예제 #1
         * func: sets up first dialogue message and responses
        public void StartConversation(InteractionComponent questioner, InteractionComponent responder, Conversation con)
            if (con == null || questioner == null || responder == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot start interaction: con, questioner or responder reference not set!");
            currentConversation = con;
            this.questioner = questioner;
            this.responder = responder;

예제 #2
        public static Conversation[] loadFromGephiGraphML(TextAsset f)
            if (f == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot load graph from NULL reference!");

            /* load and prepare data */
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList conKeyList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("key");
            XmlNodeList conNodeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("node");
            XmlNodeList conEdgeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("edge");
            Dictionary<string, BasicDialNode> dialNodes = new Dictionary<string, BasicDialNode>();
            List<BasicDialNode> conStartNodes = new List<BasicDialNode>(); // store conversation starts

            /* get data keys */
            string PlayerEventNodeId = null;
            string ActivationEventNodeId = null;
            string PlayerEventEdgeId = null;
            string ActivationEventEdgeId = null;
            string RequirementEdgeId = null;

            foreach (XmlNode key in conKeyList)
                    case "PlayerEvent":
                        if (key.Attributes["for"].Value.Equals("node"))
                            PlayerEventNodeId = key.Attributes["id"].Value;
                            PlayerEventEdgeId = key.Attributes["id"].Value;
                    case "ActivationEvent":
                        if (key.Attributes["for"].Value.Equals("node"))
                            ActivationEventNodeId = key.Attributes["id"].Value;
                            ActivationEventEdgeId = key.Attributes["id"].Value;
                    case "Requirement":
                        RequirementEdgeId = key.Attributes["id"].Value;

            /* load nodes aka dialogue */
            BasicDialNode latestNode;
            foreach (XmlNode node in conNodeList)
                latestNode = new BasicDialNode();
                latestNode.XmlID = node.Attributes["id"].Value;
                Debug.Assert(!dialNodes.ContainsKey(latestNode.XmlID), "Duplicated nodes entries found in XML!");
                dialNodes[latestNode.XmlID] = latestNode;

                // get important ATTRIBUTES for this node
                Dictionary<string, string> nodeDic = XmlNodesToDic(node.ChildNodes, "key");
                Debug.Assert(nodeDic["label"] != null, "A node should contain a label!");
                latestNode.dialogueText = nodeDic["label"];
                if (nodeDic.ContainsKey("notetype"))
                    string nodetype = nodeDic["notetype"];
                    switch (nodetype)
                        case "Start":
                        case "OpenUI": // doesn't do much here
                        case "Exit":   // doesn't do much here
                            Debug.LogError("Unknown Node Type detected: " + nodetype + " for node: " + latestNode.XmlID);

                if (nodeDic.ContainsKey(PlayerEventNodeId))
                    Debug.Log(nodeDic[PlayerEventNodeId] + ": Node Activation Event found!");

                if (nodeDic.ContainsKey(ActivationEventNodeId))
                    Debug.Log(nodeDic[ActivationEventNodeId] + ": Node Player Event found!");

            /* load edges aka responses */
            foreach (XmlNode edge in conEdgeList)
                BasicDialResponse response = new BasicDialResponse();
                response.nextNode = dialNodes[edge.Attributes["target"].Value];     // set target node link
                dialNodes[edge.Attributes["source"].Value].AddResponse(response);   // set source node link

                // get important ATTRIBUTES for this edge
                Dictionary<string, string> edgeDic = XmlNodesToDic(edge.ChildNodes, "key");
                Debug.Assert(edgeDic["edgelabel"] != null, "An edge should contain a label!");
                response.responseText = edgeDic["edgelabel"];

                if (edgeDic.ContainsKey("edgetype"))
                    switch (edgeDic["edgetype"])
                        case "OpenShop":
                            response.optionType = EConOptionType.OPEN_SHOP;
                        case "Exit":
                            response.optionType = EConOptionType.EXIT;
                        case "Quest":  // EConOptionType.OFFER_QUEST
                            response.optionType = EConOptionType.OFFER_QUEST;
                            // TODO: load quest name
                            Debug.LogError("Unknown edge type: " + edgeDic["edgetype"]);
                    response.optionType = EConOptionType.NORMAL;

                if (edgeDic.ContainsKey(PlayerEventEdgeId))
                    Debug.Log(edgeDic[PlayerEventEdgeId] + ": Requirement found!");

                if (edgeDic.ContainsKey(ActivationEventEdgeId))
                    Debug.Log(edgeDic[ActivationEventEdgeId] + ": Requirement found!");

                if (edgeDic.ContainsKey(RequirementEdgeId))
                    Debug.Log(edgeDic[RequirementEdgeId] + ": Requirement found!");

            // separate nodes into multiple conversations, if necessary
            Conversation[] newConArr = new Conversation[(conStartNodes.Count > 0) ? conStartNodes.Count : 1];
            BasicDialNode[] dialNodesArr = new BasicDialNode[dialNodes.Count];
            dialNodes.Values.CopyTo(dialNodesArr, 0);

            if (conStartNodes.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("A valid conversion file should ALWAYS have at least 1 conversation start!");
                for (int i = 0; i < conStartNodes.Count; ++i)
                    Conversation newCon = new Conversation();
                    newCon.conNodes = dialNodesArr;
                    newCon.startNode = conStartNodes[i];
                    newCon._currentNode = conStartNodes[i];
                    newConArr[i] = newCon;

            return newConArr;
예제 #3
         * func: loads a conversion saved as a graphml file
         * the expected graphml syntax is as follows:
         * - allows 1 dimensional grouping inside the graph. Stacked grouping may cause unexpected behaviour
         * - a group is considered a separate conversation, but edge can connect them
         * @graphmlFile: Asset reference to a valid graphml file
        public static Conversation[] loadFromYedGraphml(TextAsset graphmlFile)
            if (!graphmlFile)
                throw new NullReferenceException("no xmlFile given!");

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList conNodeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("node");
            XmlNodeList conEdgeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("edge");
            Dictionary<string, BasicDialNode> dialNodes = new Dictionary<string, BasicDialNode>();
            List<string> groupNodes = new List<string>(); // may have some use later on
            List<string> groupLabel = new List<string>();
            List<BasicDialNode> conStartNodes = new List<BasicDialNode>(); // store conversation starts

            BasicDialNode lastNode;
            foreach (XmlNode node in conNodeList)
                // grouping nodes only indicate
                string grpLabel = GetGroupNodeLabel(node);
                if (grpLabel != null)
                    Debug.Log("Group node found!");
                    continue; // TODO: we may grab the group label later on. Do this in here!

                // normal dialogue node
                lastNode = new BasicDialNode();
                lastNode.XmlID = node.Attributes["id"].Value;
                Debug.Assert(!dialNodes.ContainsKey(lastNode.XmlID), "Duplicated nodes entries found in XML!");
                dialNodes[lastNode.XmlID] = lastNode;

                // get important ATTRIBUTES for this node
                foreach (XmlNode i in node.ChildNodes)
                    if (i.Attributes["key"] != null)
                        if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(NODE_GRAPHICS_KEY))
                            if (i.HasChildNodes && i.ChildNodes[0].Name.Equals("y:ShapeNode"))
                                bool labelFound = false;
                                foreach (XmlNode n in i.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                    if (n.Name.Equals("y:NodeLabel"))
                                        labelFound = true;
                                        lastNode.dialogueText = n.InnerText;
                                        // TODE: set up multi dialogue texts HERE!
                                    else if (n.Name.Equals("y:Fill"))
                                        if (n.Attributes["color"].Value.Equals(START_NODE_COLOR))
                                            conStartNodes.Add(lastNode); // found a conversation start node
                                Debug.Assert(labelFound, "Found a response edge, but no response message??");

                        if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(NODE_ACTIVATION_EVENT_KEY))
                            Debug.Log(node.Attributes["id"].Value + ": Node Activation Event found!");

                        if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(NODE_PLAYER_EVENT_KEY))
                            Debug.Log(node.Attributes["id"].Value + ": Node Player Event found!");

            // LOAD EDGE ~> RESPONSES
            foreach (XmlNode edge in conEdgeList)
                BasicDialResponse response = new BasicDialResponse();
                response.nextNode = dialNodes[edge.Attributes["target"].Value];     // set target node link
                dialNodes[edge.Attributes["source"].Value].AddResponse(response);   // set source node link

                foreach (XmlNode i in edge.ChildNodes)
                    // get the label -> response string
                    if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(EDGE_GRAPHICS_KEY))
                        XmlNode PolyLineEdge = i.ChildNodes[0];
                        Debug.Assert(PolyLineEdge.Name.Equals("y:PolyLineEdge"), "Unexpected edge structure!");
                        bool labelFound = false;
                        foreach (XmlNode n in PolyLineEdge.ChildNodes)
                            if (n.Name.Equals("y:LineStyle"))
                                if (n.Attributes["color"].Value.Equals(OPENSHOP_EDGE_COLOR))
                                    response.optionType = EConOptionType.OPEN_SHOP;
                            else if (n.Name.Equals("y:EdgeLabel"))
                                labelFound = true;
                                response.responseText = n.InnerText;
                                // TODO: set up multi response texts HERE

                        Debug.Assert(labelFound, "Found a response edge, but no response message??");

                    if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(EDGE_REQUIREMENT_KEY))
                        Debug.Log(edge.Attributes["id"].Value + ": Requirement found!");

                    if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(EDGE_ACTIVATION_EVENT))
                        Debug.Log(edge.Attributes["id"].Value + ": Requirement found!");

                    if (i.Attributes["key"].Value.Equals(EDGE_PLAYER_EVENT))
                        Debug.Log(edge.Attributes["id"].Value + ": Requirement found!");

            // separate nodes into multiple conversations, if necessary
            Conversation[] newConArr = new Conversation[(conStartNodes.Count > 0) ? conStartNodes.Count : 1];
            BasicDialNode[] dialNodesArr = new BasicDialNode[dialNodes.Values.Count];
            dialNodes.Values.CopyTo(dialNodesArr, 0); // TODO: may split it up later on

            if (conStartNodes.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("A valid conversion file should ALWAYS have at least 1 conversation start!");
                for (int i=0; i<conStartNodes.Count; ++i)
                    Conversation newCon = new Conversation();
                    newCon.conNodes = dialNodesArr;
                    newCon.startNode = conStartNodes[i];
                    newCon._currentNode = conStartNodes[i];
                    newConArr[i] = newCon;

            return newConArr;