private static void GenerateTreeElements(AssetViewItem assetItem, TreeViewItem root) { string activePath = assetItem.displayName + ":"; PropertyViewItem propertyRoot = new PropertyViewItem(activePath.GetHashCode(), 0, activePath, true) { icon = assetItem.icon }; if (propertyRoot.children == null) { propertyRoot.children = new List <TreeViewItem>(); } root.AddChild(propertyRoot); List <IConformObject> data = assetItem.conformData; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; ++i) { // Add all ConformObject's that are properties if (data[i] is PropertyConformObject) { AddChildProperty(activePath, propertyRoot, (PropertyConformObject)data[i], assetItem, 1); } } }
protected override void DoubleClickedItem(int id) { base.DoubleClickedItem(id); AssetViewItem pathItem = FindItem(id, rootItem) as AssetViewItem; if (pathItem == null) { return; } Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(pathItem.path); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(Selection.activeObject); }
internal void SetupSelection(IList <int> selectedIds) { m_SelectedItems.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedIds.Count; ++i) { AssetViewItem item = FindItem(selectedIds[i], rootItem) as AssetViewItem; if (item != null) { m_SelectedItems.Add(item); } } m_PropertyList.SetSelection(m_SelectedItems); }
private void CopyProperties(AssetViewItem item) { if (m_ConstrainProperties.Count > 0) { SerializedObject profileSerializedObject = new SerializedObject(ReferenceAssetImporter); SerializedObject assetImporterSO = new SerializedObject(item.AssetImporter); CopyConstrainedProperties(assetImporterSO, profileSerializedObject); } else { EditorUtility.CopySerialized(ReferenceAssetImporter, item.AssetImporter); } item.conforms = true; item.ReimportAsset(); }
protected override void ContextClickedItem(int id) { // TODO allow on a folder AssetViewItem item = FindItem(id, rootItem) as AssetViewItem; if (item == null || item.conforms) { return; } GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); // TODO get list of possible selections from modules menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Conform to Template Properties"), false, FixCallbackImporterProperties, item); menu.ShowAsContext(); }
public void FixCallback(AssetDetailList calledFromTreeView, object context) { // TODO find out how to multi select // TODO if selection is a folder AssetViewItem selectedNodes = context as AssetViewItem; if (selectedNodes != null) { CopyProperties(selectedNodes); foreach (IConformObject data in selectedNodes.conformData) { data.Conforms = true; } calledFromTreeView.m_PropertyList.Reload(); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not fix Asset with no Assets selected."); } }
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args) { AssetViewItem item = args.item as AssetViewItem; if (item != null) { float num = GetContentIndent(item) + extraSpaceBeforeIconAndLabel; Rect r = args.rowRect; if (args.item.icon != null) { r.xMin += num; r.width = r.height; GUI.DrawTexture(r, args.item.icon); } Color old = GUI.color; if (item.conforms == false) { GUI.color = k_ConformFailColor; } r = args.rowRect; r.xMin += num; if (args.item.icon != null) { r.x += r.height + 2f; r.width -= r.height + 2f; } EditorGUI.LabelField(r, args.label); GUI.color = old; } else { base.RowGUI(args); } }
private void GenerateTreeElements(AuditProfile profile, TreeViewItem root) { List <string> associatedAssets = GetFilteredAssets(profile); // early out if there are no affected assets if (associatedAssets.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("No matching assets found for " +; return; } string activePath = "Assets"; AssetViewItem assetsFolder = new AssetViewItem(activePath.GetHashCode(), 0, activePath, true); if (assetsFolder.children == null) { assetsFolder.children = new List <TreeViewItem>(); } root.AddChild(assetsFolder); Dictionary <int, AssetViewItem> items = new Dictionary <int, AssetViewItem> { { activePath.GetHashCode(), assetsFolder } }; foreach (var assetPath in associatedAssets) { // split the path to generate folder structure string path = assetPath.Substring(7); var strings = path.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.None); activePath = "Assets"; AssetViewItem active = assetsFolder; // for each module List <IConformObject> conformData = profile.GetConformData(assetPath); bool result = true; for (int i = 0; i < conformData.Count; ++i) { if (conformData[i].Conforms == false) { result = false; break; } } if (!result && assetsFolder.conforms) { assetsFolder.conforms = false; } AssetImporter assetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath); SerializedObject assetImporterSO = new SerializedObject(assetImporter); // the first entries have lower depth for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++) { activePath += "/" + strings[i]; int id = activePath.GetHashCode(); if (i == strings.Length - 1) { AssetViewItem item = new AssetViewItem(id, i + 1, strings[i], result) { icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(assetPath) as Texture2D, path = activePath, conformData = conformData, assetObject = assetImporterSO, isAsset = true }; active.AddChild(item); active = item; if (items.ContainsKey(id)) { Debug.LogError("id already in for " + activePath); } items.Add(id, item); } else { AssetViewItem item; if (!items.TryGetValue(id, out item)) { item = new AssetViewItem(id, i + 1, strings[i], result) { path = activePath, icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(activePath) as Texture2D }; active.AddChild(item); items.Add(id, item); } else if (result == false) { if (item.conforms) { item.conforms = false; } } active = item; } } } }
private static void AddChildProperty(string parentPath, PropertyViewItem parent, PropertyConformObject propertyConformObject, AssetViewItem assetItem, int depth, int arrayIndex = -1) { string extra = arrayIndex >= 0 ? arrayIndex.ToString() : ""; string activePath = parentPath + propertyConformObject.Name + extra; PropertyViewItem property = new PropertyViewItem(activePath, depth, propertyConformObject) { assetViewItem = assetItem }; parent.AddChild(property); for (int i = 0; i < propertyConformObject.SubObjects.Count; ++i) { // TODO will this be slow? , need to see if there is a better way to cache object type if (propertyConformObject.SubObjects[i] is PropertyConformObject) { AddChildProperty(activePath, property, (PropertyConformObject)propertyConformObject.SubObjects[i], assetItem, depth + 1, propertyConformObject.AssetSerializedProperty.isArray ? i : -1); } } }