public void Test_ElementsNotEqual() { Element p1 = new Element( "p1_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); Element p2 = new Element( "p2_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); Assert.IsFalse( p1.Equals( p2 ), "p1 == p2" ); Element p3 = new Element( "p3_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); Element p4 = new Element( "p3_id", "parent_name2", "subst1" ); Assert.IsFalse( p3.Equals( p4 ), "p3 == p4" ); Element p5 = new Element( "p5_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); Element p6 = new Element( "p5_id", "parent_name", "subst2" ); Assert.IsFalse( p5.Equals( p6 ), "p5 == p6" ); Element p7 = new Element( "p7_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p7.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Element p8 = new Element( "p7_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p8.AddOptionals( "type4", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Assert.IsFalse( p7.Equals( p8 ), "p7 == p8" ); Element p9 = new Element( "p9_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p9.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Element p10 = new Element( "p9_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p10.AddOptionals( "type3", true, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Assert.IsFalse( p9.Equals( p10 ), "p9 == p10" ); Element p11 = new Element( "p11_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p11.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Element p12 = new Element( "p11_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p12.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.instant,, false ); Assert.IsFalse( p11.Equals( p12 ), "p11 == p12" ); Element p13 = new Element( "p13_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p13.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Element p14 = new Element( "p13_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p14.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration, BalanceType.debit, false ); Assert.IsFalse( p13.Equals( p14 ), "p13 == p14" ); Element p15 = new Element( "p15_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p15.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Element p16 = new Element( "p15_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p16.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, true ); Assert.IsFalse( p15.Equals( p16 ), "p15 == p16" ); Element p17 = new Element( "p17_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p17.AddChild( p1 ); Element p18 = new Element( "p17_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); Assert.IsFalse( p17.Equals( p18 ), "p17 == p18" ); Element p19 = new Element( "p19_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p19.AddChild( p1 ); Element p20 = new Element( "p19_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p20.AddChild( p2 ); Assert.IsFalse( p19.Equals( p20 ), "p19 == p20" ); // c1 is considered the same element even though it has different parents Element c1 = new Element( "c1" ); Element p21 = new Element( "p21_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p21.AddChild( c1 ); Element c2 = new Element( "c1" ); Element p22 = new Element( "p21_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p22.AddChild( c2 ); Assert.IsTrue( c1.Equals( c2 ), "c1 != c2" ); }
public void Test_ElementsEqual() { Element p1 = new Element( "p1_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p1.AddOptionals( "type1", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Element p2 = new Element( "p1_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p2.AddOptionals( "type1", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); Assert.IsTrue( p1.Equals( p2 ), "p1 != P2" ); Element p3 = new Element( "p3_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p3.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); p3.AddChild( p1 ); Element p4 = new Element( "p3_id", "parent_name", "subst1" ); p4.AddOptionals( "type3", false, PeriodType.duration,, false ); p4.AddChild( p1 ); Assert.IsTrue( p3.Equals( p4 ), "p3 != p4" ); }
public void ElementToXml() { Element p1 = new Element( "Parent1", "Parent1", "substGroup1" ); p1.AddOptionals( "Test", true, Element.PeriodType.duration, Element.BalanceType.debit, false ); Element c1 = new Element( "Child1", "Child1", "substGroup1" ); c1.AddOptionals( "Test", true, Element.PeriodType.duration, Element.BalanceType.debit, false ); p1.AddChild( c1 ); p1.AddChildInfo(c1.Id, 1, 2); Element c2 = new Element( "Child2", "Child2", "substGroup1" ); c2.AddOptionals( "Test", true, Element.PeriodType.duration, Element.BalanceType.debit, false ); p1.AddChild( c2 ); p1.AddChildInfo(c2.Id, 2, int.MaxValue); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); p1.ToXmlString( 0, null, sb ); string result = "<parentElement name=\"Parent1\" nillable=\"True\" abstract=\"False\" tuple=\"False\" type=\"Test\" substitutionGroup=\"substGroup1\" periodType=\"duration\" balanceType=\"debit\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\""+Int32.MaxValue+"\">\r\n" + "\t<element name=\"Child1\" nillable=\"True\" abstract=\"False\" tuple=\"False\" type=\"Test\" substitutionGroup=\"substGroup1\" periodType=\"duration\" balanceType=\"debit\" minOccurs=\"1\" maxOccurs=\"2\"/>\r\n" + "\t<element name=\"Child2\" nillable=\"True\" abstract=\"False\" tuple=\"False\" type=\"Test\" substitutionGroup=\"substGroup1\" periodType=\"duration\" balanceType=\"debit\" minOccurs=\"2\" maxOccurs=\""+Int32.MaxValue+"\"/>\r\n" + "</parentElement>\r\n"; Console.WriteLine( "*** Element.ToXmlString() ***" ); Console.WriteLine( sb.ToString() ); Console.WriteLine( "*** Element.ToXmlString() End ***" ); Assert.AreEqual( result, sb.ToString() ); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml( result ); }
public void ElementToXmlFragment() { Element e1 = new Element( "Test1", "Test1", "substGroup1" ); e1.AddOptionals( "Test", true, Element.PeriodType.duration, Element.BalanceType.debit, false ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Element.WriteXmlFragment(e1, true, null, sb); Assert.AreEqual( "name=\"Test1\" nillable=\"True\" abstract=\"False\" tuple=\"False\" type=\"Test\" substitutionGroup=\"substGroup1\" periodType=\"duration\" balanceType=\"debit\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\""+Int32.MaxValue+"\"", sb.ToString() ); sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); Element.WriteXmlFragment( null, true, null, sb ); Assert.AreEqual( "name=\"\" nillable=\"False\" abstract=\"True\" tuple=\"False\" type=\"\" substitutionGroup=\"\" periodType=\"na\" balanceType=\"na\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\""+Int32.MaxValue+"\"", sb.ToString() ); }
private int AddAdditionalElementInfo( Element e, XmlNode elem, ArrayList errorList ) { string type = null; string nillable = "false"; string ptype = "na"; string bal = "na"; string abst = "false"; // get optional arguments if ( !Common.GetAttribute( elem, TYPE_TAG, ref type, null ) ) { if( elem.ChildNodes != null ) { foreach (XmlNode cn in elem.ChildNodes) { if (cn is XmlComment) continue; if (cn.Name.IndexOf(@"complexType") > 0) { XmlNode restrictionNode = cn.SelectSingleNode(RESTRICTION_KEY, theManager); if (restrictionNode != null) { type = restrictionNode.Attributes[BASE_TAG].Value; } } } if (type == null) { //Write it ourselves Common.WriteError("XBRLParser.Warning.NoTagForLocator2", errorList, TYPE_TAG, elem.OuterXml); return 1; } } } ////fix type perfix to make sure it says xbrli if it is a xbrli type //if (!type.StartsWith("xbrli")) //{ // bool convertToxbrli= false; // string[] parts = type.Split(':'); // if( parts.Length > 1 ) // { // //it might be a different prefix but still uses the same namespace // theManager.LookupNamespace( //} Common.GetAttribute(elem, NILLABLE_TAG, ref nillable, null); Common.GetAttribute(elem, ABSTRACT_TAG, ref abst, null); if (this.HasStandardXBRLIPrefix) { Common.GetAttribute(elem, PERIOD_TYPE_TAG, ref ptype, null); Common.GetAttribute(elem, BALANCE_TAG, ref bal, null); } else { //convert the value retured by type... type = this.ConvertToXBRLIPrefixIfValidPrefix(type); Common.GetAttribute(elem, ConvertXBRLIToValidPrefix(PERIOD_TYPE_TAG), ref ptype, null); Common.GetAttribute(elem, ConvertXBRLIToValidPrefix(BALANCE_TAG), ref bal, null); } e.AddOptionals( type, Boolean.Parse( nillable ), (Element.PeriodType)Enum.Parse( typeof( Element.PeriodType ), ptype, true ), (Element.BalanceType)Enum.Parse( typeof( Element.BalanceType ), bal, true ), Boolean.Parse( abst ) ); if ( type != null && enumTable.Count > 0 && enumTable.ContainsKey( type ) ) { // set the enumeration e.EnumData = enumTable[type] as Enumeration; } return 0; }