public static void Main(string[] args) { //Question 1 //Reverse the content of the first file and store in a new file Console.WriteLine("\n*********Reverse the content of the source file in the new file***********\n"); ReverseContentsOfFile reverseContents = new ReverseContentsOfFile("Question1sourceFile.txt", "Question1destinationFile.txt"); Console.WriteLine(reverseContents.ReverseContentsInNewFile()); //Question 2 //Recursively copy the contents of the parent folder into the child folder Console.WriteLine("\n******Recursively copy the contents of the parent folder into the child folder*******\n"); RecursiveFolders recursiveCopy = new RecursiveFolders(1); recursiveCopy.createFolder(); //Question 3 //Streamreader using byte array Console.WriteLine("\n*********Streamreader using byte array***********\n"); ByteArray byteArray = new ByteArray("Question3Source.txt", "Question3Destination.txt"); byteArray.write1MBOfContentToFile(); //Question 4 //Encrypt and decrypt the file text Console.WriteLine("\n*********Encrypt and decrypt the file text***********\n"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the input for file"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); EncryptDecryptFileText encryptFileText = new EncryptDecryptFileText(); encryptFileText.EncryptFileText(input); encryptFileText.DecryptFileText(); //Question 5 //Serialize and deserialize a class object to json Console.WriteLine("\n*********Serialize and deserialize a class object to json***********\n"); JsonSerialization serialize = new JsonSerialization(); serialize.serialize(); Console.WriteLine("\nThe deserialized value is: " + serialize.deserialize()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //Question 1 //Reverse the content of the first file and store in a new file Console.WriteLine ("\n*********Reverse the content of the source file in the new file***********\n"); ReverseContentsOfFile reverseContents = new ReverseContentsOfFile ("Question1sourceFile.txt", "Question1destinationFile.txt"); Console.WriteLine (reverseContents.ReverseContentsInNewFile ()); //Question 2 //Recursively copy the contents of the parent folder into the child folder Console.WriteLine ("\n******Recursively copy the contents of the parent folder into the child folder*******\n"); RecursiveFolders recursiveCopy = new RecursiveFolders(1); recursiveCopy.createFolder (); //Question 3 //Streamreader using byte array Console.WriteLine ("\n*********Streamreader using byte array***********\n"); ByteArray byteArray = new ByteArray ("Question3Source.txt", "Question3Destination.txt"); byteArray.write1MBOfContentToFile (); //Question 4 //Encrypt and decrypt the file text Console.WriteLine ("\n*********Encrypt and decrypt the file text***********\n"); Console.WriteLine ("Enter the input for file"); string input = Console.ReadLine (); EncryptDecryptFileText encryptFileText = new EncryptDecryptFileText (); encryptFileText.EncryptFileText (input); encryptFileText.DecryptFileText (); //Question 5 //Serialize and deserialize a class object to json Console.WriteLine ("\n*********Serialize and deserialize a class object to json***********\n"); JsonSerialization serialize = new JsonSerialization(); serialize.serialize (); Console.WriteLine ("\nThe deserialized value is: " + serialize.deserialize()); }