public string AskForColor() { //todo: formatting and checking Console.Write("\nColor: "); string color = Console.ReadLine(); return(Extra.CAPITALFormatting(color)); }
private void Init() { mainMenu = new Menu(Extra.NormalFormatting("main"), new Dictionary <char, MenuMap> { { 'q', new MenuMap("End program", Quit) }, { 'a', new MenuMap("List all parked", theGarage.ListAll) }, { 't', new MenuMap("List types and quantity", theGarage.ListAllTypes) }, { 'c', new MenuMap("Add/remove vehicles", AddRemove) }, { 's', new MenuMap("Search by reg", SearchReg) }, { 'p', new MenuMap("Search by propertie(s)", SearchProperties) } //sedan: hantera tomma fält som alla träffar }); theGarage.AddDummys(); }
public string AskForReg() { //todo: formatting and checking Console.Write("\nReg number: "); string regnr = Console.ReadLine(); regnr = Extra.CAPITALFormatting(regnr); if (Lookup(regnr) < 0) { return(regnr); } else { return(null); } //return Extra.CAPITALFormatting(regnr); }
public int RegLookup(string searchReg) { int found = -1; int count = 0; searchReg = Extra.CAPITALFormatting(searchReg); foreach (var ch in garage) { if (searchReg == ch.RegNumber) { return(count); } count++; } return(found); }
public void AddDummys() //denna är inte så noga, men den avslöjar ett tankefel med att lägga till poster (dubletter kollas på fel nivå) { foreach (var i in Extra.GetIteratorVehicles()) { string typeToAdd = i.GetType().Name; typeToAdd = Extra.NormalFormatting(typeToAdd); Console.WriteLine(typeToAdd); string foundType = null; foreach (var ch in types) { if (typeToAdd == ch.Name) { foundType = ch.Name; } } if (foundType == null) { //TODO: loop again Console.WriteLine("non existant type or no input!"); } else { Console.WriteLine(foundType); //TODO: add type specifics and then the shared stuff and then add int empty = garage.FirstEmpty(); if (empty >= 0) { Vehicle t = i; t.RegNumber = t.RegNumber.ToUpper(); t.Color = t.Color.ToUpper(); Console.WriteLine("adding " + t.RegNumber + ". //foundtype: " + foundType); garage.Add(garage.FirstEmpty(), t); } else { Console.WriteLine("garage full"); } } } }
//public Queue<Vehicle> Lookup(Vehicle toLookup) //{ // var lookedUp = new Queue<Vehicle>(); // /* // * // * Vehicle toSearch; // Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nFill the fields you wanna search, leave rest empty... "); // Console.Write("type: "); // string type = Console.ReadLine(); //todo: make formatting correct // Console.Write("regnr: "); // string reg = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //todo: check formatting // Console.Write("color: "); // string color= Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //todo: check formatting // Console.Write("number of wheels: "); // string wheels = Console.ReadLine(); //todo: fix checking // int nowheels = Int32.Parse(wheels); // Console.Write("max altitude: "); //plane - todo: maybe an abstract function that handles all specific input // //the same in each derived // Console.Write("weight: "); //boat // Console.Write("max number of passengers: "); //bus // Console.Write("gasoline consumption: "); //car // Console.Write("top speed"); //motorcycle // if (type == "Airplane") // { // double maxalt = AskForMaxAltitude(); // toSearch = new Airplane(reg, color, nowheels, maxalt); //todo: add with proper layering // } // else if (type == "Boat") // { // double weight = AskForWeight(); // toSearch = new Boat(reg, color, nowheels, weight); // } // else if (type == "Bus") // { // int passengers = AskForPassengers(); // toSearch = new Bus(reg, color, nowheels, passengers); // } // else if (type == "Car") // { // double gasolineconsumption = AskForGasolineConsumption(); // toSearch = new Car(reg, color, nowheels, gasolineconsumption); // } // else if (type == "Motorcycle") // { // double topspeed = AskForTopSpeed(); // toSearch = new Motorcycle(reg, color, nowheels, topspeed); // } // else return; //todo: fix bool error return // //theGarage.Add(toAdd); // */ // /* // string type = toLookup.GetType().Name; // string regnr = toLookup.RegNumber; // string color = toLookup.Color; // int nowheels = toLookup.NoWheels; // double maxalt=-1; // double weight=-1; // int passengers=-1; // double gasolineconsumption=-1; // double topspeed=-1; // Vehicle searchObject; // switch(type) //could be generalised but time flies // { // case "Airplane": // maxalt = double.Parse(toLookup.GetSpecific());//todo: formatting // searchObject = new Airplane(regnr, color, nowheels, maxalt); // break; // case "Boat": // weight = double.Parse(toLookup.GetSpecific()); // break; // case "Bus": // passengers = Int32.Parse(toLookup.GetSpecific()); // break; // case "Car": // gasolineconsumption = Int32.Parse(toLookup.GetSpecific()); // break; // case "Motorcycle": // topspeed = Int32.Parse(toLookup.GetSpecific()); // break; // default: // break; // } todo: implement all posibilty to search all fields later */ // string searchType = toLookup.GetType().Name; //todo: formatting // string searchReg = toLookup.RegNumber; // string searchColor = toLookup.Color; // int searchWheels = toLookup.NoWheels; // foreach (var ch in garage) // { // string parkedTyped = ch.GetType().Name; // string parkedReg = ch.RegNumber; // string parkedColor = ch.Color; // int parkedWheels = ch.NoWheels; // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchType)) searchType = parkedTyped; // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchReg)) searchReg = parkedReg; // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchColor)) searchColor = parkedColor; // } // return (lookedUp); //} public string AskForType() { Console.Write("\nType (valid types: "); foreach (var ch in types) { Console.Write($" {ch.Name} "); } Console.Write("): "); string type = Console.ReadLine(); type = Extra.NormalFormatting(type); //todo: format and check chars foreach (var ch in types) { if (type == ch.Name) { return(type); } } Console.WriteLine("invalid type!"); return(null); }
void SearchProperties() { Vehicle toSearch = null; Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nFill the fields you wanna search, leave rest empty... "); Console.Write("type: "); string type = Extra.NormalFormatting(Console.ReadLine()); //todo: make formatting correct Console.Write("regnr: "); string reg = Extra.CAPITALFormatting(Console.ReadLine()); //todo: check formatting Console.Write("color: "); string color = Extra.CAPITALFormatting(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper()); //todo: check formatting Console.Write("number of wheels: "); string wheels = Console.ReadLine(); //todo: fix checking int nowheels = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wheels)) //nowheels =; //todo: formatting { if (!Int32.TryParse(wheels, out nowheels)) { Console.WriteLine("unable to parse"); } } if (type == "Airplane") //jag gillar inte den här specifika koden .. { double maxalt = theGarage.AskForMaxAltitude(); toSearch = new Airplane(reg, color, nowheels, maxalt); //todo: add with proper layering } else if (type == "Boat") { double weight = theGarage.AskForWeight(); toSearch = new Boat(reg, color, nowheels, weight); } else if (type == "Bus") { int passengers = theGarage.AskForPassengers(); toSearch = new Bus(reg, color, nowheels, passengers); } else if (type == "Car") { double gasolineconsumption = theGarage.AskForGasolineConsumption(); toSearch = new Car(reg, color, nowheels, gasolineconsumption); } else if (type == "Motorcycle") { double topspeed = theGarage.AskForTopSpeed(); toSearch = new Motorcycle(reg, color, nowheels, topspeed); } else { toSearch = new Vehicle(reg, color, nowheels); } var searchItems = new Queue <Vehicle>(theGarage.Lookup(toSearch.GetType().Name, toSearch.RegNumber, toSearch.Color, toSearch.NoWheels)); while (searchItems.Count > 0) { var t = searchItems.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine("found: " + t.Color); } }