                            yV = pC;
                            yI = y;

                    if (xI == i && yI == j)
                        // min path is in the corner
                        r    = Direction.Both;
                        minI = i;
                        minJ = j;
                    else if (xV < yV)
                        // min path was found in a row
                        r    = Direction.Row;
                        minI = xI;
                        minJ = j;
                        // min path is in the column
                        r    = Direction.Column;
                        minI = i;
                        minJ = yI;

                FireOltwProgress(i, j, minI, minJ, false);

                if (r == previous)
                if (r == Direction.Both)
                    runCount = 0;
                else if (runCount >= MAX_RUN_COUNT)
                    if (r == Direction.Row)
                        r = Direction.Column;
                    else if (r == Direction.Column)
                        r = Direction.Row;
                    runCount = 0;

                // add row
                if (j < s2Frames.Count - 1 && (r == Direction.Row || r == Direction.Both))
                    CommonUtil.Swap <int[]>(ref pathLengthRow, ref pathLengthRowPrev);
                    for (int x = Math.Max(i - c + 1, 0); x <= i; x++)
                        double cellCost = CalculateCost(s1Frames[x], s2Frames[j]);
                        if (x == 0)
                            totalCostMatrix[x, j] = totalCostMatrix[x, j - 1] + cellCost;
                            totalCostMatrix[x, j] = Min(
                                totalCostMatrix[x - 1, j - 1] + DIAG_COST_FACTOR * cellCost,
                                totalCostMatrix[x - 1, j] + cellCost,
                                totalCostMatrix[x, j - 1] + cellCost);
                        cellCostMatrix[x, j] = cellCost;
                        pathLengthRow[x % pathLengthRow.Length] = GetPathLength(x, j);
                    pathLengthCol[j % pathLengthCol.Length] = pathLengthRow[i % pathLengthRow.Length];

                // add column
                if (i < s1Frames.Count - 1 && (r == Direction.Column || r == Direction.Both))
                    CommonUtil.Swap <int[]>(ref pathLengthCol, ref pathLengthColPrev);
                    for (int y = Math.Max(j - c + 1, 0); y <= j; y++)
                        double cellCost = CalculateCost(s1Frames[i], s2Frames[y]);
                        if (y == 0)
                            totalCostMatrix[i, y] = totalCostMatrix[i - 1, y] + cellCost;
                            totalCostMatrix[i, y] = Min(
                                totalCostMatrix[i - 1, y - 1] + DIAG_COST_FACTOR * cellCost,
                                totalCostMatrix[i - 1, y] + cellCost,
                                totalCostMatrix[i, y - 1] + cellCost);
                        cellCostMatrix[i, y] = cellCost;
                        pathLengthCol[y % pathLengthCol.Length] = GetPathLength(i, y);
                    pathLengthRow[i % pathLengthRow.Length] = pathLengthCol[j % pathLengthCol.Length];

                previous = r;
                progressReporter.ReportProgress((i + j) / (double)totalFrames * 100);
            FireOltwProgress(i, j, i, j, true);

            List <Pair> path = OptimalWarpingPath(totalCostMatrix);


            return(WarpingPathTimes(path, true));