internal DefinitionLink CreateCopyForMerging() { DefinitionLink ret = new DefinitionLink(); ret.role = this.role; ret.title = this.title; ret.BaseSchema = this.BaseSchema; ret.MyHref = this.MyHref; if (HypercubeLocatorsHrefs != null) { ret.HypercubeLocatorsHrefs = new List<string>(HypercubeLocatorsHrefs); } if (NotAllRelationshipHypercubes != null) { ret.NotAllRelationshipHypercubes = new List<string>(NotAllRelationshipHypercubes); } if (DimensionHrefsWithDefault != null) { ret.DimensionHrefsWithDefault = new List<string>(DimensionHrefsWithDefault); } if (DimensionLocatorsHrefs != null) { ret.DimensionLocatorsHrefs = new List<string>(DimensionLocatorsHrefs); } if (MeasureLocatorsHrefs != null) { ret.MeasureLocatorsHrefs = new List<string>(MeasureLocatorsHrefs); } if (RequiresElementRelationshipHrefs != null) { ret.RequiresElementRelationshipHrefs = new List<string>(RequiresElementRelationshipHrefs); } if (segmentHypercubesHRef != null) { ret.segmentHypercubesHRef = new List<string>(segmentHypercubesHRef); } if (scenarioHypercubesHref != null) { ret.scenarioHypercubesHref = new List<string>(scenarioHypercubesHref); } if (this.locators != null) { ret.locators = new Hashtable(); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this.locators) { DefinitionLocator dl = de.Value as DefinitionLocator; DefinitionLocator copy = dl.CreateCopyForMerging(); } //using the parentnewvalue list we need to reset the parent infotrmationin //definition locators foreach (DefinitionLocator dl in ret.locators.Values) { dl.ResetParentInformation(ret.locators); } } return ret; }
public void Append( DefinitionLink arg, ArrayList errors ) { Hashtable tempLocators = new Hashtable(); if ( arg.locators != null && arg.locators.Count > 0 ) { foreach( DictionaryEntry de in arg.locators ) { DefinitionLocator loc = locators[de.Key] as DefinitionLocator; if ( loc != null ) { tempLocators[de.Key] = de.Value; } else { locators[de.Key] = de.Value; } } } // fix up the new locators foreach( DictionaryEntry de in tempLocators ) { DefinitionLocator loc = locators[de.Key] as DefinitionLocator; DefinitionLocator oldLocator = de.Value as DefinitionLocator; loc.Append( oldLocator ); } MergeStringList(HypercubeLocatorsHrefs, arg.HypercubeLocatorsHrefs); MergeStringList(NotAllRelationshipHypercubes, arg.NotAllRelationshipHypercubes); MergeStringList(DimensionHrefsWithDefault, arg.DimensionHrefsWithDefault); MergeStringList(DimensionLocatorsHrefs, arg.DimensionLocatorsHrefs); MergeStringList(MeasureLocatorsHrefs, arg.MeasureLocatorsHrefs); MergeStringList(RequiresElementRelationshipHrefs, arg.RequiresElementRelationshipHrefs); MergeStringList(scenarioHypercubesHref, arg.scenarioHypercubesHref); MergeStringList(segmentHypercubesHRef, arg.segmentHypercubesHRef); //preserve the old BaseSchema, so roleRef href will point to the correct schema BaseSchema = arg.BaseSchema; }
internal DimensionNode CreateDimensionNode(string lang, string role, Node parentNode, string parentId , DefinitionLink dLink, bool recursive, Hashtable definisionLinks, DefinitionLocatorRelationshipInfo lri, DimensionNode newNode, bool buildHypercubeChildren, bool isScenarioMarkup) { if (e == null) return null; if (newNode == null) { newNode = new DimensionNode(e); newNode.IsSegmentMarkup = !isScenarioMarkup; newNode.SetLabel(lang, role); newNode.NodeDimensionInfo = lri; newNode.IsDraggable = false; if (lri != null && lri.NodeType == DimensionNode.NodeType.Item && lri.Usable ) { if (!e.IsAbstract) { newNode.IsDraggable = true; } } newNode.MyDefinitionLink = dLink; } if (lri != null) { newNode.SetOrder(lri.Order); if (PresentationLocator.preferredLabelRole.Equals(role)) { if (lri.PrefLabel != null) { newNode.UpdatePreferredLabel(lang, lri.PrefLabel); } } } if (parentNode != null) { // and add it parentNode.AddChild(newNode); parentId = parentNode.Id; } if (recursive) { if (lri != null && lri.TargetRole != null && dLink.Role != lri.TargetRole) { if (definisionLinks != null) { DefinitionLink targetDLink = definisionLinks[lri.TargetRole] as DefinitionLink; if (targetDLink != null) { DefinitionLocator targetLocator; if (targetDLink.TryGetLocator(newNode.Id, out targetLocator)) { CreateChildNodes(lang, role, newNode, targetDLink, definisionLinks, targetLocator.childLocatorsByHRef, buildHypercubeChildren, isScenarioMarkup); } } } if (newNode.Children != null) { newNode.Children.Sort(new NodeOrderSorter()); } return newNode; } CreateChildNodes(lang, role, newNode, dLink, definisionLinks, childLocatorsByHRef, buildHypercubeChildren, isScenarioMarkup); //need to sort the nodes if (newNode.Children != null) { newNode.Children.Sort(new NodeOrderSorter()); } } return newNode; }
private void CreateChildNodes(string lang, string role, DimensionNode parentNode , DefinitionLink dLink, Hashtable definisionLinks, HybridDictionary ChildDefinitionLocatorsHD, bool buildHypercubeChildren, bool isScenarioMarkup) { if (ChildDefinitionLocatorsHD == null) return; if (!buildHypercubeChildren) { if (parentNode.NodeDimensionInfo != null && parentNode.NodeDimensionInfo.NodeType == DimensionNode.NodeType.Hypercube) { //no need to build the children... return; } } foreach (ChildDefinitionLocator cdl in ChildDefinitionLocatorsHD.Values) { DefinitionLocator childLocator; if (!dLink.TryGetLocator(cdl.HRef, out childLocator)) { continue; } bool recursive = true; if (parentNode != null && parentNode.GetParent(childLocator.HRef) != null) { recursive = false; //we have a recursion.. //this might be ok if one of the links is a prohibitted link... } //organize locators by non xlink attributes //we should have only one valid LocatorRelationshipInfo for each order... DefinitionLocatorRelationshipInfo currentRelationShip=null; for (int i = cdl.LocatorRelationshipInfos.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DefinitionLocatorRelationshipInfo lri = cdl.LocatorRelationshipInfos[i] as DefinitionLocatorRelationshipInfo; if (currentRelationShip != null && lri.IsNonXlinkEquivalentRelationship(currentRelationShip)) continue; currentRelationShip = lri; //if (lri.IsDefault) continue; //this is just the default need to include it when we build the tree.. if ( lri.IsProhibited) continue; childLocator.CreateDimensionNode(lang, role, parentNode, parentNode.Id, dLink, recursive, definisionLinks, lri, null, buildHypercubeChildren, isScenarioMarkup ); } } }
private void ProcessDimensionLinks(XmlNode dlNode, string role, string title, ref int errorsEncountered, Dictionary<string, string> discoveredSchemas) { DefinitionLink dl = definitionLinks[role] as DefinitionLink; if (dl == null) { // create the object dl = new DefinitionLink(title, role, BaseSchema, errorList); // put it in the hashtable definitionLinks[role] = dl; } // and load up the links int linkErrors = 0; dl.LoadChildren(dlNode, theManager, discoveredSchemas, this.schemaPath, out linkErrors); errorsEncountered += linkErrors; }