private bool FindIDFile() { if (m_ID != 0) { // try to locate by id.htm m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_ID.ToString() + "." + m_LocaleSetting + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } // try default store locale path: m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_ID.ToString() + "." + Localization.GetDefaultLocale() + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } // try skin (NULL) path: m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_ID.ToString() + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } } m_URL = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; return(false); }
private bool FindNameFile() { try { m_Name = AppLogic.GetEntityName(m_DescriptionType, m_ID, m_LocaleSetting); if (m_Name.Length != 0) { // try specified locale m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_Name + "." + m_LocaleSetting + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } // try default store locale path: m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_Name + "." + Localization.GetDefaultLocale() + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } // try base (NULL) path: m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_Name + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } } m_URL = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; return(false); } catch { return(false); } }
public DescriptionFile(String DescriptionType, int ID, String LocaleSetting, int SkinID) { m_DescriptionType = DescriptionType.Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); m_ID = ID; m_LocaleSetting = LocaleSetting; m_SkinID = SkinID; // Find the description file content. will be in /{descriptiontype}descriptions or some locale subdir. find by ID m_Root = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.IsAdminSite, "../", "") + "descriptions/" + m_DescriptionType.ToLowerInvariant() + "/"; m_Contents = String.Empty; m_ContentsRAW = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseNameForSectionDescriptionName")) { //Try SKU version first if (!FindNameFile()) { FindIDFile(); } } else { FindIDFile(); } if (m_FN.Length != 0 && CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { m_URL = Path.Combine(AppLogic.GetStoreHTTPLocation(false), m_URL); m_Contents = CommonLogic.ReadFile(m_FN, true); m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_Contents = CommonLogic.ExtractBody(m_Contents); m_Contents = m_Contents.Replace("(!SKINID!)", SkinID.ToString()); } else { m_URL = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; } }
public ProductSpecFile(int ProductID, String LocaleSetting, int SkinID, string SKU) { m_ProductID = ProductID; m_LocaleSetting = LocaleSetting; m_SkinID = SkinID; m_ProductSKU = SKU; m_Contents = String.Empty; m_ContentsRAW = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; // Find the Specified ProductSpec content. will be in /descriptions/productspecs or some locale subdir. find by productid or SKU, whichever is provided. m_Root = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.IsAdminSite, "../", "") + "descriptions/productspecs/"; if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseSKUForProductDescriptionName")) { //Try SKU version first if (m_ProductSKU.Length == 0) { m_ProductSKU = AppLogic.GetProductSKU(ProductID); } if (!FindSKUFile()) { FindIDFile(); } } else { FindIDFile(); } if (FN.Length != 0 && CommonLogic.FileExists(FN)) { m_URL = Path.Combine(AppLogic.GetStoreHTTPLocation(false), m_URL); m_Contents = CommonLogic.ReadFile(FN, true); m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_Contents = CommonLogic.ExtractBody(m_Contents); m_Contents = m_Contents.Replace("(!SKINID!)", SkinID.ToString()); } }
string GetImageUrl(string size, string identifier, int index) { var locale = HttpContext.Current.GetCustomer().LocaleSetting; var imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("{0}_{1}.gif", identifier, index), "product", size, locale); if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(imageUrl)) { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("{0}_{1}_.gif", identifier, index), "product", size, locale); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(imageUrl)) { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("{0}_{1}.jpg", identifier, index), "product", size, locale); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(imageUrl)) { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("{0}_{1}_.jpg", identifier, index), "product", size, locale); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(imageUrl)) { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("{0}_{1}.png", identifier, index), "product", size, locale); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(imageUrl)) { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("{0}_{1}_.png", identifier, index), "product", size, locale); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(imageUrl)) { if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(size, nameof(ProductImageSize.large)) || StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(size, nameof(ProductImageSize.medium))) { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("skins/{0}/images/nopicture.gif", SkinProvider.GetSkinNameById(SkinId))); } else { imageUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(string.Format("skins/{0}/images/nopicture{1}.gif", SkinProvider.GetSkinNameById(SkinId), size)); } } return(imageUrl); }
private bool FindSKUFile() { try { if (m_ProductSKU.Length != 0) { // try specified locale first m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_ProductSKU + "." + m_LocaleSetting + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } // try default store locale path: m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_ProductSKU + "." + Localization.GetDefaultLocale() + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } // try base (NULL) path: m_URL = Path.Combine(m_Root, m_ProductSKU + ".htm"); m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(m_URL); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { return(true); } } m_URL = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; return(false); } catch { return(false); } }
public void LoadFromDB() { string suffix = "_" + m_ProductID.ToString(); string pvsuffix = "_" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + m_VariantID.ToString(); m_ImageNumbersSplit = m_ImageNumbers.Split(','); bool m_WatermarksEnabled = AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Watermark.Enabled"); m_ColorsSplit = new String[1] { "" }; if (m_Colors == String.Empty) { using (SqlConnection dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { dbconn.Open(); using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS("select Colors from productvariant with (NOLOCK) where VariantID=" + m_VariantID.ToString(), dbconn)) { if (rs.Read()) { m_Colors = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Colors", Localization.GetDefaultLocale()); // remember to add "empty" color to front, for no color selected if (m_Colors.Length != 0) { m_ColorsSplit = ("," + m_Colors).Split(','); } } } } } else { m_ColorsSplit = ("," + m_Colors).Split(','); } if (m_Colors.Length != 0) { for (int i = m_ColorsSplit.GetLowerBound(0); i <= m_ColorsSplit.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { String s2 = AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]); m_ColorsSplit[i] = CommonLogic.MakeSafeFilesystemName(s2); } } if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("MultiImage.UseProductIconPics")) { m_ImageUrlsicon = new String[m_ImageNumbersSplit.Length, m_ColorsSplit.Length]; for (int x = m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetLowerBound(0); x <= m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetUpperBound(0); x++) { int ImgIdx = Localization.ParseUSInt(m_ImageNumbersSplit[x]); for (int i = m_ColorsSplit.GetLowerBound(0); i <= m_ColorsSplit.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { String Url = string.Empty; if (m_ProductSKU == string.Empty) { Url = AppLogic.LookupProductImageByNumberAndColor(m_ProductID, m_SkinID, m_LocaleSetting, ImgIdx, AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]), "icon"); } else { Url = AppLogic.LookupProductImageByNumberAndColor(m_ProductID, m_SkinID, m_ProductSKU, m_LocaleSetting, ImgIdx, AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]), "icon"); } if (m_WatermarksEnabled && Url.Length != 0 && Url.IndexOf("nopicture") == -1) { if (Url.StartsWith("/")) { m_ImageUrlsicon[x, i] = Url.Substring(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.Length); } else { m_ImageUrlsicon[x, i] = Url.Substring(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.Length - 1); } if (m_ImageUrlsicon[x, i].StartsWith("/")) { m_ImageUrlsicon[x, i] = m_ImageUrlsicon[x, i].TrimStart('/'); } } else { m_ImageUrlsicon[x, i] = Url; } } } for (int x = m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetLowerBound(0); x <= m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetUpperBound(0); x++) { int ImgIdx = Localization.ParseUSInt(m_ImageNumbersSplit[x]); if (m_ImageUrlsicon[x, 0].IndexOf("nopicture") == -1) { m_MaxImageIndex = ImgIdx; } } } m_ImageUrlsmedium = new String[m_ImageNumbersSplit.Length, m_ColorsSplit.Length]; for (int j = m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetLowerBound(0); j <= m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetUpperBound(0); j++) { int ImgIdx = Localization.ParseUSInt(m_ImageNumbersSplit[j]); for (int i = m_ColorsSplit.GetLowerBound(0); i <= m_ColorsSplit.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { String Url = string.Empty; if (m_ProductSKU == string.Empty) { Url = AppLogic.LookupProductImageByNumberAndColor(m_ProductID, m_SkinID, m_LocaleSetting, ImgIdx, AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]), "medium"); } else { Url = AppLogic.LookupProductImageByNumberAndColor(m_ProductID, m_SkinID, m_ProductSKU, m_LocaleSetting, ImgIdx, AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]), "medium"); } if (m_WatermarksEnabled && Url.Length != 0 && Url.IndexOf("nopicture") == -1) { if (Url.StartsWith("/")) { m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, i] = Url.Substring(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.Length); } else { m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, i] = Url.Substring(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.Length - 1); } if (m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, i].StartsWith("/")) { m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, i] = m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, i].TrimStart('/'); } } else { m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, i] = Url; } } } for (int j = m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetLowerBound(0); j <= m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetUpperBound(0); j++) { int ImgIdx = Localization.ParseUSInt(m_ImageNumbersSplit[j]); if (m_ImageUrlsmedium[j, 0].IndexOf("nopicture") == -1) { m_MaxImageIndex = ImgIdx; } } m_ImageUrlslarge = new String[m_ImageNumbersSplit.Length, m_ColorsSplit.Length]; for (int j = m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetLowerBound(0); j <= m_ImageNumbersSplit.GetUpperBound(0); j++) { int ImgIdx = Localization.ParseUSInt(m_ImageNumbersSplit[j]); for (int i = m_ColorsSplit.GetLowerBound(0); i <= m_ColorsSplit.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { String Url = string.Empty; if (m_ProductSKU == string.Empty) { Url = AppLogic.LookupProductImageByNumberAndColor(m_ProductID, m_SkinID, m_LocaleSetting, ImgIdx, AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]), "large"); } else { Url = AppLogic.LookupProductImageByNumberAndColor(m_ProductID, m_SkinID, m_ProductSKU, m_LocaleSetting, ImgIdx, AppLogic.RemoveAttributePriceModifier(m_ColorsSplit[i]), "large"); } if (m_WatermarksEnabled && Url.Length != 0 && Url.IndexOf("nopicture") == -1) { if (Url.StartsWith("/")) { m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i] = Url.Substring(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.Length); } else { m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i] = Url.Substring(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.Length - 1); } if (m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i].StartsWith("/")) { m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i] = m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i].TrimStart('/'); } m_HasSomeLarge = true; } else if (Url.Length == 0 || Url.IndexOf("nopicture") != -1) { m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i] = String.Empty; } else { m_HasSomeLarge = true; m_ImageUrlslarge[j, i] = Url; } } } if (!IsEmpty()) { bool AttemptZoomify = AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Zoomify.Active") && (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Zoomify.GalleryMedium") || AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Zoomify.ProductMedium")); bool GalleryZoomify = AttemptZoomify && AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Zoomify.GalleryMedium"); StringBuilder tmpS = new StringBuilder(4096); tmpS.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); tmpS.Append("var ProductPicIndex" + suffix + " = 1;\n"); tmpS.Append("var ProductColor" + suffix + " = '';\n"); tmpS.Append("var boardpics" + suffix + " = new Array();\n"); tmpS.Append("var boardpicslg" + suffix + " = new Array();\n"); tmpS.Append("var boardpicslgwidth" + suffix + " = new Array();\n"); tmpS.Append("var boardpicslgheight" + suffix + " = new Array();\n"); if (AttemptZoomify) { tmpS.Append("var boardpicsZ" + suffix + " = new Array();\n"); } for (int i = 1; i <= m_MaxImageIndex; i++) { foreach (String c in m_ColorsSplit) { String MdUrl = ImageUrl(i, c, "medium").ToLowerInvariant(); String MdWatermarkedUrl = MdUrl; if (m_WatermarksEnabled) { if (MdUrl.Length > 0) { string[] split = MdUrl.Split('/'); string lastPart = split.Last(); MdUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(lastPart, "PRODUCT", "medium", ""); } } tmpS.Append("boardpics" + suffix + "['" + i.ToString() + "," + c + "'] = '" + MdWatermarkedUrl + "';\n"); String LgUrl = ImageUrl(i, c, "large").ToLowerInvariant(); String LgWatermarkedUrl = LgUrl; if (m_WatermarksEnabled) { if (LgUrl.Length > 0) { string[] split = LgUrl.Split('/'); string lastPart = split.Last(); LgUrl = AppLogic.LocateImageURL(lastPart, "PRODUCT", "large", ""); } } tmpS.Append("boardpicslg" + suffix + "['" + i.ToString() + "," + c + "'] = '" + LgWatermarkedUrl + "';\n"); if (LgUrl.Length > 0) { System.Drawing.Size lgsz = CommonLogic.GetImagePixelSize(LgUrl); tmpS.Append("boardpicslgwidth" + suffix + "['" + i.ToString() + "," + c + "'] = '" + lgsz.Width.ToString() + "';\n"); tmpS.Append("boardpicslgheight" + suffix + "['" + i.ToString() + "," + c + "'] = '" + lgsz.Height.ToString() + "';\n"); } if (AttemptZoomify) { String ZMdUrl = string.Empty; // Yes we use the large url here, because the Zoomify data is always in Large if (LgUrl.Length > 0) { ZMdUrl = LgUrl.Remove(LgUrl.Length - 4); // remove extension } if (GalleryZoomify && CommonLogic.FileExists(CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(LgUrl))) { tmpS.Append("boardpicsZ" + suffix + "['" + i.ToString() + "," + c + "'] = '" + AppLogic.RunXmlPackage("Zoomify.Medium", null, null, m_SkinID, "", "ImagePath=" + ZMdUrl + "&AltSrc=" + LgUrl, false, false).Replace("\r\n", " ").Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " ").Replace("'", "\\'") + "';\n"); // the Replace's are to make the xmlpackage output consumable by javascript } else { tmpS.Append("boardpicsZ" + suffix + "['" + i.ToString() + "," + c + "'] = '';\n"); } } } } if (AttemptZoomify) { tmpS.Append("function changeContent(markup)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" id='divProductPicZ"+ m_ProductID.ToString() + "';\n"); tmpS.Append(" if (document.getElementById || document.all)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" var el = document.getElementById? document.getElementById(id): document.all[id];\n"); tmpS.Append(" if (el && typeof el.innerHTML != \"undefined\") el.innerHTML = markup;\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); } tmpS.Append("function changecolorimg" + suffix + "()\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" var scidx = ProductPicIndex"+ suffix + " + ',' + ProductColor" + suffix + ".toLowerCase();\n"); if (AttemptZoomify) { tmpS.Append("if (boardpicsZ" + suffix + "[scidx]!='') {\n"); tmpS.Append(" divProductPicZ" + m_ProductID.ToString() + ".style.display='inline';\n"); tmpS.Append(" divProductPic" + m_ProductID.ToString() + ".style.display='none';\n"); tmpS.Append(" changeContent(boardpicsZ" + suffix + "[scidx]); }\n"); tmpS.Append("else {\n"); tmpS.Append(" divProductPicZ" + m_ProductID.ToString() + ".style.display='none';\n"); tmpS.Append(" divProductPic" + m_ProductID.ToString() + ".style.display='inline';\n"); tmpS.Append(" document.ProductPic" + m_ProductID.ToString() + ".src=boardpics" + suffix + "[scidx]; }\n"); } else { tmpS.Append(" document.ProductPic"+ m_ProductID.ToString() + ".src=boardpics" + suffix + "[scidx];\n"); } tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("function popuplarge" + suffix + "()\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" var scidx = ProductPicIndex"+ suffix + " + ',' + ProductColor" + suffix + ".toLowerCase();\n"); tmpS.Append(" var LargeSrc = boardpicslg"+ suffix + "[scidx];\n"); if (m_WatermarksEnabled) { tmpS.AppendFormat(" var imageName = LargeSrc.split(\"/\").pop(-1);{0}", Environment.NewLine); tmpS.AppendFormat(" LargeSrc = 'watermark.axd?size=large&imgurl=images/product/large/' + imageName;{0}", Environment.NewLine); } tmpS.Append("if(boardpicslg" + suffix + "[scidx] != '')\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append("'popup.aspx?src=' + LargeSrc,'LargerImage"+ CommonLogic.GetRandomNumber(1, 100000) + "','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=" + CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("ResizableLargeImagePopup"), "yes", "no") + ",resizable=" + CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("ResizableLargeImagePopup"), "yes", "no") + ",copyhistory=no,width=' + boardpicslgwidth" + suffix + "[scidx] + ',height=' + boardpicslgheight" + suffix + "[scidx] + ',left=0,top=0');\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("else\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" alert('There is no large image available for this picture');\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("function setcolorpicidx" + suffix + "(idx)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" ProductPicIndex"+ suffix + " = idx;\n"); tmpS.Append(" changecolorimg"+ suffix + "();\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("function setActive(element)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" adnsf$('').removeClass('active');\n"); tmpS.Append(" adnsf$(element).parent().addClass('active');\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("function cleansizecoloroption" + suffix + "(theVal)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(theVal.indexOf('[') != -1){theVal = theVal.substring(0, theVal.indexOf('['))}"); tmpS.Append(" theVal = theVal.replace(/[\\W]/g,\"\");\n"); tmpS.Append(" theVal = theVal.toLowerCase();\n"); tmpS.Append(" return theVal;\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("function setcolorpic" + suffix + "(color)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" while(color != unescape(color))\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = unescape(color);\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(color == '-,-' || color == '-')\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = '';\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(color != '' && color.indexOf(',') != -1)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf(',')).replace(new RegExp(\"'\", 'gi'), '');\n"); // remove sku from color select value tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf('[')).replace(new RegExp(\"'\", 'gi'), '');\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = color.replace(/[\\s]+$/g,\"\");\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" ProductColor"+ suffix + " = cleansizecoloroption" + suffix + "(color);\n"); tmpS.Append(" changecolorimg"+ suffix + "();\n"); tmpS.Append(" setcolorlisttoactiveitem"+ suffix + "(color);\n"); tmpS.Append(" return (true);\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); // this one (without suffix) added back for backwards compatibility with older existing product data, where // the swatch map called to this js routine directly tmpS.Append("function setcolorpic(color)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(color == '-,-' || color == '-')\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = '';\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(color != '' && color.indexOf(',') != -1)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf(',')).replace(new RegExp(\"'\", 'gi'), '');\n"); // remove sku from color select value tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf('[')).replace(new RegExp(\"'\", 'gi'), '');\n"); tmpS.Append(" color = color.replace(/[\\s]+$/g,\"\");\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" ProductColor"+ suffix + " = cleansizecoloroption" + suffix + "(color);\n"); tmpS.Append(" changecolorimg"+ suffix + "();\n"); tmpS.Append(" setcolorlisttoactiveitem"+ suffix + "(color.toLowerCase());\n"); tmpS.Append(" return (true);\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("function setcolorlisttoactiveitem" + suffix + "(color)\n"); tmpS.Append("{\n"); tmpS.Append("var lst = document.getElementById('Color" + pvsuffix + "');\n"); tmpS.Append("var matchColor = cleansizecoloroption" + suffix + "(color);\n"); tmpS.Append("for (var i=0; i < lst.length; i++)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append("var value = lst[i].value;\n"); tmpS.Append("var arrayValue = value.split(',');\n"); tmpS.Append("var lstColor = cleansizecoloroption" + suffix + "(arrayValue[0]);\n"); //tmpS.Append(" var lstColor = cleansizecoloroption" + suffix + "(lst[i].value);\n"); tmpS.Append(" if (lstColor == matchColor)\n"); tmpS.Append(" {\n"); tmpS.Append(" lst.selectedIndex = i;\n"); tmpS.Append(" return (true);\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append(" }\n"); tmpS.Append("return (true);\n"); tmpS.Append("}\n"); tmpS.Append("</script>\n"); m_ImgDHTML = tmpS.ToString(); bool useMicros = AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseImagesForMultiNav"); bool microAction = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseRolloverForMultiNav"), true, false); if (m_MaxImageIndex > 1) { tmpS.Remove(0, tmpS.Length); if (!AppLogic.AppConfigBool("MultiImage.UseProductIconPics") && !useMicros) { tmpS.Append("<ul class=\"pagination image-paging\">"); for (int i = 1; i <= m_MaxImageIndex; i++) { if (i == 1) { tmpS.Append("<li class=\"page-link active\">"); } else { tmpS.Append("<li class=\"page-link\">"); } tmpS.Append(string.Format("<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick='setcolorpicidx{0}({1});setActive(this);' class=\"page-number\">{1}</a>", suffix, i)); tmpS.Append("</li>"); } tmpS.Append("</ul>"); } else { tmpS.Append("<div class=\"product-gallery-items\">"); for (int i = 1; i <= m_MaxImageIndex; i++) { tmpS.Append("<div class=\"product-gallery-item\">"); tmpS.Append(" <div class=\"gallery-item-inner\">"); if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("MultiImage.UseProductIconPics")) { string strImageTag = "<img class='product-gallery-image' onclick='setcolorpicidx{0}({1});setImageURL(\"{2}\")' alt='Show Picture {1}' src='{2}' border='0' />"; tmpS.AppendFormat(strImageTag, new object[] { suffix, i, m_ImageUrlsicon[i - 1, 0].ToString() }); } else { // check for different extensions but don't let the non existance leave a gap // or crash because it can't find an image String ImageLoc = String.Empty; if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseSKUForProductImageName")) { using (SqlConnection dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { dbconn.Open(); using (IDataReader skus = DB.GetRS("SELECT p.SKU FROM Product p with (NOLOCK) WHERE p.ProductID=" + m_ProductID.ToString(), dbconn)) { try { String microSKU = String.Empty; if (skus.Read()) { microSKU = DB.RSField(skus, "SKU"); } ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + microSKU.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".gif"); if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + microSKU.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + "_" + ".gif"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + microSKU.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".jpg"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + microSKU.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + "_" + ".jpg"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + microSKU.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".png"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + microSKU.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + "_" + ".png"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("App_Themes/skin_" + m_SkinID + "/images/nopicturemicro.gif"); } } catch { } } } } else { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".gif"); if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + "_" + ".gif"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".jpg"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + "_" + ".jpg"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".png"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("images/product/micro/" + m_ProductID.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + "_" + ".png"); } if (!CommonLogic.FileExists(ImageLoc)) { ImageLoc = AppLogic.LocateImageURL("App_Themes/skin_" + m_SkinID + "/images/nopicturemicro.gif"); } } // if not using rollover to change the images if (!microAction && ImageLoc.Length > 0) { string strImageTag = string.Format("<img class='product-gallery-image' onclick='setcolorpicidx{0}({1});setImageURL(\"{2}\")' alt='Show Picture {1}' src='{2}' border='0' />", new object[] { suffix, i, ImageLoc }); tmpS.Append(strImageTag); } else if (ImageLoc.Length > 0) { string strImageTag = string.Format("<img class='product-gallery-image' onMouseOver='setcolorpicidx{0}({1});setImageURL(\"{2}\")' alt='Show Picture {1}' src='{2}' border='0' />", new object[] { suffix, i, ImageLoc }); tmpS.Append(strImageTag); } } tmpS.Append(" </div>"); tmpS.Append("</div>"); } tmpS.Append("</div>"); } m_ImgGalIcons = tmpS.ToString(); } } }
static void MakeMicroPic(string fileName, string tempImage, string microParams, string imageSize) { fileName = fileName.Replace("_.", "."); var spltConfig = new Hashtable(); var microWidth = AppLogic.AppConfigNativeInt("DefaultWidth_micro"); var microHeight = AppLogic.AppConfigNativeInt("DefaultHeight_micro"); var microMime = ".jpg"; spltConfig = SplitConfig(microParams); if (spltConfig.ContainsKey("width")) { microWidth = int.Parse(spltConfig["width"].ToString()); } if (spltConfig.ContainsKey("height")) { microHeight = int.Parse(spltConfig["height"].ToString()); } if (spltConfig.ContainsKey("mime")) { microMime = spltConfig["mime"].ToString(); } if (microHeight < 1) { microHeight = 40; } if (microWidth < 1) { microWidth = 40; } switch (microMime) { case "png": microMime = ".png"; break; case "jpg": default: microMime = ".jpg"; break; } if (imageSize == "large") { //check for large creates others and large overwrites others to create the micro image if desired var largeCreates = false; var largeOverwrites = false; var globalCreate = (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("LargeCreatesOthers")); var globalOverwrite = (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("LargeOverwritesOthers")); var localCreate = string.Empty; var localOverwrite = string.Empty; var configValues = SplitConfig("Micro", "large", microParams); if (configValues.ContainsKey("largecreates")) { localCreate = configValues["largecreates"].ToString(); } if (configValues.ContainsKey("largeoverwrites")) { localOverwrite = configValues["largeoverwrites"].ToString(); } if (localCreate == "false") { largeCreates = false; } else if (localCreate == "true") { largeCreates = true; } else { largeCreates = globalCreate; } if (localOverwrite == "false") { largeOverwrites = false; } else if (localOverwrite == "true") { largeOverwrites = true; } else { largeOverwrites = globalOverwrite; } if (largeCreates) { if (largeOverwrites) { try { foreach (string ss in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", "micro", true) + fileName + ss); } } catch { } var newImageName = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", "micro", true) + fileName + microMime; ResizeForMicro(tempImage, newImageName, microWidth, microHeight); } else { var microExists = false; foreach (var imageType in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { if (CommonLogic.FileExists(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", "micro", true) + fileName + imageType)) { microExists = true; } } if (!microExists) { var newImageName = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", "micro", true) + fileName + microMime; ResizeForMicro(tempImage, newImageName, microWidth, microHeight); } } } } else if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("MultiMakesMicros") && imageSize == "medium") { // lets create micro images if using the medium multi image manager // since the medium icons are what show on the product pages var newImageName = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", "micro", true) + fileName + microMime; ResizeForMicro(tempImage, newImageName, microWidth, microHeight); } }
public static void CreateOthersFromLarge(string objectName, string tempImage, string filename, string content) { var imgExt = ".jpg"; var largeCreates = false; var largeOverwrites = false; var globalCreate = (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("LargeCreatesOthers")); var globalOverwrite = (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("LargeOverwritesOthers")); var localCreate = string.Empty; var localOverwrite = string.Empty; var configValues = SplitConfig(objectName, "large"); if (configValues.ContainsKey("largecreates")) { localCreate = configValues["largecreates"].ToString(); } if (configValues.ContainsKey("largeoverwrites")) { localOverwrite = configValues["largeoverwrites"].ToString(); } if (localCreate == "false") { largeCreates = false; } else if (localCreate == "true") { largeCreates = true; } else { largeCreates = globalCreate; } if (localOverwrite == "false") { largeOverwrites = false; } else if (localOverwrite == "true") { largeOverwrites = true; } else { largeOverwrites = globalOverwrite; } switch (content) { case "image/png": imgExt = ".png"; break; case "image/jpeg": default: imgExt = ".jpg"; break; } filename = filename.Replace(".", ""); if (largeCreates) { var microImage = AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "micro", true) + filename + imgExt; var iconImage = AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "icon", true) + filename + imgExt; var mediumImage = AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "medium", true) + filename + imgExt; if (largeOverwrites) { // delete any smaller image files first try { foreach (var imageType in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "icon", true) + filename + imageType); System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "medium", true) + filename + imageType); } } catch { } ResizeEntityOrObject(objectName, tempImage, iconImage, "icon", content); ResizeEntityOrObject(objectName, tempImage, mediumImage, "medium", content); if (objectName.Equals("PRODUCT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (string ss in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "micro", true) + filename + ss); } ResizeEntityOrObject(objectName, tempImage, microImage.Replace("_.", "."), "micro", content); } } else { var iconExists = false; var mediumExists = false; foreach (string imageType in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { if (CommonLogic.FileExists(AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "icon", true) + filename + imageType)) { iconExists = true; } if (CommonLogic.FileExists(AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "medium", true) + filename + imageType)) { mediumExists = true; } } if (!iconExists) { ResizeEntityOrObject(objectName, tempImage, iconImage, "icon", content); } if (!mediumExists) { ResizeEntityOrObject(objectName, tempImage, mediumImage, "medium", content); } if (objectName.Equals("PRODUCT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var microExists = false; foreach (string imageType in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { if (CommonLogic.FileExists(AppLogic.GetImagePath(objectName, "micro", true) + filename + imageType)) { microExists = true; } } if (!microExists) { ResizeEntityOrObject(objectName, tempImage, microImage.Replace("_.", "."), "micro", content); } } } } }
public static void MakeOtherMultis(string filename, string imageId, string color, string tempImage, string content) { var imgExt = ".jpg"; var largeCreates = false; var largeOverwrites = false; var globalCreate = (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("LargeCreatesOthers")); var globalOverwrite = (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("LargeOverwritesOthers")); var localCreate = String.Empty; var localOverwrite = String.Empty; var configValues = SplitConfig("Product", "large"); if (configValues.ContainsKey("largecreates")) { localCreate = configValues["largecreates"].ToString(); } if (configValues.ContainsKey("largeoverwrites")) { localOverwrite = configValues["largeoverwrites"].ToString(); } if (localCreate == "false") { largeCreates = false; } else if (localCreate == "true") { largeCreates = true; } else { largeCreates = globalCreate; } if (localOverwrite == "false") { largeOverwrites = false; } else if (localOverwrite == "true") { largeOverwrites = true; } else { largeOverwrites = globalOverwrite; } switch (content) { case "image/png": imgExt = ".png"; break; case "image/jpeg": default: imgExt = ".jpg"; break; } if (!largeCreates) { return; } var makeMicros = AppLogic.AppConfigBool("MultiMakesMicros"); var sizesToMake = new List <ProductImageSize>(); sizesToMake.Add(ProductImageSize.icon); sizesToMake.Add(ProductImageSize.medium); if (makeMicros) { sizesToMake.Add(ProductImageSize.micro); } foreach (var size in sizesToMake) { var imagepath = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", size.ToString(), true) + filename + "_" + imageId.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + color + imgExt; if (largeOverwrites) { // delete any smaller image files first foreach (var imageType in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", size.ToString(), true) + filename + "_" + imageId.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + color + imageType); } catch { } } ResizeEntityOrObject("Product", tempImage, imagepath, size.ToString(), content); } else { var imageExists = false; foreach (var imageType in CommonLogic.SupportedImageTypes) { if (CommonLogic.FileExists(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", size.ToString(), true) + filename + imageType)) { imageExists = true; } } if (!imageExists) { ResizeEntityOrObject("Product", tempImage, imagepath, size.ToString(), content); } } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (!AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Watermark.Enabled")) { return; } string querystringImageURL = CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("imgurl"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(querystringImageURL)) { return; } context.Response.CacheControl = "private"; context.Response.Expires = 0; context.Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); string mappedImageUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(querystringImageURL); bool sourceImageExists = CommonLogic.FileExists(mappedImageUrl) && !mappedImageUrl.Contains("nopicture.gif") && !mappedImageUrl.Contains("nopictureicon.gif"); if (sourceImageExists) { string imgSize = CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("size"); string copyrightText = AppLogic.AppConfig("Watermark.CopyrightText"); string copyrightImageUrl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyrightText)) { copyrightText = AppLogic.AppConfig("StoreName"); } switch (imgSize.ToLower()) { case "icon": copyrightImageUrl = AppLogic.AppConfig("Watermark.CopyrightImage.Icon"); break; case "medium": copyrightImageUrl = AppLogic.AppConfig("Watermark.CopyrightImage.Medium"); break; case "large": copyrightImageUrl = AppLogic.AppConfig("Watermark.CopyrightImage.Large"); break; default: copyrightImageUrl = AppLogic.AppConfig("Watermark.CopyrightImage.Icon"); break; } if (!CommonLogic.IsStringNullOrEmpty(copyrightImageUrl)) { copyrightImageUrl = CommonLogic.IIF(copyrightImageUrl.StartsWith("/"), copyrightImageUrl.Remove(0, 1), copyrightImageUrl); } // TODO: Image must be fully qualified (System.Drawing.Image) to support VB conversion // During conversion System.Drawing will be lost...must be re-added System.Drawing.Image imgPhoto = CommonLogic.LoadImage(mappedImageUrl); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyrightText) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyrightImageUrl)) { //If a copyright image is used and exists on disk, clear copyright text if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyrightImageUrl) && CommonLogic.FileExists(copyrightImageUrl)) { copyrightText = string.Empty; } try { imgPhoto = CommonLogic.AddWatermark(imgPhoto, copyrightText, copyrightImageUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { SysLog.LogException(ex, MessageTypeEnum.GeneralException, MessageSeverityEnum.Error); } } if (mappedImageUrl.EndsWith(".jpeg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; EncoderParameters encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(); encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 100L); imgPhoto.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()[1], encoderParameters); } if (mappedImageUrl.EndsWith(".jpg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"; EncoderParameters encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(); encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 100L); imgPhoto.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()[1], encoderParameters); } if (mappedImageUrl.EndsWith(".gif", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; imgPhoto.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); } if (mappedImageUrl.EndsWith(".png", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; imgPhoto.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); } imgPhoto.Dispose(); } }
// Find the specified topic content. note, we try to find content even if it doesn't exactly match the input specs, by doing an ordered lookup in various areas // we want to show SOME topic content if it is at all possible, even if the language is not right, etc... // Note: site id only used for file based topic _contents // Search Order is (yes, other orderings are possible, but this is the one we chose, where ANY db topic match overrides file content): // the other option would be to match on locales in the order of DB/File (Customer Locale), DB/File (Store Locale), DB/File (Null locale) // DB (customer locale) // DB (store locale) // DB (null locale) // File (customer locale) // File (store locale) // File (null locale) void LoadFromDB(int StoreID) { m_FromDB = false; m_DisplayOrder = 1; m_SkinID = ThisCustomer.SkinID; m_StoreID = StoreID; m_LocaleSetting = CommonLogic.IIF(m_LocaleSetting.Length > 0, m_LocaleSetting, Localization.GetDefaultLocale()); m_Contents = String.Empty; m_ContentsRAW = String.Empty; m_SectionTitle = String.Empty; m_RequiresSubscription = false; m_RequiresDisclaimer = false; m_ShowInSiteMap = true; m_Password = String.Empty; m_SETitle = m_TopicName; m_SEKeywords = String.Empty; m_SEDescription = String.Empty; m_SENoScript = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; m_MasterLocale = m_LocaleSetting; m_Children = new List <int>(); m_HasChildren = false; if (m_TopicID == 0) { m_TopicID = Topic.GetTopicID(m_TopicName, CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.IsAdminSite, m_MasterLocale, m_LocaleSetting), AppLogic.StoreID()); } if (m_TopicID != 0) { String sql = String.Format("SELECT * from Topic with (NOLOCK) where Deleted=0 and Published=1 and TopicID={1} and (SkinID IS NULL or SkinID=0 or SkinID={2}) order by DisplayOrder, Name ASC", CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.GlobalConfigBool("AllowTopicFiltering") == true, 1, 0), m_TopicID.ToString(), m_SkinID.ToString()); using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { con.Open(); using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS(sql, con)) { if (rs.Read()) { m_FromDB = true; m_TopicID = DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "TopicID"); m_TopicName = DB.RSField(rs, "Name"); m_Contents = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Description", m_LocaleSetting); m_Password = DB.RSField(rs, "Password"); m_RequiresSubscription = DB.RSFieldBool(rs, "RequiresSubscription"); m_RequiresDisclaimer = DB.RSFieldBool(rs, "RequiresDisclaimer"); m_GraphicsColor = DB.RSField(rs, "GraphicsColor"); m_ContentsBGColor = DB.RSField(rs, "ContentsBGColor"); m_PageBGColor = DB.RSField(rs, "PageBGColor"); m_DisplayOrder = DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "DisplayOrder"); m_ShowInSiteMap = DB.RSFieldBool(rs, "ShowInSiteMap"); m_SkinID = DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "SkinID"); if (m_Contents.Length != 0) { m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_SectionTitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Title", m_LocaleSetting); m_SETitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SETitle", m_LocaleSetting); m_SEKeywords = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEKeywords", m_LocaleSetting); m_SEDescription = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEDescription", m_LocaleSetting); m_SENoScript = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SENoScript", m_LocaleSetting); } else // nothing found, try master locale: { m_Contents = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Description", m_MasterLocale); m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_SectionTitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Title", m_MasterLocale); m_SETitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SETitle", m_MasterLocale); m_SEKeywords = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEKeywords", m_MasterLocale); m_SEDescription = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEDescription", m_MasterLocale); m_SENoScript = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SENoScript", m_MasterLocale); } // if an html tag is present, extract just the body of the content if (m_Contents.IndexOf("<html", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { m_Contents = CommonLogic.ExtractBody(m_ContentsRAW); } } } } // loads the child topics m_HasChildren = DB.GetSqlN("select count(tm.TopicID) as N from dbo.TopicMapping tm with(NOLOCK) left join dbo.Topic t with(NOLOCK) on t.TopicID = tm.ParentTopicID where t.TopicID =" + m_TopicID.ToString() + " and t.Deleted=0") > 0; if (m_HasChildren) { LoadChildren(); } } if (!m_FromDB) // did not find anything in db, try file based topic content (in skins folder as topicname.htm) { string appdir = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; List <string> possibleFileNames = new List <string> { Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("App_Templates\\Skin_{0}\\Topics\\{1}.{2}.htm", SkinID.ToString(), m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Skin specific, localized Path.Combine(appdir, String.Format("App_Templates\\Skin_{0}\\Topics\\{1}.htm", SkinID.ToString(), m_TopicName)), //Skin specific, unlocalized Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.{1}.htm", m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Root folder, localized Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.htm", m_TopicName)), //Root folder, unlocalized Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("App_Templates\\Skin_{0}\\Topics\\{1}.{2}.html", SkinID.ToString(), m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Skin specific, localized HTML Path.Combine(appdir, String.Format("App_Templates\\Skin_{0}\\Topics\\{1}.html", SkinID.ToString(), m_TopicName)), //Skin specific, unlocalized HTML Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.{1}.html", m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Root folder, localized HTML Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.html", m_TopicName)) //Root folder, unlocalized HTML }; foreach (string fileNametoCheck in possibleFileNames) { m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(fileNametoCheck); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { break; } } if (m_FN.Length != 0 && CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { m_Contents = CommonLogic.ReadFile(m_FN, true); m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_SectionTitle = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<title>", "</title>"); m_Contents = CommonLogic.ExtractBody(m_Contents); // try old token formats first, for backwards compatibility: m_SETitle = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<PAGETITLE>", "</PAGETITLE>"); m_SEKeywords = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<PAGEKEYWORDS>", "</PAGEKEYWORDS>"); m_SEDescription = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<PAGEDESCRIPTION>", "</PAGEDESCRIPTION>"); m_SENoScript = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<NOSCRIPT>", "</NOSCRIPT>"); // if regular HTML tokens found, try to parse it out in regular HTML syntax meta tag format and they take precedence over the old tokens (above): String t = Regex.Match(m_ContentsRAW, @"(?<=<title[^\>]*>).*?(?=</title>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture).Value; if (t.Length != 0) { m_SETitle = t; } String MK = String.Empty; String MV = String.Empty; foreach (Match metamatch in Regex.Matches(m_ContentsRAW, @"<meta\s*(?:(?:\b(\w|-)+\b\s*(?:=\s*(?:""[^""]*""|'[^']*'|[^""'<> ]+)\s*)?)*)/?\s*>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)) { MK = String.Empty; MV = String.Empty; // Loop through the attribute/value pairs inside the tag foreach (Match submatch in Regex.Matches(metamatch.Value.ToString(), @"(?<name>\b(\w|-)+\b)\s*=\s*(""(?<value>[^""]*)""|'(?<value>[^']*)'|(?<value>[^""'<> ]+)\s*)+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)) { if ("http-equiv".Equals(submatch.Groups[1].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { MV = submatch.Groups[2].ToString(); } if (("name".Equals(submatch.Groups[1].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) && MK == String.Empty) // if it's already set, HTTP-EQUIV takes precedence { MV = submatch.Groups[2].ToString(); } if ("content".Equals(submatch.Groups[1].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { MV = submatch.Groups[2].ToString(); } } switch (MK.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "description": m_SEDescription = MV; break; case "keywords": case "keyword": m_SEKeywords = MV; break; } } } if (m_CommandHashtable.Contains("contentsbgcolor")) { m_ContentsBGColor = m_CommandHashtable["contentsbgcolor"].ToString(); } if (m_CommandHashtable.Contains("pagebgcolor")) { m_PageBGColor = m_CommandHashtable["pagebgcolor"].ToString(); } if (m_CommandHashtable.Contains("graphicscolor")) { m_GraphicsColor = m_CommandHashtable["graphicscolor"].ToString(); } } if (m_SETitle.Length == 0) { m_SETitle = m_SectionTitle; } if (AppLogic.ReplaceImageURLFromAssetMgr) { while (m_Contents.IndexOf("../images") != -1) { m_Contents = m_Contents.Replace("../images", "images"); } } if (m_UseParser != null) { m_Contents = m_UseParser.ReplaceTokens(m_Contents); } else { if (SkinID > 0) { m_Contents = m_Contents.Replace("(!SKINID!)", SkinID.ToString()); } } }
// Find the specified topic content. note, we try to find content even if it doesn't exactly match the input specs, by doing an ordered lookup in various areas // we want to show SOME topic content if it is at all possible, even if the language is not right, etc... // Note: site id only used for file based topic _contents // Search Order is (yes, other orderings are possible, but this is the one we chose, where ANY db topic match overrides file content): // the other option would be to match on locales in the order of DB/File (Customer Locale), DB/File (Store Locale), DB/File (Null locale) // DB (customer locale) // DB (store locale) // DB (null locale) // File (customer locale) // File (store locale) // File (null locale) void LoadFromDB(int StoreID) { m_FromDB = false; m_DisplayOrder = 1; m_SkinID = ThisCustomer.SkinID; m_StoreID = StoreID; m_LocaleSetting = CommonLogic.IIF(m_LocaleSetting.Length > 0, m_LocaleSetting, Localization.GetDefaultLocale()); m_Contents = String.Empty; m_ContentsRAW = String.Empty; m_SectionTitle = String.Empty; m_RequiresDisclaimer = false; m_ShowInSiteMap = true; m_Password = String.Empty; m_SETitle = m_TopicName; m_SEKeywords = String.Empty; m_SEDescription = String.Empty; m_FN = String.Empty; m_MasterLocale = m_LocaleSetting; m_HasChildren = false; if (m_TopicID == 0) { m_TopicID = Topic.GetTopicID(m_TopicName, CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.IsAdminSite, m_MasterLocale, m_LocaleSetting), AppLogic.StoreID()); } if (m_TopicID != 0) { var sql = string.Format("SELECT * from Topic with (NOLOCK) where Deleted=0 and Published=1 and TopicID={0} and (SkinID IS NULL or SkinID=0 or SkinID={1}) order by DisplayOrder, Name ASC", m_TopicID.ToString(), m_SkinID.ToString()); using (var con = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { con.Open(); using (var rs = DB.GetRS(sql, con)) { if (rs.Read()) { m_FromDB = true; m_TopicID = DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "TopicID"); m_TopicName = DB.RSField(rs, "Name"); m_Contents = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Description", m_LocaleSetting); m_Password = DB.RSField(rs, "Password"); m_RequiresDisclaimer = DB.RSFieldBool(rs, "RequiresDisclaimer"); m_DisplayOrder = DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "DisplayOrder"); m_ShowInSiteMap = DB.RSFieldBool(rs, "ShowInSiteMap"); m_SkinID = DB.RSFieldInt(rs, "SkinID"); if (m_Contents.Length != 0) { m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_SectionTitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Title", m_LocaleSetting); m_SETitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SETitle", m_LocaleSetting); m_SEKeywords = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEKeywords", m_LocaleSetting); m_SEDescription = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEDescription", m_LocaleSetting); } else // nothing found, try master locale: { m_Contents = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Description", m_MasterLocale); m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_SectionTitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "Title", m_MasterLocale); m_SETitle = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SETitle", m_MasterLocale); m_SEKeywords = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEKeywords", m_MasterLocale); m_SEDescription = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "SEDescription", m_MasterLocale); } // if an html tag is present, extract just the body of the content if (m_Contents.IndexOf("<html", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { m_Contents = CommonLogic.ExtractBody(m_ContentsRAW); } } } } } if (!m_FromDB) // did not find anything in db, try file based topic content (in skins folder as topicname.htm) { string appdir = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; List <string> possibleFileNames = new List <string> { Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Skins\\{0}\\Topics\\{1}.{2}.htm", SkinProvider.GetSkinNameById(SkinID), m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Skin specific, localized Path.Combine(appdir, String.Format("Skins\\{0}\\Topics\\{1}.htm", SkinProvider.GetSkinNameById(SkinID), m_TopicName)), //Skin specific, unlocalized Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.{1}.htm", m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Root folder, localized Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.htm", m_TopicName)), //Root folder, unlocalized Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Skins\\{0}\\Topics\\{1}.{2}.html", SkinProvider.GetSkinNameById(SkinID), m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Skin specific, localized HTML Path.Combine(appdir, String.Format("Skins\\{0}\\Topics\\{1}.html", SkinProvider.GetSkinNameById(SkinID), m_TopicName)), //Skin specific, unlocalized HTML Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.{1}.html", m_TopicName, m_LocaleSetting)), //Root folder, localized HTML Path.Combine(appdir, string.Format("Topics\\{0}.html", m_TopicName)) //Root folder, unlocalized HTML }; foreach (string fileNametoCheck in possibleFileNames) { m_FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(fileNametoCheck); if (CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { break; } } if (m_FN.Length != 0 && CommonLogic.FileExists(m_FN)) { m_Contents = CommonLogic.ReadFile(m_FN, true); m_ContentsRAW = m_Contents; m_SectionTitle = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<title>", "</title>"); m_Contents = CommonLogic.ExtractBody(m_Contents); // Throw a helpful error if the topic file is not formatted properly if (m_Contents.Length == 0 && m_ContentsRAW.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(@"Make sure to format your topic file like a normal html document. For Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Your title</title> </head> <body> Your content here </body> </html>" ); } // try old token formats first, for backwards compatibility: m_SETitle = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<PAGETITLE>", "</PAGETITLE>"); m_SEKeywords = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<PAGEKEYWORDS>", "</PAGEKEYWORDS>"); m_SEDescription = CommonLogic.ExtractToken(m_ContentsRAW, "<PAGEDESCRIPTION>", "</PAGEDESCRIPTION>"); // if regular HTML tokens found, try to parse it out in regular HTML syntax meta tag format and they take precedence over the old tokens (above): String t = Regex.Match(m_ContentsRAW, @"(?<=<title[^\>]*>).*?(?=</title>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture).Value; if (t.Length != 0) { m_SETitle = t; } String MK = String.Empty; String MV = String.Empty; foreach (Match metamatch in Regex.Matches(m_ContentsRAW, @"<meta\s*(?:(?:\b(\w|-)+\b\s*(?:=\s*(?:""[^""]*""|'[^']*'|[^""'<> ]+)\s*)?)*)/?\s*>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)) { MK = String.Empty; MV = String.Empty; // Loop through the attribute/value pairs inside the tag foreach (Match submatch in Regex.Matches(metamatch.Value.ToString(), @"(?<name>\b(\w|-)+\b)\s*=\s*(""(?<value>[^""]*)""|'(?<value>[^']*)'|(?<value>[^""'<> ]+)\s*)+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)) { if ("http-equiv".Equals(submatch.Groups[1].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { MV = submatch.Groups[2].ToString(); } if (("name".Equals(submatch.Groups[1].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) && MK == String.Empty) // if it's already set, HTTP-EQUIV takes precedence { MV = submatch.Groups[2].ToString(); } if ("content".Equals(submatch.Groups[1].ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { MV = submatch.Groups[2].ToString(); } } switch (MK.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "description": m_SEDescription = MV; break; case "keywords": case "keyword": m_SEKeywords = MV; break; } } } } if (m_SETitle.Length == 0) { m_SETitle = m_SectionTitle; } if (AppLogic.ReplaceImageURLFromAssetMgr) { while (m_Contents.IndexOf("../images") != -1) { m_Contents = m_Contents.Replace("../images", "images"); } } if (m_UseParser != null) { m_Contents = m_UseParser.ReplaceTokens(m_Contents); } else { if (SkinID > 0) { m_Contents = m_Contents.Replace("(!SKINID!)", SkinID.ToString()); } } }