예제 #1
        public override bool Init()
            if (initialized)
            Profiler.BeginSample("init shot frag");
            //don't throw null refs in the debug statement if framing isn't there.  it's not required
            string framingDescriptor = string.Empty;

            if (existsFraming())
                framingDescriptor = framings[0].ToString();

            Extensions.Log("init shot fragment start[{0}] end[{1}] anchor[{2}] height[{3}] lens[{4}] fStop[{5}] framing[{6}] direction[{7}] angle[{8}] focus[{9}] d:s[{10}:{11}]",
                           startTick, endTick, anchor, height, lensName, fStopName, framingDescriptor, direction, cameraAngle, focusTarget,
                           ElPresidente.Instance.CurrentDiscourseTime, ElPresidente.Instance.CurrentStoryTime);
            if (!findCamera())

            //ground parameters
            tempCameraPosition    = new Vector3Nullable(null, null, null);
            tempCameraOrientation = new Vector3Nullable(null, null, null);

            //anchor if specified
            Vector2 anchorPosition;

            if (calculateAnchor(anchor, out anchorPosition))
                Extensions.Log("setting camera anchor[{0}]", anchorPosition);
                tempCameraPosition.X = anchorPosition.x;
                tempCameraPosition.Z = anchorPosition.y;

            //subject position if something is framed

            GameObject framingTarget = null;

            if (existsFraming())
                if (getActorByName(framings[0].FramingTarget, out framingTarget))
                    targetLookAtPoint = findTargetLookAtPoint(framingTarget);
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("could not find actor [{0}]",

            if (existsFraming()) //default to even height with point of interest on framed target
                tempCameraPosition.Y = targetLookAtPoint.y;
            else if (height.HasValue)
                tempCameraPosition.Y = height;
                tempCameraPosition.Y = 1; //in the absence of all information just put the camera not at 0 height

            ushort tempLens;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lensName) &&
                CameraActionFactory.lenses.TryGetValue(lensName, out tempLens))
                tempLensIndex = tempLens;

            //F Stop
            ushort tempFStop;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fStopName) &&
                CameraActionFactory.fStops.TryGetValue(fStopName, out tempFStop))
                tempFStopIndex = tempFStop;

            if (existsFraming() && framingTarget)
                Bounds targetBounds = framingTarget.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().bounds;
                targetBounds.BuildDebugBox(5, Color.cyan);

                Extensions.Log("framing target[{0}] bounds[{1},{2}]", framingTarget.name,
                               targetBounds.min.y, targetBounds.max.y);

                FramingParameters framingParameters = FramingParameters.FramingTable[framings[0].FramingType];

                //default our aperture to one appropriate to the framing if it's not set
                if (!tempFStopIndex.HasValue &&
                    CameraActionFactory.fStops.TryGetValue(framingParameters.DefaultFStop, out tempFStop))
                    tempFStopIndex = tempFStop;

                if (tempLensIndex.HasValue && tempCameraPosition.X.HasValue && tempCameraPosition.Z.HasValue)
                    //case is here for completeness.  rotation needs to be done for all combinations of lens and anchor specification, so it goes after all the conditionals
                else if (!tempLensIndex.HasValue && tempCameraPosition.X.HasValue && tempCameraPosition.Z.HasValue)//direction still doesn't matter since we can't move in the x,z plane
                    //naively guessing and checking
                    Quaternion savedCameraRotation = cameraBody.NodalCamera.transform.rotation;
                    //point the camera at the thing
                    cameraBody.NodalCamera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetBounds.center - cameraBody.NodalCamera.transform.position);
                    float targetFov = 0;
                    //need to keep from stepping up and down over some boundary
                    bool incremented = false;
                    bool decremented = false;
                    while (!(incremented && decremented))  //if we haven't set a value and we haven't stepped both up and down.
                        //find where on the screen the extents are.  using viewport space so this will be in %. z is world units away from camera
                        Vector3 bMax = cameraBody.NodalCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(targetBounds.max);
                        Vector3 bMin = cameraBody.NodalCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(targetBounds.min);

                        float FovStepSize = 2.5f;//consider making step size a function of current size to increase granularity at low fov.  2.5 is big enough to jump 100-180 oddly

                        if (bMax.y - bMin.y > framingParameters.MaxPercent && bMax.y - bMin.y < framingParameters.MinPercent)
                            break;//we found our answer in cameraBody.NodalCamera.fov
                        else if (bMax.y - bMin.y < framingParameters.MinPercent)
                            cameraBody.NodalCamera.fieldOfView -= FovStepSize;
                            decremented = true;
                        else //(bMax.y - bMin.y >= fp.MaxPercent)
                            cameraBody.NodalCamera.fieldOfView += FovStepSize;
                            incremented = true;

                        //force matrix recalculations on the camera after adjusting fov
                    //reset camera position...we should only be moving the rig
                    targetFov = cameraBody.NodalCamera.fieldOfView;
                    cameraBody.NodalCamera.transform.rotation = savedCameraRotation;
                    tempLensIndex = (ushort)ElPresidente.Instance.GetLensIndex(targetFov);
                else if (tempLensIndex.HasValue &&                                           //direction matters here.
                         (!tempCameraPosition.X.HasValue || !tempCameraPosition.Z.HasValue)) //also assuming we get x,z in a pair.  if only one is provided, it is invalid and will be ignored
                    //allow full exploration of circle about target since we can't move in or out and keep the same framing
                    if (!findCameraPositionByRadius(framingTarget, targetBounds, framingParameters, 1.0f))
                        Extensions.Log("failed to find satisfactory position for camera to frame [{0}] [{1}] with lens [{2}]. view will be obstructed",
                                       framings[0].FramingTarget, framings[0].FramingType.ToString(), ElPresidente.Instance.lensFovData[tempLensIndex.Value]._focalLength);
                else //we are calculating everything by framing and direction.
                    //x,z does not have value
                    //pick a typical lens for this type of shot
                    tempLensIndex = CameraActionFactory.lenses[framingParameters.DefaultFocalLength];
                    //see if we can find a camera location for this lens
                    //allow less than some % of a circle variance from ideal viewing.  if we don't find an answer, change the lens

                    bool   sign       = true;
                    short  iterations = 0;
                    ushort maxLensChangeIterations = 6;
                    while (!findCameraPositionByRadius(framingTarget, targetBounds, framingParameters, 0.35f))
                        if (iterations > maxLensChangeIterations)
                            Extensions.Log("exceeded max lens change iterations[{0}] solving framing[{1}] on target[{2}]",
                                           maxLensChangeIterations, framingParameters.Type, framingTarget);
                            break; //framing is just not working out.  we will return a shot that's not so good and get on with things
                        int offset = sign ? iterations : -iterations;
                        if (tempLensIndex + offset < 0)
                            //should never get here since the smallest we specify is 27mm and we will cap at +-3 lenses
                        else if (tempLensIndex + offset > CameraActionFactory.lenses.Values.Max <ushort>())
                            //explore on the other side of our start lens until we hit our max iterations
                            offset = sign ? -iterations : iterations;
                        tempLensIndex = (ushort)(tempLensIndex + offset);

                tempCameraOrientation.Y = Quaternion.LookRotation(framingTarget.transform.position - tempCameraPosition.Merge(previousCameraPosition)).eulerAngles.y;
            else if (pan.HasValue) //no framing, we can pay attention to a direct rotate command
                tempCameraOrientation.Y = pan.Value.BindToSemiCircle();

            //this destroys the ability to angle with respect to anything but the framing target if specified
            //this does not seem terribly harmful. subject is attached to angle mostly because we wanted to not have
            //to specify a framing (if we used an absolute anchor for camera positioning)
            tiltCameraAtSubject(cameraAngle, framingTarget);

            //focus has to go after all possible x,y,z settings to get the correct distance to subject
            Vector3 focusPosition;

            if (calculateFocusPosition(focusTarget, out focusPosition))
                tempFocusDistance = Vector3.Distance(tempCameraPosition.Merge(previousCameraPosition), focusPosition);
            else if (framingTarget != null)//we didn't specify what to focus on, but we framed something.  let's focus on that by default
                tempFocusDistance = Vector3.Distance(tempCameraPosition.Merge(previousCameraPosition), targetLookAtPoint);

            //sort out what wins where and assign to final camera properties
            //start with previous camera properties in case nothing fills them in
            newCameraPosition    = tempCameraPosition.Merge(previousCameraPosition);
            newCameraOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(tempCameraOrientation.Merge(previousCameraOrientation.eulerAngles));
            newLensIndex         = tempLensIndex.HasValue ? tempLensIndex.Value : previousLensIndex;
            newFStopIndex        = tempFStopIndex.HasValue ? tempFStopIndex.Value : previousFStopIndex;
            newfocusDistance     = tempFocusDistance.HasValue ? tempFocusDistance.Value : previousFocusDistance;


            initialized = true;
예제 #2
        private bool findCameraPositionByRadius(GameObject framingTarget, Bounds targetBounds, FramingParameters framingParameters,
                                                ushort lensIndex, float maxHorizontalSearchPercent, out CameraPositionAndLens result)
            //if the badness is low, get on with life
            float BADNESS_THRESHOLD = 0.15f;

            result = new CameraPositionAndLens()
                LensIndex = lensIndex,
                Badness   = float.MaxValue,
                Position  = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue)

            bool subjectVisible = false;

            //find min,max,ideal camera distance for this lens
            var distanceToCamera = DistanceSet.GetDistanceToCamera(lensIndex, targetBounds, framingParameters);

            //search and track best match

            float  horizontalSearchSign         = 1;
            float  horizontalSearchStepSize     = 5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            ushort horizontalSearchIterations   = 0;
            float  horizontalSearchAngleCurrent = 0;
            //bool verticalSearchSign = true; only searching up atm
            float  verticalSearchStepSize      = 1.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            ushort verticalSearchIterations    = 0;
            ushort verticalSearchIterationsMax = 10;
            float  verticalSearchAngleInitial  = (cameraAngle == null ? 0f : CameraActionFactory.angles[cameraAngle.AngleSetting]) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            RaycastHit hit;

            while (!subjectVisible)//search over the range about ideal position

                //reset vertical angle to default/specified
                float verticalSearchAngleCurrent = verticalSearchAngleInitial;
                verticalSearchIterations = 0;
                while (!subjectVisible && verticalSearchIterations < verticalSearchIterationsMax)
                    //find normalized direction vector given "direction" and angle measure
                    float   subjectToCameraHeading = getBaseCameraHeading(direction, framingTarget);
                    Vector3 subjectToCamera        = get3DDirection(framingTarget,
                                                                    new Vector3(verticalSearchAngleCurrent, horizontalSearchAngleCurrent),

                    //raycast to check for LoS
                    Debug.DrawRay(targetLookAtPoint, subjectToCamera, Color.magenta, 10);
                    if (Physics.Raycast(targetLookAtPoint, subjectToCamera, out hit))
                        Opacity opacity = Opacity.High;
                        if (hit.collider.gameObject.name == "Terrain" && hit.point.y > 0.26f) //below a certain height, we expect ground.  this only works while we have flatness
                            opacity = getTreeOpacity(hit.point);

                        //if we get a hit, we will have to put the camera between the hit object and the
                        //subject.  again we are ignoring the range of valid sizes.  we should use
                        //min/max as stdev guidelines for "goodness" distribution

                        //find distance to hit point from subject
                        var distToHit = (targetLookAtPoint - hit.point).magnitude;

                        //if the object we hit is closer than our min camera distance for the framing,
                        //we need to check if it is least bad option so far
                        if (distToHit < distanceToCamera.ideal && opacity > Opacity.Medium)
                            float badness = Mathf.Abs(verticalSearchAngleCurrent - verticalSearchAngleInitial) +
                                            Mathf.Abs(horizontalSearchAngleCurrent) +
                                            Mathf.Abs((distanceToCamera.ideal - distToHit) / distanceToCamera.ideal);
                            if (badness < result.Badness) //update result with new position
                                result.Badness = badness;
                                //adjust position slightly off intercepted collider toward the subject
                                var cameraToSubjectOffset = (targetLookAtPoint - hit.point).normalized * 0.1f;
                                result.Position = hit.point + cameraToSubjectOffset;
                            float badness = Mathf.Abs(verticalSearchAngleCurrent - verticalSearchAngleInitial) + getOpacityBadness(opacity);
                            if (badness < result.Badness) //update result with new position
                                result.Badness  = badness;
                                result.Position = targetLookAtPoint + subjectToCamera * distanceToCamera.ideal;
                    else //if we get no hit, there is nothing that can occlude the camera position
                        //place camera at ideal distance along subjectToCamera vector
                        float badness = verticalSearchAngleCurrent + horizontalSearchAngleCurrent;
                        if (badness < result.Badness) //update result with new position
                            result.Badness  = badness;
                            result.Position = targetLookAtPoint + subjectToCamera * distanceToCamera.ideal;
                    if (result.Badness < BADNESS_THRESHOLD)
                        subjectVisible = true;
                    //unless we find a very close match and break out of this loop, we will update the search angles
                    verticalSearchAngleCurrent += verticalSearchStepSize;
                if (!subjectVisible)//search around the circle
                    horizontalSearchSign         = -horizontalSearchSign;
                    horizontalSearchAngleCurrent = horizontalSearchSign * horizontalSearchIterations * horizontalSearchStepSize;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(horizontalSearchAngleCurrent) > 1.8 * maxHorizontalSearchPercent) //have we gone more than the allotted amount around the circle?
예제 #3
        private bool findCameraPositionByRadius(GameObject framingTarget, Bounds targetBounds, FramingParameters framingParameters,
                                                float maxHorizontalSearchPercent)
            //converting to radians when we lookup so we don't have to worry about it later
            float vFov = ElPresidente.Instance.lensFovData[tempLensIndex.Value]._unityVFOV * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            float frustumHeight = (1 / framingParameters.TargetPercent) * (targetBounds.max.y - targetBounds.min.y);

            float distanceToCamera = frustumHeight / Mathf.Tan(vFov / 2);

            float  horizontalSearchSign         = 1;
            float  horizontalSearchStepSize     = 5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            ushort horizontalSearchIterations   = 0;
            float  horizontalSearchAngleCurrent = 0;
            //bool verticalSearchSign = true; only searching up atm
            float  verticalSearchStepSize      = 1.5f;
            ushort verticalSearchIterations    = 0;
            ushort verticalSearchIterationsMax = 10;
            float  verticalSearchAngleInitial  = cameraAngle == null? 0f : CameraActionFactory.angles[cameraAngle.AngleSetting];
            bool   subjectVisible = false;

            while (!subjectVisible)//search over the range about ideal position

                float verticalSearchAngleCurrent = verticalSearchAngleInitial;
                verticalSearchIterations = 0;
                while (!subjectVisible && verticalSearchIterations < verticalSearchIterationsMax)
                    //find direction vector given "direction" and angle measure
                    Vector3 subjectToCamera = get3DDirection(framingTarget, new Vector3(verticalSearchAngleCurrent, horizontalSearchAngleCurrent));
                    //put camera at position on the r=distance sphere
                    tempCameraPosition.X = targetBounds.center.x + subjectToCamera.x * distanceToCamera;
                    tempCameraPosition.Y = targetBounds.center.y + subjectToCamera.y * distanceToCamera;
                    tempCameraPosition.Z = targetBounds.center.z + subjectToCamera.z * distanceToCamera;

                    //raycast to check for LoS
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    Vector3    from      = tempCameraPosition.Merge(previousCameraPosition);
                    Vector3    direction = targetLookAtPoint - tempCameraPosition.Merge(previousCameraPosition);
                    if (Physics.Raycast(from, direction, out hit) &&
                        hit.transform == framingTarget.transform)
                        //we can see our target
                        subjectVisible = true;
                    else //we can't see the subject.  change camera height and try again
                        verticalSearchAngleCurrent += verticalSearchStepSize;
                if (!subjectVisible)//search around the circle
                    horizontalSearchSign         = -horizontalSearchSign;
                    horizontalSearchAngleCurrent = horizontalSearchSign * horizontalSearchIterations * horizontalSearchStepSize;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(horizontalSearchAngleCurrent) > 1.8 * maxHorizontalSearchPercent) //have we gone more than the allotted amount around the circle?
예제 #4
            public static DistanceSet GetDistanceToCamera(ushort lensIndex, Bounds targetBounds, FramingParameters framingParameters)
                var   distanceSet = new DistanceSet();
                float frustumHeight;
                //find vertical field of view for given lens
                float vFov = ElPresidente.Instance.lensFovData[lensIndex]._unityVFOV * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

                frustumHeight   = getFrustumHeight(framingParameters.MinPercent, targetBounds);
                distanceSet.min = getDistanceForHeight(frustumHeight, vFov);

                frustumHeight   = getFrustumHeight(framingParameters.MaxPercent, targetBounds);
                distanceSet.max = getDistanceForHeight(frustumHeight, vFov);

                frustumHeight     = getFrustumHeight(framingParameters.TargetPercent, targetBounds);
                distanceSet.ideal = getDistanceForHeight(frustumHeight, vFov);
