public override ScheduleEntry Item(int ID) { //Return an existing entry object from the entry schedule ClientInboundFreight entry = null; try { //Merge from collection (dataset) if (ID > 0) { DataRow[] rows = this.mSchedule.ClientInboundTable.Select("ID=" + ID); if (rows.Length == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Entry " + ID + " does not exist in this schedule!\n"); } DispatchDS.ClientInboundTableRow row = (DispatchDS.ClientInboundTableRow)rows[0]; entry = new ClientInboundFreight(row, this.mMediator); entry.DataFile = base.mDataFile; entry.EntryChanged += new EventHandler(OnEntryChanged); } else { entry = (ClientInboundFreight)Item(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(entry); }
public dlgClientInboundFreight(ClientInboundFreight entry, Mediator mediator) : base(entry, mediator) { //Constructor try { //Required for Windows Form Designer support InitializeComponent(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public override void AddList(DispatchDS list) { // try { for (int i = 0; i < list.ClientInboundTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DispatchDS.ClientInboundTableRow row = list.ClientInboundTable[i]; ClientInboundFreight entry = (ClientInboundFreight)Item(); entry.ID = row.ID; entry.Created = row.Created; entry.CreatedBy = row.CreatedBy; if (!row.IsVendorNameNull()) { entry.VendorName = row.VendorName; } if (!row.IsConsigneeNameNull()) { entry.ConsigneeName = row.ConsigneeName; } if (!row.IsETATimeNull()) { entry.ETATime = row.ETATime; } if (!row.IsDriverNameNull()) { entry.DriverName = row.DriverName; } if (!row.IsTrailerNumberNull()) { entry.TrailerNumber = row.TrailerNumber; } if (!row.IsAmountNull()) { entry.Amount = row.Amount; } if (!row.IsAmountTypeNull()) { entry.AmountType = row.AmountType; } if (!row.IsFreightTypeNull()) { entry.FreightType = row.FreightType; } if (!row.IsCommentsNull()) { entry.Comments = row.Comments; } if (!row.IsInNull()) { entry.In = row.In; } Add(entry); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public override ScheduleEntry Item() { //Return a new blank entry object ClientInboundFreight entry = null; try { entry = new ClientInboundFreight(base.mMediator); entry.DataFile = base.mDataFile; entry.EntryChanged += new EventHandler(OnEntryChanged); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(entry); }
public override void RemoveList(DispatchDS list) { //Remove a list of entries from this schedule try { for (int i = 0; i < list.ClientInboundTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DispatchDS.ClientInboundTableRow row = list.ClientInboundTable[i]; ClientInboundFreight entry = (ClientInboundFreight)Item(row.ID); entry.Delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected override void UpdateEntry() { //Update this entry try { // ClientInboundFreight freight = (ClientInboundFreight)base.mEntry; freight.CreatedBy = this.txtCreatedBy.Text; freight.Created = this.dtpCreatedDate.Value; freight.VendorName = this.txtVendor.Text; freight.DriverName = this.txtDriver.Text; freight.ConsigneeName = this.txtConsignee.Text; freight.ETATime = (this.dtpETA.Checked) ? this.dtpETA.Value : DateTime.MinValue; freight.TrailerNumber = this.txtTrailerNumber.Text; freight.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtAmount.Text); freight.AmountType = this.cboAmountType.Text; freight.FreightType = this.cboFreightType.Text; freight.Comments = this.txtComments.Text; freight.In = this.chkIn.Checked; } catch (Exception ex) { base.reportError(ex); } }
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Event handler for form load event this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { //Load selection lists try { base.LoadSelections(base.mEntry.EntryType, this.cboAmountType); base.LoadSelections(base.mEntry.EntryType, this.cboFreightType); } catch (Exception) { } //Load controls this.Text = base.mEntry.EntryType + "(" + base.mEntry.EntryID.ToString() + ")"; ClientInboundFreight freight = (ClientInboundFreight)base.mEntry; this.txtCreatedBy.Enabled = this.dtpCreatedDate.Enabled = false; this.txtCreatedBy.Text = freight.CreatedBy; this.dtpCreatedDate.Value = freight.Created; this.txtVendor.Text = freight.VendorName; this.txtDriver.Text = freight.DriverName; this.txtConsignee.Text = freight.ConsigneeName; this.dtpETA.MinDate = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01); this.dtpETA.MaxDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(3); if (freight.ETATime.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) > 0) { this.dtpETA.Value = freight.ETATime; } this.txtTrailerNumber.Text = freight.TrailerNumber; this.txtAmount.Text = freight.Amount.ToString(); this.cboAmountType.Text = freight.AmountType; this.cboFreightType.Text = freight.FreightType; this.txtComments.Text = freight.Comments; this.chkIn.Checked = freight.In; } catch (Exception ex) { base.reportError(ex); } finally { OnValidateForm(null, null); base.btnOK.Enabled = false; this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }