private bool unassignFreight() { //Unassign one or more station assignments bool bOK=true; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { foreach(FreightAssignDS.StationFreightAssignmentTableRow row in this.mAssignmentsDS.StationFreightAssignmentTable.Rows) { WorkstationDS.WorkstationTableRow ws = new WorkstationDS().WorkstationTable.NewWorkstationTableRow(); ws.WorkStationID = row.WorkStationID; ws.Number = row.StationNumber; Workstation station = new Workstation(ws); InboundFreightDS.InboundFreightTableRow ibf = new InboundFreightDS().InboundFreightTable.NewInboundFreightTableRow(); ibf.FreightID = row.FreightID; ibf.TDSNumber = row.TDSNumber; ibf.ClientNumber = ibf.ClientName = row.Client; IBShipment shipment = new IBShipment(ibf); StationAssignment assignment = new StationAssignment(station,shipment,row.SortTypeID); bool deleted=false; try { deleted = FreightFactory.DeleteAssignment(assignment, "Unassigned"); } catch(ApplicationException ex) { App.ReportError(ex, true, LogLevel.Error); } catch(Exception ex) { App.ReportError(new ApplicationException("Failed to unassign freight " + row.FreightID + " from station " + row.WorkStationID + " (sorttypeID= " + row.SortTypeID.ToString() + ").", ex), true, LogLevel.Error); } if(!deleted) bOK = false; row.Result = (!deleted) ? EX_RESULT_FAILED : EX_RESULT_OK; this.grdAssignments.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); } } catch(Exception ex) { App.ReportError(ex, true, LogLevel.Error); } return bOK; }
public DataSet ToDataSet() { //Return a dataset containing values for this workstation WorkstationDS ds = null; try { ds = new WorkstationDS(); WorkstationDS.WorkstationDetailTableRow workstation = ds.WorkstationDetailTable.NewWorkstationDetailTableRow(); workstation.WorkStationID = this.mWorkStationID; workstation.Name = this.mName; workstation.TerminalID = this.mTerminalID; workstation.Number = this.mNumber; workstation.Description = this.mDescription; workstation.ScaleType = this.mScaleType; workstation.ScalePort = this.mScalePort; workstation.PrinterType = this.mPrinterType; workstation.PrinterPort = this.mPrinterPort; workstation.Trace = this.mTrace; workstation.IsActive = this.mIsActive; ds.WorkstationDetailTable.AddWorkstationDetailTableRow(workstation); ds.AcceptChanges(); } catch (Exception) { } return(ds); }
public static WorkstationDS GetUnassignedStations() { //Returns a list of sort stations that are available for station assignments WorkstationDS workstations = null; try { workstations = new WorkstationDS(); DataSet ds = App.Mediator.FillDataset(USP_STATIONSUNASSIGNED, TBL_STATIONS, null); if (ds != null) { workstations.Merge(ds); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(workstations); }
//Interface public dlgAssignment(WorkstationDS selectedStations) { //Constructor try { //Required for Windows Form Designer support InitializeComponent(); #region Set command button identities (used for onclick handler) this.btnCancel.Text = CMD_CANCEL; this.btnOK.Text = CMD_OK; #endregion //Set services this.mSelectedStations = selectedStations; this.mUnassignedStations = FreightFactory.GetUnassignedStations(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static WorkstationDS GetAssignableSortStations(string freightID, int sortTypeID) { //Get a list of assignable sort stations (stations without assignments) for the //specified freight and sort type; if sortTypeID = SAN, all those stations that //are sorting SAN for a different client are eligible WorkstationDS workstations = null; try { workstations = new WorkstationDS(); DataSet ds = App.Mediator.FillDataset(USP_SORTSTATIONS, TBL_SORTSTATIONS, new object[] { freightID, App.Mediator.TerminalID, sortTypeID }); if (ds != null) { workstations.Merge(ds, false, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to get assignable sort stations.", ex); } return(workstations); }
public static Workstation GetWorkstation(string machineName) { //Create a workstation that has an ILabelPrinter printer and IScale scale Workstation station = null; try { DataSet ds = App.Mediator.FillDataset(USP_STATION_CONFIG, TBL_STATION_CONFIG, new object[] { machineName }); if (ds.Tables[TBL_STATION_CONFIG].Rows.Count == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Station for " + machineName + " not found."); } else { WorkstationDS stationDS = new WorkstationDS(); stationDS.Merge(ds); station = new Workstation(stationDS.WorkstationDetailTable[0]); } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error getting the workstation.", ex); } return(station); }
private bool assignFreight() { bool bOK=true; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { //Create station freight assignments foreach(FreightAssignDS.StationFreightAssignmentTableRow row in this.mAssignmentsDS.StationFreightAssignmentTable.Rows) { WorkstationDS.WorkstationTableRow ws = new WorkstationDS().WorkstationTable.NewWorkstationTableRow(); ws.WorkStationID = row.WorkStationID; ws.Number = row.StationNumber; Workstation station = new Workstation(ws); bool created = false; try { created = (FreightFactory.CreateAssignment(station, this.mShipment, row.SortTypeID, "Assigned") != null); } catch(ApplicationException ex) { App.ReportError(ex, true, LogLevel.Error); } if(!created) bOK = false; row.Result = (!created) ? EX_RESULT_FAILED : EX_RESULT_OK; this.grdAssignments.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); } } catch(Exception ex) { App.ReportError(ex, true, LogLevel.Error); } return bOK; }