예제 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (GameProperties.isSinglePlayer || networkView.isMine) {

            // make game frame rate independent
            int maxSpeed = ((int)(1000 * Time.deltaTime * Data.Data.maxSpeed ));

            BoardLocation startPos = Data.Data.boardLocation.Clone();
            /**IntVector2 newDirection = new IntVector2( 0, 0 );

            // compute the attempted direction
            if ( Input.GetKey( KeyCode.LeftArrow ) ) newDirection = new IntVector2( newDirection.x -1, newDirection.y );
            else if ( Input.GetKey( KeyCode.RightArrow ) ) newDirection = new IntVector2( newDirection.x + 1, newDirection.y );
            else if ( Input.GetKey( KeyCode.DownArrow ) ) newDirection = new IntVector2( newDirection.x, newDirection.y - 1);
            else if ( Input.GetKey( KeyCode.UpArrow ) ) newDirection = new IntVector2( newDirection.x, newDirection.y + 1 );*/

            IntVector2 newDirection = new IntVector2(direction.x, direction.y);
            if ( newDirection.x + newDirection.y != 0 )
                // decide if attempted direction is a valid one based on whether or not it would effect mr
                // pacman were it executed
                newDirection.Normalize( );
                newDirection *= maxSpeed;
                BoardLocation posAfter = Board.tryMove( startPos, newDirection );

                if ( BoardLocation.SqrDistance( posAfter, startPos ) > 0 )
                    // valid velocity change.
                    Data.Data.direction = newDirection;

            Data.Data.direction.Normalize( );
            Data.Data.direction *= maxSpeed;

            Data.Data.boardLocation = Board.tryMove( Data.Data.boardLocation, Data.Data.direction );

예제 #2
    public IntVector2 moveTowardsBFS( BoardObject boardObjectData, HashSet<IntVector2> targets, int maxSpeed, out int distance, bool canReverse )
        BoardLocation pos = boardObjectData.boardLocation.Clone();

        // get grid positions
        IntVector2 thisPos = pos.location;

        HashSet<IntVector2> visited = new HashSet<IntVector2>();
        Dictionary<IntVector2, IntVector2> previous = new Dictionary<IntVector2, IntVector2>();

        LinkedList<IntVector2> queue = new LinkedList<IntVector2>();
        queue.AddLast( thisPos );

        IntVector2 reverseDir = boardObjectData.direction.Normalized();
        reverseDir = reverseDir * -1;

        IntVector2 closestReachable = null;
        int closestDistance = int.MaxValue;

        while ( queue.Count > 0 )
            IntVector2 p = queue.First.Value;

            foreach ( IntVector2 target in targets )
                if ( IntVector2.OrthogonalDistance( p, target ) < closestDistance )
                    closestReachable = p.Clone();
                    closestDistance = IntVector2.OrthogonalDistance( p, target );

            // found a destination
            if ( targets.Contains( p ) ) break;
            foreach ( IntVector2 dir in Constants.directions )
                if ( !canReverse && p.Equals( pos.location ) && dir.Equals( reverseDir ) )
                    // not allowed
                IntVector2 posToVisit = dir + p;
                if ( !isOpen( posToVisit ) ) continue;
                if ( visited.Contains( posToVisit ) ) continue;
                visited.Add( posToVisit );
                previous[posToVisit] = p;
                queue.AddLast( posToVisit );

        LinkedList<IntVector2> path = new LinkedList<IntVector2>();
        IntVector2 curr = closestReachable;
        while ( !curr.Equals( thisPos ) && previous.ContainsKey( curr ) )
            path.AddFirst( curr );
            curr = previous[curr];
        catch ( KeyNotFoundException e )
            int x = 0;

        distance = path.Count;

        // there is a path and its length is not 0
        if ( path.Count > 0 )
            // head in the direction of first
            IntVector2 direction = new IntVector2( path.First.Value.x, path.First.Value.y ) - new IntVector2( thisPos.x, thisPos.y );
            direction *= maxSpeed;

            // direction will be orthogonal
            BoardLocation afterMove = tryMove( pos, direction );
            if ( BoardLocation.SqrDistance( afterMove, pos ) > maxSpeed * maxSpeed / 4 )
                // move there
                return direction;
        //otherwise, we are at our target. Any move will suffice
        distance = int.MaxValue;

        return new IntVector2(0, 0);