예제 #1
        private void Update()
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // --------------------------------------------------------

            Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;

            // Allows mouse to go outside game window but keeps cards within window
            // If mouse doesn't need to go outside, could use "Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined;" instead
            mousePos.x = Mathf.Clamp(mousePos.x, 0, Screen.width);
            mousePos.y = Mathf.Clamp(mousePos.y, 0, Screen.height);

            // Mouse movement velocity
            if (cardTilt)
                mousePosDelta = (mousePos - prevMousePos) * new Vector2(1600f / Screen.width, 900f / Screen.height) * Time.deltaTime;
                prevMousePos  = mousePos;

                float tiltStrength = 3f;
                float tiltDrag     = 3f;
                float tiltSpeed    = 50f;

                force        += (mousePosDelta * tiltStrength - heldCardTilt) * Time.deltaTime;
                force        *= 1 - tiltDrag * Time.deltaTime;
                heldCardTilt += force * (Time.deltaTime * tiltSpeed);
                // these calculations probably aren't correct, but hey, they work...? :P

                if (showDebugGizmos)
                    Debug.DrawRay(mouseWorldPos, mousePosDelta, Color.red);
                    Debug.DrawRay(mouseWorldPos, heldCardTilt, Color.cyan);

            // Get world position from mouse
            Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(mousePos);

            if (plane.Raycast(ray, out float enter))
                mouseWorldPos = ray.GetPoint(enter);

            // Get distance to current selected card (for comparing against other cards later, to find closest)
            int   count       = hand.Count; //transform.childCount;
            float sqrDistance = 1000;

            if (selected >= 0 && selected < count)
                float   t = (selected + 0.5f) / count;
                Vector3 p = GetCurvePoint(a, b, c, t);
                sqrDistance = (p - mouseWorldPos).sqrMagnitude;

            // Check if mouse is inside hand bounds
            Vector3 point = transform.InverseTransformPoint(mouseWorldPos);

            mouseInsideHand = handBounds.Contains(point);

            bool mouseButton = Input.GetMouseButton(0);

            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // HANDLE CARDS IN HAND
            // --------------------------------------------------------

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                CardBase  card          = hand[i];
                Transform cardTransform = card.transform;

                // Set to inactive material if not enough mana required to use card
                card.SetInactiveMaterialState(mana < card.myProfile.myManaCost, inactiveCardMaterial);

                bool noCardHeld     = (heldCard == null); // Whether a card is "held" (outside of hand)
                bool onSelectedCard = (noCardHeld && selected == i);
                bool onDraggedCard  = (noCardHeld && dragged == i);

                // Get Position along Curve (for card positioning)
                float selectOffset = 0;
                if (noCardHeld)
                    selectOffset = 0.02f * Mathf.Clamp01(1 - Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(i - selected) - 1) / (float)count * 3) * Mathf.Sign(i - selected);
                float   t = (i + 0.5f) / count + selectOffset * selectionSpacing;
                Vector3 p = GetCurvePoint(a, b, c, t);

                float d = (p - mouseWorldPos).sqrMagnitude;
                bool  mouseCloseToCard        = d < 0.5f;
                bool  mouseHoveringOnSelected = onSelectedCard && mouseCloseToCard && mouseInsideHand; //  && mouseInsideHand

                // Handle Card Position & Rotation
                //Vector3 cardUp = p - (transform.position + Vector3.down * 7);
                Vector3 cardUp      = GetCurveNormal(a, b, c, t);
                Vector3 cardPos     = p + (mouseHoveringOnSelected ? cardTransform.up * 0.3f : Vector3.zero);
                Vector3 cardForward = Vector3.forward;

                /* Card Tilt is disabled when in hand as they can clip through eachother :(
                 * if (cardTilt && onSelectedCard && mouseButton) {
                 *  cardForward -= new Vector3(heldCardOffset.x, heldCardOffset.y, 0);
                 * }*/

                // Sorting Order
                if (mouseHoveringOnSelected || onDraggedCard)
                    // When selected bring card to front
                    if (cardUprightWhenSelected)
                        cardUp = Vector3.up;
                    cardPos.z = transform.position.z - 0.2f;
                    cardPos.z = transform.position.z + t * 0.5f;

                // Rotation
                cardTransform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(cardTransform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(cardForward, cardUp), 80f * Time.deltaTime);

                // Handle Start Dragging
                if (mouseHoveringOnSelected)
                    bool mouseButtonDown = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);
                    if (mouseButtonDown)
                        dragged          = i;
                        heldCardOffset   = cardTransform.position - mouseWorldPos;
                        heldCardOffset.z = -0.1f;

                // Handle Card Position
                if (onDraggedCard && mouseButton)
                    // Held by mouse / dragging
                    cardPos = mouseWorldPos + heldCardOffset;
                    cardTransform.position = cardPos;
                    cardPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(cardTransform.position, cardPos, 16f * Time.deltaTime);
                    cardTransform.position = cardPos;

                // Get Selected Card
                if (canSelectCards)
                    //float d = (p - mouseWorldPos).sqrMagnitude;
                    if (d < sqrDistance)
                        sqrDistance = d;
                        selected    = i;
                    selected = -1;
                    dragged  = -1;

                // Debug Gizmos
                if (showDebugGizmos)
                    Color c = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.2f);
                    if (i == selected)
                        c = Color.red;
                        if (sqrDistance > 2)
                            c = Color.blue;
                    Debug.DrawLine(p, mouseWorldPos, c);

            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // HANDLE DRAGGED CARD
            // (Card held by mouse, inside hand)
            // --------------------------------------------------------

            if (!mouseButton)
                // Stop dragging
                heldCardOffset = Vector3.zero;
                dragged        = -1;

            if (dragged != -1)
                CardBase card = hand[dragged];
                if (mouseButton && !mouseInsideHand)   //  && sqrDistance > 2.1f
                //if (cardPos.y > transform.position.y + 0.5) {
                // Card is outside of the hand, so is considered "held" ready to be used
                // Remove from hand, so that cards in hand fill the hole that the card left
                    heldCard = card;
                    dragged = -1;

            if (heldCard == null && mouseButton && dragged != -1 && selected != -1 && dragged != selected)
                // Move dragged card
                MoveCardToIndex(dragged, selected);
                dragged = selected;

            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // HANDLE HELD CARD
            // (Card held by mouse, outside of the hand)
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            //todo Kartı oynayabileceğin karakterleri göstermeye devam et
            if (heldCard != null)
                Transform cardTransform = heldCard.transform;
                Vector3   cardUp        = Vector3.up;
                Vector3   cardPos       = mouseWorldPos + heldCardOffset;
                Vector3   cardForward   = Vector3.forward;
                if (cardTilt && mouseButton)
                    cardForward -= new Vector3(heldCardTilt.x, heldCardTilt.y, 0);

                // Bring card to front
                cardPos.z = transform.position.z - 0.2f;

                // Handle Position & Rotation
                cardTransform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(cardTransform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(cardForward, cardUp), 80f * Time.deltaTime);
                cardTransform.position = cardPos;
                if (heldCard.myProfile.myType == CardSO.CardType.Attack)
                else if (heldCard.myProfile.myType == CardSO.CardType.Skill)

                //if (!canSelectCards || cardTransform.position.y <= transform.position.y + 0.5f) {
                if (!canSelectCards || mouseInsideHand)   //  || sqrDistance <= 2
                // Card has gone back into hand
                    AddCardToHand(heldCard, selected);
                    dragged  = selected;
                    selected = -1;
                    heldCard = null;

                // Use Card
                bool mouseButtonUp = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0);
                if (mouseButtonUp)
                    if (heldCard.myProfile.myType == CardSO.CardType.Attack)
                        RaycastHit hit;
                        Ray        mainRay = mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(mousePos);
                        if (Physics.Raycast(mainRay, out hit, 1000, selectableLayer))
                            var enemy = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyBase>();
                            if (enemy != null)
                                if (canUseCards && mana >= heldCard.myProfile.myManaCost)
                                    mana -= heldCard.myProfile.myManaCost;
                                    // Cannot use card / Not enough mana! Return card to hand!
                                    AddCardToHand(heldCard, selected);
                                heldCard = null;
                                AddCardToHand(heldCard, selected);
                                heldCard = null;
                            AddCardToHand(heldCard, selected);
                            heldCard = null;
                        if (canUseCards && mana >= heldCard.myProfile.myManaCost)
                            mana -= heldCard.myProfile.myManaCost;
                            // Cannot use card / Not enough mana! Return card to hand!
                            AddCardToHand(heldCard, selected);
                        heldCard = null;
예제 #2
 public void DiscardCard(CardBase targetCard)