예제 #1
        private void ListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//event of researcher list
            //disable 'showname'btn,'cumulative count'btn and datagrid before user select a record
            btn1.IsEnabled      = true;
            btn2.IsEnabled      = true;
            datagrid1.IsEnabled = true;

            list2.ItemsSource = P_list;
            //r_details.GotFocus = true;

            //filter function bug here
            if (list1.SelectedIndex != -1)         //if user selected a listitem and use filter function,application will be crushed
                BitmapImage b = new BitmapImage(); //Generate avatar
                b.UriSource = new Uri(@rlist[list1.SelectedIndex].photo.ToString());
                avatar.Source = b;
                //show details of specific researcher
                ContentControl1.Content = ResearcherDetail.showdetail(rlist[list1.SelectedIndex].id, rlist, position_list, researcher_publication_list, publication_list, btn1);
                datagrid1.ItemsSource   = null; //reset datagrid
                tbk_name.Text           = "";   //reset show name

                global_id = rlist[list1.SelectedIndex].id;//set grobal value for id

                P_list            = PublicationList.generate_P_list(rlist[list1.SelectedIndex].id, researcher_publication_list, publication_list);
                Orgin_list        = P_list;
                list2.ItemsSource = P_list;

                tab_m.SelectedIndex = 1;//auto jump to tab 2