public void staffMenuActive() { StaffManager stfManager = new StaffManager(); do { Console.WriteLine("\n------------------------------------------------------------" + "\nStaff menu: 1.List staff 2.Room availability 3.Create slot 4.Remove slot 5.Exit"); Console.WriteLine("Enter option: "); var option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case 1: stfManager.ListStaff(); break; case 2: stfManager.RoomAvaliability(); break; case 3: stfManager.CreateSlot(); break; case 4: stfManager.RemoveSlot(); break; case 5: return; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please enter again"); break; } } while (true); }
public void CreateSlot() { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(";" + "uid=s3655108;database=s3655108;pwd=abc123;")) { try { SqlDataAdapter daUser = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlDataAdapter daSlot = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable userTable; DataTable slotTable; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); StaffManager stfManager = new StaffManager(); daUser.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from [User] where UserID like 'e%'", conn); daSlot.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from Slot", conn); SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(daSlot); daUser.Fill(ds, "userTable"); daSlot.Fill(ds, "slotTable"); userTable = ds.Tables["userTable"]; slotTable = ds.Tables["slotTable"]; conn.Open(); Console.WriteLine("--- Create slot ---"); Console.WriteLine("Enter room name:"); var roomID = (Console.ReadLine()).ToUpper(); fm.RoomIsValid(roomID); //enter the date and convert to Date Console.WriteLine("Enter date for slot(dd - mm - yyyy):"); var selectedDate = Console.ReadLine(); fm.DateIsValid(selectedDate); DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(selectedDate, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //enter the time and get start time and end time Console.WriteLine(" Enter time for slot(HH: mm)"); var timeInput = Console.ReadLine(); fm.TimeIsValid(timeInput); DateTime time = DateTime.ParseExact(timeInput, "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime open = DateTime.ParseExact("09:00", "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime close = DateTime.ParseExact("14:00", "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime actualTime = DateTime.ParseExact(selectedDate + " " + timeInput, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Console.WriteLine(" Enter staff ID:"); var id = (Console.ReadLine()).ToLower(); fm.StaffIdIsValid(id); var countrRoom = 0; var occupied = false; var countStaff = 0; foreach (DataRow row in slotTable.Rows) { if (dt.Equals(row["Date"])) { if ((string)row["RoomID"] == roomID) { countrRoom++; } if ((string)row["RoomID"] == roomID && row["StaffID"] != null && row["StartTime"].Equals(actualTime)) { occupied = true; } if ((string)row["StaffID"] == id) { countStaff++; } } } var overtime1 = DateTime.Compare(open, time); var overtime2 = DateTime.Compare(close, time); if (countrRoom >= 2 || countStaff >= 4 || occupied == true || overtime1 == 1 || overtime2 == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to create slot."); } else { DataRow newRow = slotTable.NewRow(); newRow["RoomID"] = roomID; newRow["StartTime"] = actualTime; newRow["EndTime"] = actualTime.AddHours(1); newRow["StaffID"] = id; newRow["Date"] = dt; slotTable.Rows.Add(newRow); daSlot.Update(ds, "slotTable"); Console.WriteLine("Slot created successfully."); } } catch (SqlException se) { Console.WriteLine("SQL Exception: {0}", se.Message); }catch (RoomIdException re) { Console.WriteLine(re.Message); }catch (UserIdException ue) { Console.WriteLine(ue.Message); }catch (DateException de) { Console.WriteLine(de.Message); } finally { conn.Close(); } } }