예제 #1
 internal static extern IntPtr csi_Atomic_Octree_Raycast(IntPtr self, ref Ray ray, ref RayQueryLevel level, float maxDistance, uint drawableFlags, uint viewMask, bool single, out IntPtr resultVector, out int count);
예제 #2
 /// Construct with ray and query parameters.
 public RayOctreeQuery(Ray ray, RayQueryLevel level = RayQueryLevel.RAY_TRIANGLE, float maxDistance = Single.PositiveInfinity, uint drawableFlags = Constants.DRAWABLE_ANY, uint viewMask = Constants.DEFAULT_VIEWMASK)
     this.Ray = ray;
     this.Level = level;
     this.MaxDistance = maxDistance;
     this.DrawableFlags = drawableFlags;
     this.ViewMask = viewMask;
예제 #3
        public Vector3 ClosestPoint(Ray otherRay)
            var p13 = Origin - otherRay.Origin;
            var p43 = otherRay.Direction;
            Vector3 p21 = Direction;

            float d1343 = Vector3.Dot(p13, p43);
            float d4321 = Vector3.Dot(p43, p21);
            float d1321 = Vector3.Dot(p13, p21);
            float d4343 = Vector3.Dot(p43, p43);
            float d2121 = Vector3.Dot(p21, p21);

            float d = d2121 * d4343 - d4321 * d4321;
            if (Math.Abs(d) < float.Epsilon)
                return Origin;
            float n = d1343 * d4321 - d1321 * d4343;
            float a = n / d;

            return Origin + a * Direction;
예제 #4
 private static extern void csi_Atomic_Camera_GetScreenRay(IntPtr self, float x, float y, ref Ray retValue);
예제 #5
        void SubscribeToEvents()
            SubscribeToEvent<PostUpdateEvent>(e =>
                if (vehicle == null)

                Node vehicleNode = vehicle.Node;

                // Physics update has completed. Position camera behind vehicle
                Quaternion dir = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitY, vehicleNode.Rotation.YawAngle);

                dir = dir * Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitY, vehicle.Controls.Yaw);
                dir = dir * Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX, vehicle.Controls.Pitch);

                Vector3 cameraTargetPos = vehicleNode.Position - (dir * new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, CameraDistance));
                Vector3 cameraStartPos = vehicleNode.Position;

                // and move it closer to the vehicle if something in between
                Ray cameraRay = new Ray(cameraStartPos, cameraTargetPos - cameraStartPos);
                float cameraRayLength = (cameraTargetPos - cameraStartPos).Length;

                // Raycast camera against static objects (physics collision mask 2)
                var query = new RayOctreeQuery(cameraRay, RayQueryLevel.RAY_TRIANGLE, cameraRayLength, Constants.DRAWABLE_ANY, 2);

                PhysicsRaycastResult result = new PhysicsRaycastResult();

                scene.GetComponent<PhysicsWorld>().RaycastSingle(ref result, cameraRay, cameraRayLength, 2);
                if (result.Body != null)
                    cameraTargetPos = cameraStartPos + cameraRay.Direction * (result.Distance - 0.5f);

                CameraNode.Position = cameraTargetPos;
                CameraNode.Rotation = dir;
예제 #6
 internal static extern IntPtr csi_Atomic_PhysicsWorld_RaycastSingle(IntPtr self, ref Ray ray, float maxDistance, uint collisionMask, out PhysicsRaycastResult result);
예제 #7
 public void RaycastSingle(ref PhysicsRaycastResult result, Ray ray, float maxDistance, uint collisionMask = uint.MaxValue)
     csi_Atomic_PhysicsWorld_RaycastSingle(nativeInstance, ref ray, maxDistance, collisionMask, out result);