public ActionResult BasicSettings(WizardBasicSettingsModel m)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Owner) || m.Owner.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("owner", "Owner is required.");

                if (m.Year < 1990 || m.Year > 2090)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("year", "Please choose a valid year.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.WorkspaceSubtitle) || m.WorkspaceSubtitle.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("workspaceSubtitle", "The workspace subtitle is required.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.BlogTitle) || m.BlogTitle.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("blogTitle", "The blog title is required.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Name) || m.Name.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("name", "Your name is required.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Email) || m.Email.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("email", "Your email is required."); //TODO: proper email validation

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Password) || m.Password.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("password", "Please choose a password.");

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    return RedirectToAction("ThemeChoice");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError("error", ex.Message);
            return View("WizardBasicSettings", "Wizard", m);
        public ActionResult BasicSettings()
            int total;
            string email = string.Empty;
            string name = string.Empty;
            var e = UserRepository.GetUsers(0, int.MaxValue, out total).LastOrDefault();
            if (e != null)
                email = e.Email;
                name = e.Name;
            var m = new WizardBasicSettingsModel()
                Address = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath,
                Owner = AppService.GetWorkspace().GetCollection().Id.Owner,
                Year = DateTime.UtcNow.Year,
                WorkspaceSubtitle = AppService.GetWorkspace().Subtitle.Text,
                BlogTitle = AppService.GetWorkspace().GetCollection().Title.Text,
                Name = name,
                Email = email

            return View("WizardBasicSettings", "Wizard", m);
        private void UpdateBasicSettingsAndAllExistingData(WizardBasicSettingsModel m)
            AppService appSvc = this.AppService;
            //update service config, user config, and pages
            appSvc.Base = new Uri(Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath);
            if (!appSvc.Base.ToString().EndsWith("/")) appSvc.Base = new Uri(appSvc.Base.ToString() + "/");
            appSvc.Admins = new[] { m.Name };
            appSvc.Workspaces.First().Title = new AtomText() { Text = m.Owner };
            appSvc.Workspaces.First().Subtitle = new AtomText() { Text = m.WorkspaceSubtitle };

            LogService.Info("Removing old user 'Admin'");
            LogService.Info("Removing old user '{0}'", m.Name);
            User user = new User()
                Name = m.Name,
                Email = m.Email,
                Ids = new[] { m.Name },
                Uri = appSvc.Base,
                Password = m.Password,
                PasswordFormat = "clear"
            LogService.Info("Creating new user '{0}'", m.Name);

            foreach (string c in new[] { "blog", "pages", "media" })
                LogService.Info("Updating collection '{0}' with new id and author information.", c);
                AppCollection coll = appSvc.GetWorkspace().GetCollection(c);

                //update blog title
                if (c == "blog") coll.Title = new AtomText() { Text = m.BlogTitle };

                //update include ids
                foreach (XElement xid in appSvc.Xml.Descendants(Atom.SvcNs + "id"))
                    Id id = new Uri(((string)xid));
                    Id newId = new Id(m.Owner, m.Year.ToString(), c, id.EntryPath);
                    if (id.Collection == c) xid.SetValue(newId);
                    LogService.Info("Updating include id from {0} to {1}", id, newId);

                //get entries to update later
                int total;
                IList<AtomEntry> entries = AtomEntryRepository.GetEntries(new EntryCriteria()
                    WorkspaceName = coll.Id.Workspace,
                    CollectionName = coll.Id.Collection,
                    Authorized = true
                }, 0, int.MaxValue, out total).ToList();

                //get annotations to update later
                IList<AtomEntry> annotations = AtomEntryRepository.GetEntries(new EntryCriteria()
                    WorkspaceName = coll.Id.Workspace,
                    CollectionName = coll.Id.Collection,
                    Annotations = true,
                    Deep = false,
                    Authorized = true
                }, 0, int.MaxValue, out total).ToList();

                //must process annotations before entries
                entries = annotations.Concat(entries).ToList();

                //update collection id
                Id newCollId = new Id(m.Owner, m.Year.ToString(), c);
                LogService.Info("Updating collection id from {0} to {1}", coll.Id, newCollId);
                coll.Id = newCollId;
                bool newWorkspace = coll.Id.Workspace != Atom.DefaultWorkspaceName;

                //save all with new id
                foreach (AtomEntry entry in entries)
                        //update author based on email
                        if (entry.Authors.First().Email != null && 
              (entry.Authors.First().Email.ToLower() == user.Email.ToLower() || entry.Authors.First().Email == "*****@*****.**"))
                            entry.Authors = new[] { user.ToAtomAuthor() };
                        //entry.Published = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                        //entry.Updated = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                        entry.Edited = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                        if (entry.Id.EntryPath == "About")
                            LogService.Info("Updating name on About page from Admin to {0}", m.Name);
                            entry.Content.Text = entry.Content.Text.Replace(" Admin ", string.Format(" {0} ", m.Name));

                        if (entry.Id.EntryPath == "Contact")
                            LogService.Info("Updating email on Contact page from [email protected] to {0}", m.Name);
                            entry.Content.Text = entry.Content.Text.Replace("*****@*****.**", m.Name);

                        //fix links http://localhost:1333 to new address
                        string xmlstr = entry.Xml.ToString();
                        xmlstr = xmlstr.Replace("http://localhost:1333/", appSvc.Base.ToString());
                        entry.Xml = XElement.Parse(xmlstr);

                        //entry.Content.Xml.DescendantNodesAndSelf().Where(n => n.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                        //  .Cast<XAttribute>()
                        //  .Where(a => a.Value.Contains("http://localhost:1333/")).ToList()
                        //  .ForEach(a => a.Value = a.Value.Replace("http://localhost:1333/", appSvc.Base.ToString()));

                        Id oldId = entry.Id;

                        if (newWorkspace)
                            LogService.Info("Workspace name is changed to {0}", appSvc.Workspaces.First().Name);
                            appSvc.Workspaces.First().Name = coll.Id.Workspace;
                            if (!entry.Media)
                                if (coll.Dated)
                                    entry.Id = new Id(m.Owner, entry.Id.Date, c, entry.Id.EntryPath);
                                    entry.Id = new Id(m.Owner, m.Year.ToString(), c, entry.Id.EntryPath);
                                LogService.Info("Creating entry with id from {0} to {1}", oldId, entry.Id);
                                //delte old entry
                                using (Stream s = MediaRepository.GetMedia(entry))
                                    if (coll.Dated)
                                        entry.Id = new Id(m.Owner, entry.Id.Date, c, entry.Id.EntryPath);
                                        entry.Id = new Id(m.Owner, m.Year.ToString(), c, entry.Id.EntryPath);
                                    LogService.Info("Creating media with id from {0} to {1}", oldId, entry.Id);
                                    MediaRepository.CreateMedia(entry, s);
                                //delete old media
                                entry.Id = oldId;
                            //just update
                            if (coll.Dated)
                                entry.Id = new Id(m.Owner, entry.Id.Date, c, entry.Id.EntryPath);
                                entry.Id = new Id(m.Owner, m.Year.ToString(), c, entry.Id.EntryPath);
                            LogService.Info("Updating entry id from {0} to {1}", oldId, entry.Id);
                    catch (Exception ex)

            appSvc = AppServiceRepository.UpdateService(appSvc);