예제 #1
        public override IEnumerable <IActionEffect> Execute()
            ItemToDrop.LogicalPosition = ActorData.LogicalPosition;

            yield return(ActionEffectFactory.CreateLambdaEffect(() =>
예제 #2
        public override IEnumerable <IActionEffect> Execute()
            ActorData activeActor = ActorData;

            var activeActorPositionBefore    = activeActor.LogicalPosition;
            var displacedActorPositionBefore = DisplacedActor.LogicalPosition;

            activeActor.LogicalPosition    = displacedActorPositionBefore;
            DisplacedActor.LogicalPosition = activeActorPositionBefore;

            yield return(ActionEffectFactory.CreateMoveEffect(activeActor, activeActorPositionBefore));

            yield return(ActionEffectFactory.CreateMoveEffect(DisplacedActor, displacedActorPositionBefore));
예제 #3
        public override IEnumerable <IActionEffect> Execute()
            Vector2Int previousPosition = ActorData.LogicalPosition;
            Vector2Int newPosition      = previousPosition + Direction;

            if (_gridInfoProvider.IsWalkable(newPosition))
                if (ActorData.ActorType == ActorType.Player && _gameContext.EnvironmentTilemap.HasTile(newPosition.ToVector3Int()))
                    TileBase stairsDownTile = Resources.Load <TileBase>("Tiles/Environment/Stairs_down");
                    if (_gameContext.EnvironmentTilemap.GetTile(newPosition.ToVector3Int()) == stairsDownTile)
                        _textEffectPresenter.ShowTextEffect(ActorData.LogicalPosition, "Back down? Never!", Color.yellow);
                if (_gameContext.BasherSteps == 0 && ActorData.ActorType == ActorType.Basher && Vector2IntUtilities.WalkDistance(ActorData.LogicalPosition,
                                                                                                                                 _gameContext.PlayerActor.ActorData.LogicalPosition) <= 5)
                    _gameContext.BasherSteps = 1;
                    _uiConfig.BasherMessage.SetMessage("Ha! So you didn't disappoint me! Finally I see you again, my rattish friend! As you might " +
                                                       "have guessed, that was me that sent you the key. I'll be happy to take you away from this scary place. But first " +
                                                       "we have to deal with one thing. You saved my life by attributing to yourself my deeds against the revolutionists. " +
                                                       "But this also made me feel like a lousy coward. My honour has been terribly undermined and I need to clean it. " +
                                                       "I challenge you to a duel! No magic, no eating, just me, you and steel. Prepare!");

                    IEnumerable <ActorData> friendsAndBuddies = _entityDetector.DetectActors(ActorData.LogicalPosition, 15)
                                                                .Where(a => a.ActorType == ActorType.Friend || a.ActorType == ActorType.Buddy);
                    foreach (var friendOrBuddy in friendsAndBuddies)

                IActionEffect effect = ActionEffectFactory.CreateMoveEffect(ActorData, previousPosition);
                ActorData.LogicalPosition = newPosition;
                if (ActorData.CaughtActor != null)
                    ActorData.CaughtActor.LogicalPosition = newPosition;

                yield return(effect);
                IActionEffect effect = ActionEffectFactory.CreateBumpEffect(ActorData, newPosition);
                yield return(effect);
예제 #4
        public override IEnumerable <IActionEffect> Execute()
            float chanceToDealAccurateBlow = ActorData.Accuracy;
            bool  accurate = _rng.Check(chanceToDealAccurateBlow);

            if (_isDaringBlow)
                ActorData.Swords -= 2;

            bool hit = (_isDaringBlow || _attackedActor.Swords <= 0) && accurate;

            if (hit)
                int damage = Math.Max(_rng.Next(ActorData.WeaponWeld.WeaponDefinition.MaxDamage + 1), _rng.Next(ActorData.WeaponWeld.WeaponDefinition.MaxDamage + 1));
                _attackedActor.Health -= damage;
                if (_attackedActor.Health <= 0)
                    ActorData.Xp += _attackedActor.XpGiven;

                if (_attackedActor.ActorType == ActorType.Basher && ActorData.ActorType == ActorType.Player && _attackedActor.HealthProgress < 0.5f)
                    _uiConfig.BasherMessage.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector3(560, 180);
                    _uiConfig.BasherMessage.SetMessage("Ouch! Enough for me! That was a satisfactory duel. My reputation is clean now. Thank you! Now, we have to go. To south, along the road!");
                    _gameContext.BasherSteps  = 2;
                    _attackedActor.Team       = Team.Beasts;
                    ActorData.HasFinishedDuel = true;
                    ActorData.HasWonDuel      = true;
                if (_attackedActor.ActorType == ActorType.Player && ActorData.ActorType == ActorType.Basher && _attackedActor.HealthProgress < 0.5f)
                    _uiConfig.BasherMessage.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector3(560, 180);
                    _uiConfig.BasherMessage.SetMessage("Ha! I think you've had enough. That was a good duel! My reputation is clean now. Thank you! Now, we have to go. To south, along the road!");
                    _gameContext.BasherSteps       = 2;
                    ActorData.Team                 = Team.Beasts;
                    _attackedActor.HasFinishedDuel = true;
                    _attackedActor.HasWonDuel      = false;

                yield return(new LambdaEffect(() =>
                    Animator blood = Resources.Load <Animator>("Prefabs/Blood");
                    Animator bloodObject = GameObject.Instantiate(blood, AttackedActor.Entity.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                    GameObject.Destroy(bloodObject.gameObject, .4f);

            if (_attackedActor.Swords > 0 && accurate)

            if (ActorData.WeaponWeld.WeaponDefinition.IsBodyPart)
                IActionEffect bumpEffect = ActionEffectFactory.CreateBumpEffect(ActorData, AttackedActor.LogicalPosition);
                yield return(bumpEffect);
                IActionEffect strikeEffect = ActionEffectFactory.CreateStrikeEffect(ActorData, AttackedActor, !hit, _isDaringBlow);
                yield return(strikeEffect);

            AttackedActor.BlockedUntil = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300);
            ActorData.BlockedUntil     = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300);