public static PolyMorphData DeSerializePolyMorphData(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, int length) { PolyMorphData data = new PolyMorphData(); Int32 nVertices = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt32_Le(buffer, ref offset, length); for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) { UInt32 vertexIndex = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeUInt32_Le(buffer, ref offset, length); if (vertexIndex > 10000) { throw new Exception($"Bad morph index: {vertexIndex}"); } Vector3 coordinate = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref offset, length); Vector3 normal = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref offset, length); Vector3 biNormal = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref offset, length); Vector2 texCoord = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector2(buffer, ref offset, length); } return(data); }
public static PolyMesh DeSerializePolyMesh(byte[] buffer, ref int o, int length, bool isLod) { if (length < 128) { throw new Exception("Not enough bytes in file for header."); } PolyMesh mesh = new PolyMesh { IsLod = isLod, SharedData = new PolyMeshSharedData() }; string identifier = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeString(buffer, ref o, 24, -1); if (identifier.Trim() != ExpectedBinaryIdentifier) { throw new Exception($"Invalid mesh file header."); } string logMessage = ""; mesh.SharedData.HasWeights = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeBool(buffer, ref o, length); mesh.SharedData.HasDetailTexCoords = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeBool(buffer, ref o, length); mesh.SharedData.Position = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref o, length); Vector3 rotationAngles = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref o, length); byte rotationOrder = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeUInt8(buffer, ref o, length); rotationOrder = 0; // NOTE: This is what the LL code does mesh.SharedData.Rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationAngles); mesh.SharedData.Scale = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref o, length); logMessage = $"\n" + $" identifier: \"{identifier}\"\n" + $" hasWeights: {mesh.SharedData.HasWeights}\n" + $" hasDetailTexCoords: {mesh.SharedData.HasDetailTexCoords}\n" + $" position: {mesh.SharedData.Position}\n" + $" rotationAngles: {rotationAngles}\n" + $" rotationOrder: {rotationOrder}\n" + $" scale: {mesh.SharedData.Scale}\n" ; if (isLod == false) { UInt32 numVertices = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeUInt16_Le(buffer, ref o, length); logMessage += $" nVertices: 0x{numVertices:x4}\n"; mesh.SharedData.AllocateVertexData(numVertices); #region Vertices if (length - o < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices * 12) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read vertices."); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.SharedData.BaseCoords[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref o, length); } #endregion Vertices #region Normals if (length - o < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices * 12) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read normals."); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.SharedData.BaseNormals[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref o, length); } #endregion Normals #region BiNormals if (length - o < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices * 12) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read bi-normals."); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.SharedData.BaseBiNormals[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector3(buffer, ref o, length); } #endregion BiNormals #region TexCoords if (length - o < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices * 8) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read tex-coords."); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.SharedData.TexCoords[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector2(buffer, ref o, length); } #endregion TexCoords #region DetailedTexCoords if (mesh.SharedData.HasDetailTexCoords) { if (length - o < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices * 8) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read detailed tex-coords."); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.SharedData.DetailTexCoords[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeVector2(buffer, ref o, length); } } #endregion DetailedTexCoords #region Weights if (mesh.SharedData.HasWeights) { if (length - o < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices * 4) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read weights."); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SharedData.NumVertices; i++) { mesh.SharedData.Weights[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeFloat_Le(buffer, ref o, length); } } #endregion Weights } #region Faces UInt16 nFaces = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeUInt16_Le(buffer, ref o, length); logMessage += $" nFaces: 0x{nFaces:x4}\n"; mesh.SharedData.AllocateFaceData(nFaces); int numTris = 0; if (length - o < nFaces * 3 * 2) { throw new Exception($"Not enough bytes to read faces."); } for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++) { Int16 a = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt16_Le(buffer, ref o, length); Int16 b = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt16_Le(buffer, ref o, length); Int16 c = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt16_Le(buffer, ref o, length); if (mesh.SharedData.ReferenceData != null && ( a >= mesh.SharedData.ReferenceData.NumVertices || b >= mesh.SharedData.ReferenceData.NumVertices || c >= mesh.SharedData.ReferenceData.NumVertices )) { throw new Exception("DeSerializePolyMesh: Face index is out of range of the reference mesh."); } PolyFace face = new PolyFace(a, c, b); // Swizzled order for Unity if (isLod) { // Store largest index in case of LODs for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (face[j] > mesh.SharedData.NumVertices - 1) { mesh.SharedData.NumVertices = (UInt32)face[j] + 1; } } } mesh.SharedData.Faces[i] = face; numTris++; } logMessage += $" NumTriangles: {numTris}\n"; #endregion Faces if (isLod == false) { UInt16 nSkinJoints = 0; if (mesh.SharedData.HasWeights) { nSkinJoints = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeUInt16_Le(buffer, ref o, length); logMessage += $" nSkinJoints: 0x{nSkinJoints:x4}\n"; mesh.SharedData.AllocateJointNames(nSkinJoints); } #region SkinJoints for (int i = 0; i < nSkinJoints; i++) { mesh.SharedData.JointNames[i] = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeString(buffer, ref o, 64, -1); logMessage += $" jointName: {mesh.SharedData.JointNames[i]}\n"; } #endregion SkinJoints #region MorphSections while (true) { string morphName = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeString(buffer, ref o, 64, -1); if (morphName == "End Morphs") { break; } PolyMorphData morphData = DeSerializePolyMorphData(buffer, ref o, length); morphData.Name = morphName; logMessage += $" Morph name: {morphName}\n"; mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(morphData); // Insert jiggle physics morphs: switch (morphName) { case "Breast_Female_Cleavage": //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamCleavage (morphData, 0.75f, "Breast_Physics_LeftRight_Driven")); //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDuplicate(morphData, "Breast_Physics_InOut_Driven")); break; case "Breast_Gravity": //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDuplicate(morphData, "Breast_Physics_UpDown_Driven")); break; case "Big_Belly_Torso": //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDirection(morphData, new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f), "Belly_Physics_Torso_UpDown_Driven")); break; case "Big_Belly_Legs": //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDirection(morphData, new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f), "Belly_Physics_Legs_UpDown_Driven")); break; case "skirt_belly": //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDirection(morphData, new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f), "Belly_Physics_Skirt_UpDown_Driven")); break; case "Small_Butt": //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDirection(morphData, new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f), "Butt_Physics_UpDown_Driven")); //mesh.SharedData.MorphData.Add(CloneMorphParamDirection(morphData, new Vector3(0f, 0.03f, 0f), "Butt_Physics_LeftRight_Driven")); break; } } #endregion MorphSections #region Remaps Int32 nRemaps = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt32_Le(buffer, ref o, length); for (int i = 0; i < nRemaps; i++) { Int32 src = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt32_Le(buffer, ref o, length); Int32 dst = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeInt32_Le(buffer, ref o, length); mesh.SharedData.SharedVertices[src] = dst; } #endregion Remaps } if (mesh.SharedData.NumJointNames == 0) { mesh.SharedData.AllocateJointNames(1); } logMessage += $"{length - o} bytes left in buffer."; Logger.LogDebug("PolyMesh.DeSerializePolyMesh", logMessage); return(mesh); }