private void CreateWalkerGuy() { WalkingGuyTimer = new Timer(); WalkingGuyTimer.Interval = 60; WalkingGuyInitialYFromBase = _pbWalkingGuy.Location.Y - Height; WalkingGuyTimer.Tick += (x, y) => { int xspd = 5; _pbWalkingGuy.Location = new Point(_pbWalkingGuy.Location.X + xspd, Height + WalkingGuyInitialYFromBase); if (_pbWalkingGuy.Location.X > Width) { _pbWalkingGuy.Location = new Point(-_pbWalkingGuy.Width, Height + WalkingGuyInitialYFromBase); } if (Sequencer != null && Sequencer.PlayState == PlayState.Playing) { if (PictureViewerForm != null) { if (Sequencer != null) { float f = (float)(Sequencer.ElapsedMillis) / (float)(Sequencer.TotalExerciseTimeMillis); PictureViewerForm.RepaintTimerPie(f); } } } else { //*Hide the Pie PictureViewerForm.RepaintTimerPie(0); } }; WalkingGuyTimer.Stop(); }
public void ToggleFullscreenAction() { if (PictureViewerForm != null) { if (PictureViewerForm.Fullscreen == true) { PictureViewerForm.ToggleFullscreen(false); } } }
private void SetupShortcuts() { Shortcuts = new Dictionary <Keys, Action>(); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.F5, PlayPauseAction); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.Escape, ToggleFullscreenAction); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.F11, ToggleFullscreenAction); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.Space, PlayPauseAction); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.Right, () => { Globals.MainForm.Sequencer.SkipToNextCard(); }); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.Left, () => { Globals.MainForm.Sequencer.SkipToPrevCard(); }); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.E, () => { Globals.MainForm.Sequencer.ExcludeCurrentCard(); }); Shortcuts.Add(Keys.F, () => { Globals.MainForm.Sequencer.ToggleFavoriteCurrentCard(); PictureViewerForm?.UpdateFavImage(); }); }
private void StopTimerAction(bool closeViewer = false) { Sequencer.Stop(); _cboSessions.Enabled = _btnSession.Enabled = _btnSettings.Enabled = true; Globals.ToggleBackground(_btnSession, true); Globals.ToggleBackground(_btnSettings, true); _btnPlay.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.appbar_timer_play); WalkingGuyTimer.Stop(); _pbWalkingGuy.Visible = false; _btnStop.Visible = false; if (PictureViewerForm != null && closeViewer) { PictureViewerForm.Close(); PictureViewerForm = null; } }
private void ResumeTimer() { Sequencer.Resume(); _cboSessions.Enabled = _btnSession.Enabled = _btnSettings.Enabled = false; Globals.ToggleBackground(_btnSession, false); Globals.ToggleBackground(_btnSettings, false); _btnPlay.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.appbar_timer_pause); _pbWalkingGuy.Enabled = true; _btnStop.Visible = true; //Show Walking Guy Loading bar. _pbWalkingGuy.Location = new Point(-_pbWalkingGuy.Width, _pbWalkingGuy.Location.Y); WalkingGuyTimer.Start(); _pbWalkingGuy.Visible = true; if (PictureViewerForm == null) { PictureViewerForm = new PictureViewerForm(); } PictureViewerForm.Show(); }
public void PlayPauseAction() { if (this.SettingsForm.FileCache.Files.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Could not start session, no images were found. Create a list of images by going to Settings and clicking 'Search'", "No images found.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (GetSelectedSession() == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a session in the dropdown box to start it. " + "If you don't have any sessions you can create one by clicking the Sessions button at the top."); } else { if (Sequencer == null || Sequencer.PlayState == PlayState.Stopped) { if (PictureViewerForm == null) { PictureViewerForm = new PictureViewerForm(); PictureViewerForm.Show(); } //We are initially starting a play. if stopped reset sequencer to load fresh data. Sequencer = new Sequencer( GetSelectedSession(), () => { //onShuffle //UpdatePlaylist _lsvPlaylist.Items.Clear(); foreach (string card in Sequencer.Cards) { _lsvPlaylist.Items.Add(card); } }, () => { //OnExerciseStart //CycleImage if (PictureViewerForm == null) { PictureViewerForm = new PictureViewerForm(); } //If we are a pause exercise then set no image and TakeABreak it if (Sequencer.CurrentExercise != null) { if (Sequencer.CurrentExercise.TakeABreak) { PictureViewerForm.SetImage(null); PictureViewerForm.InstructionText = "Take a break."; } else { PictureViewerForm.SetImage(Sequencer.CurrentCard); PictureViewerForm.InstructionText = Sequencer.CurrentExercise.Instruction; } } else { PictureViewerForm.SetImage(null); PictureViewerForm.InstructionText = "No more exercises."; } }, () => { //OnSessionEnd StopTimerAction(); //Hide the PI PictureViewerForm?.RepaintTimerPie(0); } ); } if (Sequencer.PlayState == PlayState.Playing) { PauseTimer(); } else if (Sequencer.PlayState == PlayState.Paused) { ResumeTimer(); } else if (Sequencer.PlayState == PlayState.Stopped) { StartTimer(); } } }