public static VideoCompressor[] GetAll(bool reload) { if (compressors != null && !reload) { // Compressors are cached so if a new one gets installed, apps need restart to get update data return(compressors.ToArray()); } compressors = new List <VideoCompressor>(); Avi32Interop.ICINFO ici = new Avi32Interop.ICINFO(); ici.Init(); int hr = int.MaxValue; for (uint i = 0; hr != 0; i++) { // Get info for compressor #i ici.biSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ici); hr = Avi32Interop.ICInfo(Avi32Interop.ICTYPE_VIDEO, i, ref ici); try { // Create compressor using fccHandler VideoCompressor compressor = new VideoCompressor(ici.fccHandler); compressors.Add(compressor); } catch (AviException) { } } return(compressors.ToArray()); }
private VideoCompressor(uint fccHandler) { // Init bitmap info header Avi32Interop.BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = new Avi32Interop.BITMAPINFOHEADER(); bih.Init(); bih.biBitCount = bitCount; bih.biCompression = 0; bih.biWidth = bih.biHeight = biHeight; bih.biPlanes = 1; // Open compressor IntPtr hic = Avi32Interop.ICOpen(Avi32Interop.ICTYPE_VIDEO, fccHandler, Avi32Interop.ICMODE_QUERY); if (hic == IntPtr.Zero) { int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new AviException("ICOpen", errorCode); } try { // Check if compressor supports specified format int hr = Avi32Interop.ICCompressQuery(hic, ref bih, IntPtr.Zero); if (hr != Avi32Interop.ICERR_OK) { throw new AviException("ICCompressQuery", hr); } // Get compressor info Avi32Interop.ICINFO ici = new Avi32Interop.ICINFO(); ici.Init(); hr = Avi32Interop.ICGetInfo(hic, out ici, ici.biSize); if (hr != 0) { = ici.szDescription; // Check quality support bool supportsQuality = (ici.dwFlags & Avi32Interop.VIDCF_QUALITY) == Avi32Interop.VIDCF_QUALITY; if (supportsQuality) { if (Avi32Interop.ICERR_OK == Avi32Interop.ICGetDefaultQuality(hic, ref this.quality)) { this.supportsQuality = true; } } else { this.quality = defaultQuality; } this.fccHandler = fccHandler; this.fccHandlerString = FccHandlerToString(fccHandler); } else { throw new AviException("ICGetInfo", hr); } } finally { Avi32Interop.ICClose(hic); } }
public static VideoCompressor[] GetAll(bool reload) { if (compressors != null && !reload) { // Compressors are cached so if a new one gets installed, apps need restart to get update data return compressors.ToArray(); } compressors = new List<VideoCompressor>(); Avi32Interop.ICINFO ici = new Avi32Interop.ICINFO(); ici.Init(); int hr = int.MaxValue; for (uint i = 0; hr != 0; i++) { // Get info for compressor #i ici.biSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ici); hr = Avi32Interop.ICInfo(Avi32Interop.ICTYPE_VIDEO, i, ref ici); try { // Create compressor using fccHandler VideoCompressor compressor = new VideoCompressor(ici.fccHandler); compressors.Add(compressor); } catch (AviException) { } } return compressors.ToArray(); }