// ================= Μέθοδος για εισαγωγη στοιχείων από το χρήστη ================ public static void InputData(Database db) { try { string input; do { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(new string('~', 50)); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write(" -- "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(" If you want to enter "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("student "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("data, press "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("1"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" -- "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(" If you want to enter "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("trainer "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("data, press "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("2"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" -- "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(" If you want to enter "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("course "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("data, press "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("3"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" -- "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(" If you want to enter "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("assignment "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("data, press "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("4"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(new string('~', 50)); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; string choice = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(choice) || !(int.Parse(choice) > 0) || !(int.Parse(choice) < 5)) //ελεγχος αν δωσει λαθος αριθμο ή κενο χαρακτηρα ή τιποτα { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease give a number between 1-4 from the following menu\n"); input = "Y"; continue; } switch (choice) { case "1": Student st1 = new Student(); st1.setPersonalInfo(); db.students.Add(st1); break; case "2": Trainer tr1 = new Trainer(); tr1.setTrainerInfo(); db.trainers.Add(tr1); break; case "3": Course c1 = new Course(); c1.setCourseInfo(); db.courses.Add(c1); break; case "4": Assignment a1 = new Assignment(); a1.setAssignmentInfo(); db.assignments.Add(a1); break; } input = continueGivingData(); //---- ASK USER TO CONTINUE GIVING DATA } while (input == "Y"); //end do while } //END OF TRY catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public Database() { Student s1 = new Student("Sotiris", "Papadopoulos", 1985, 2500); Student s2 = new Student("Maria", "Giannakopoulou", 1993, 2250); Student s3 = new Student("Giannis", "Golas", 1998, 2500); Student s4 = new Student("Kyriakh", "Nolemh", 1979, 1200); Student s5 = new Student("Giwrgos", "Ipatiou", 1995, 2500); Student s6 = new Student("Mixalis", "Kwnstantinou", 1988, 2500); Student s7 = new Student("Athanasios", "Liopidas", 1990, 2250); Student s8 = new Student("Panagiotis", "Sekinas", 1989, 2500); Student s9 = new Student("Hlias", "Liopis", 1982, 2500); Student s10 = new Student("Vasilikh", "Xouliara", 1991, 2500); students.Add(s1); students.Add(s2); students.Add(s3); students.Add(s4); students.Add(s5); students.Add(s6); students.Add(s7); students.Add(s8); students.Add(s9); students.Add(s10); Course c1 = new Course(title: "CB8", stream: "C#", type: "Part-time", startDate: new DateTime(2019, 2, 10), endDate: new DateTime(2019, 8, 1)); Course c2 = new Course(title: "CB9", stream: "Java", type: "Part-time", startDate: new DateTime(2019, 4, 5), endDate: new DateTime(2019, 10, 1)); Course c3 = new Course(title: "CB9", stream: "C#", type: "Full-time", startDate: new DateTime(2019, 4, 5), endDate: new DateTime(2019, 7, 11)); Course c4 = new Course(title: "CB10", stream: "SQL", type: "Part-time", startDate: new DateTime(2019, 11, 07), endDate: new DateTime(2020, 1, 10)); Course c5 = new Course(title: "CB10", stream: "Java", type: "Full-time", startDate: new DateTime(2019, 11, 5), endDate: new DateTime(2020, 6, 1)); Course c6 = new Course(title: "CB11", stream: "HTML", type: "Full-time", startDate: new DateTime(2019, 12, 07), endDate: new DateTime(2020, 1, 10)); courses.Add(c1); courses.Add(c2); courses.Add(c3); courses.Add(c4); courses.Add(c5); courses.Add(c6); Assignment a1 = new Assignment("Eshop", "Create an e-shop", new DateTime(2019, 02, 20), 21, 95); Assignment a2 = new Assignment("Database", "Create a database", new DateTime(2019, 04, 05), 40, 81); Assignment a3 = new Assignment("Website", "Create a dynamic website", new DateTime(2019, 06, 10), 32, 92); Assignment a4 = new Assignment("School", "Create a school database", new DateTime(2020, 03, 12), 24, 90); Assignment a5 = new Assignment("Blog", "Create a blog", new DateTime(2020, 03, 25), 45, 100); Assignment a6 = new Assignment("Script", "Create a visual basic script", new DateTime(2020, 03, 25), 45, 100); Assignment a7 = new Assignment("Mobile", "Create a mobile app", new DateTime(2020, 03, 25), 45, 100); assignments.Add(a1); assignments.Add(a2); assignments.Add(a3); assignments.Add(a4); assignments.Add(a5); assignments.Add(a6); assignments.Add(a7); Trainer t1 = new Trainer("George", "Pikoulis", "Communications"); Trainer t2 = new Trainer("Giannis", "Sotiriou", "Databases"); Trainer t3 = new Trainer("Efthimios", "Dimitriou", "Unit Testing"); Trainer t4 = new Trainer("Petros", "Afentras", "Mobile Architectures"); Trainer t5 = new Trainer("Kyriakos", "Pampelas", "Security"); Trainer t6 = new Trainer("Xaralampos", "Eleutheriou", "ECDL"); trainers.Add(t1); trainers.Add(t2); trainers.Add(t3); trainers.Add(t4); trainers.Add(t5); trainers.Add(t6); List <Student> studentsC1 = new List <Student> { s1, s2, s5 }; //φτιαχνω λιστα με τους μαθητές στο course 1 List <Student> studentsC2 = new List <Student> { s2, s4, s6 }; ////φτιαχνω λιστα με τους μαθητές στο course 2 List <Student> studentsC3 = new List <Student> { s3, s7, s9 }; ////φτιαχνω λιστα με τους μαθητές στο course 3 List <Student> studentsC4 = new List <Student> { s10, s8 }; ////φτιαχνω λιστα με τους μαθητές στο course 4 List <Student> studentsC5 = new List <Student> { s1, s2, s4, s5, s7, s8 }; ////φτιαχνω λιστα με τους μαθητές στο course 5 List <Student> studentsC6 = new List <Student> { s1, s9, s6, s5 }; ////φτιαχνω λιστα με τους μαθητές στο course 6 StudentsInCourse sc1 = new StudentsInCourse(studentsC1, c1); //φτιαχνω αντικειμενα που περιεχουν τους μαθητές στο course 1 StudentsInCourse sc2 = new StudentsInCourse(studentsC2, c2); //φτιαχνω αντικειμενα που περιεχουν τους μαθητές στο course 2 StudentsInCourse sc3 = new StudentsInCourse(studentsC3, c3); //φτιαχνω αντικειμενα που περιεχουν τους μαθητές στο course 3 StudentsInCourse sc4 = new StudentsInCourse(studentsC4, c4); //φτιαχνω αντικειμενα που περιεχουν τους μαθητές στο course 4 StudentsInCourse sc5 = new StudentsInCourse(studentsC5, c5); //φτιαχνω αντικειμενα που περιεχουν τους μαθητές στο course 5 StudentsInCourse sc6 = new StudentsInCourse(studentsC6, c6); //φτιαχνω αντικειμενα που περιεχουν τους μαθητές στο course 6 studInCourse.Add(sc1); // αποθηκεύω σε λίστα τα απραπανω αντικειμενα studInCourse.Add(sc2); studInCourse.Add(sc3); studInCourse.Add(sc4); studInCourse.Add(sc5); studInCourse.Add(sc6); List <Trainer> trainersC1 = new List <Trainer> { t1, t6 }; // φτιαχνω λιστα με τους trainers σε κάθε course List <Trainer> trainersC2 = new List <Trainer> { t2, t3 }; List <Trainer> trainersC3 = new List <Trainer> { t1, t2 }; List <Trainer> trainersC4 = new List <Trainer> { t2, t3, t1 }; List <Trainer> trainersC5 = new List <Trainer> { t3, t5, t4 }; List <Trainer> trainersC6 = new List <Trainer> { t6, t4 }; TrainersInCourse trCour1 = new TrainersInCourse(c1, trainersC1);// φτιαχνω αντικείμενα με τους trainers του συγκεκριμένου course TrainersInCourse trCour2 = new TrainersInCourse(c2, trainersC2); TrainersInCourse trCour3 = new TrainersInCourse(c3, trainersC3); TrainersInCourse trCour4 = new TrainersInCourse(c4, trainersC4); TrainersInCourse trCour5 = new TrainersInCourse(c5, trainersC5); TrainersInCourse trCour6 = new TrainersInCourse(c6, trainersC6); trainInCourse.Add(trCour1);//αποθηκεύω σε λίστα τα απραπανω αντικειμενα trainInCourse.Add(trCour2); trainInCourse.Add(trCour3); trainInCourse.Add(trCour4); trainInCourse.Add(trCour5); trainInCourse.Add(trCour6); List <Assignment> assignmentsC1 = new List <Assignment> { a1, a2, a3 }; //list containing assignments for course 1 List <Assignment> assignmentsC2 = new List <Assignment> { a2, }; //list containing assignments for course 2 List <Assignment> assignmentsC3 = new List <Assignment> { a2, a3 }; //list containing assignments for course 3 List <Assignment> assignmentsC4 = new List <Assignment> { a4 }; //list containing assignments for course 4 List <Assignment> assignmentsC5 = new List <Assignment> { a5, a6, }; //list containing assignments for course 5 List <Assignment> assignmentsC6 = new List <Assignment> { a6, a7 }; //list containing assignments for course 6 AssignmentsInCourse assignCourse1 = new AssignmentsInCourse(c1, assignmentsC1); // create object with the list of assignments for course 1 AssignmentsInCourse assignCourse2 = new AssignmentsInCourse(c2, assignmentsC2); // create object with the list of assignments for course 2 AssignmentsInCourse assignCourse3 = new AssignmentsInCourse(c3, assignmentsC3); // create object with the list of assignments for course 3 AssignmentsInCourse assignCourse4 = new AssignmentsInCourse(c4, assignmentsC4); // create object with the list of assignments for course 4 AssignmentsInCourse assignCourse5 = new AssignmentsInCourse(c5, assignmentsC5); // create object with the list of assignments for course 5 AssignmentsInCourse assignCourse6 = new AssignmentsInCourse(c6, assignmentsC6); // create object with the list of assignments for course 6 assignmentsInCourse.Add(assignCourse1); assignmentsInCourse.Add(assignCourse2); assignmentsInCourse.Add(assignCourse3); assignmentsInCourse.Add(assignCourse4); assignmentsInCourse.Add(assignCourse5); assignmentsInCourse.Add(assignCourse6); }