public static async Task Run([TimerTrigger("00 */10 * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log) { if (!_hasRunInit) { Init(); } CloudTable oauthTable = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(_storage) .CreateCloudTableClient() .GetTableReference("oauth"); if (checkTableExists) { oauthTable.CreateIfNotExists(); } CloudTable articleTable = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(_storage) .CreateCloudTableClient() .GetTableReference("article"); if (checkTableExists) { articleTable.CreateIfNotExists(); checkTableExists = true; } RedditOAuth result = (RedditOAuth)oauthTable .Execute( TableOperation.Retrieve <RedditOAuth>("reddit", _user) ).Result; // // if (result?.GetNewToken < DateTimeOffset.Now) { result = null; log.LogInformation("need a new token"); } Reddit r = null; BotWebAgent agent = null; bool saveToken = false; bool tryLogin = false; int tryLoginAttempts = 2; do { tryLoginAttempts--; tryLogin = false; if (result == null) { agent = new BotWebAgent(_user, _pass, _clientId, _secret, ""); result = new RedditOAuth() { Token = agent.AccessToken, GetNewToken = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(57), PartitionKey = "reddit", RowKey = _user }; r = new Reddit(agent, true); saveToken = true; } else { try { r = new Reddit(result.Token); } catch (AuthenticationException a) { result = null; tryLogin = true; } catch (WebException w) { if (w.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError && (w.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { result = null; tryLogin = true; } else { throw; } } } } while (tryLogin && tryLoginAttempts > 0); if (r == null) { throw new Exception("couldn't get logged in"); } if (saveToken) { oauthTable .Execute( TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(result)); log.LogInformation("saving token"); } NewsBankClient newsBankClient = new NewsBankClient( new EnvironmentVariableEZProxySignInUriProvider(), EditForNewsbank._credProvider, new EnvironmentVariableProductBaseUriProvider(), new BasicCanLog(log)); Task <HttpResponseMessage> checkMailTask = CheckMail(r, log, client); // Listing <Post> posts = r.AdvancedSearch(x => x.Subreddit == "SeattleWA" && x.Site == "" , Sorting.New, TimeSorting.Day); bool allPostsSuccess = true; using (WaybackClient waybackMachine = new WaybackClient()) { foreach (Post p in posts.TakeWhile(x => !x.IsHidden)) { allPostsSuccess &= await ProcessPost(p, waybackMachine, log, articleTable, newsBankClient); } } if (checkMailTask.Status < TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { log.LogInformation("waiting for checkmail"); await checkMailTask; } else { log.LogInformation(checkMailTask.Status.ToString()); } log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}"); if (!allPostsSuccess) { throw new ApplicationException("Not all Posts were processed successfully"); } }
public static HttpResponseMessage Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "CheckBotMail/name/{name}")] HttpRequestMessage req, string name, ILogger log) { string storage = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage"); string user = name; string pass = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BotPass"); string secret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BotSecret"); string clientId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("botClientId"); CloudTable oauthTable = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(storage) .CreateCloudTableClient() .GetTableReference("oauth"); RedditOAuth result = (RedditOAuth)oauthTable .Execute( TableOperation.Retrieve <RedditOAuth>("reddit", user) ).Result; Reddit r = null; BotWebAgent agent = null; bool tryLogin = false; int tryLoginAttempts = 2; do { tryLoginAttempts--; tryLogin = false; if (result == null) { agent = new BotWebAgent(user, pass, clientId, secret, ""); result = new RedditOAuth() { Token = agent.AccessToken, GetNewToken = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(57), PartitionKey = "reddit", RowKey = user }; r = new Reddit(agent, true); } else { try { //agent = new BotWebAgent(result.RefreshToken, clientId, secret, ""); r = new Reddit(result.Token); } catch (AuthenticationException) { result = null; tryLogin = true; } catch (WebException w) { if (w.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError && (w.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { result = null; tryLogin = true; } else { throw; } } } } while (tryLogin && tryLoginAttempts > 0); if (r == null) { throw new Exception("couldn't get logged in"); } //This save might be affecting the archive function //oauthTable // .Execute( // TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(result)); foreach (Thing t in r.User.UnreadMessages.Where(x => x is Comment)) { Comment c = t as Comment; string cleanBody = c.Body.ToLower().Trim().Replace(".", ""); string replyMsg = null; bool isUnknownMessage = false; if (string.Equals(cleanBody, "good bot")) { replyMsg = GoodBotReplyMsg; } else if (string.Equals(cleanBody, "bad bot")) { replyMsg = BadBotReplyMsg; } else { isUnknownMessage = true; replyMsg = $"unknown reply: {c.Body}"; } ReplyAction(replyMsg, c, log, isUnknownMessage); //else //{ // if (string.Equals(cleanBody, "good bot")) // { // log.Info(replyMsg); // } // else // { // log.Info("unknown reply: " + c.Body); // } //} } log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); // Fetching the name from the path parameter in the request URL return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public static async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 0 07 * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log) { NewsBankClient newsBankClient = new NewsBankClient( new EnvironmentVariableEZProxySignInUriProvider(), _credProvider, new EnvironmentVariableProductBaseUriProvider(), new BasicCanLog(log) ); CloudTable articleTable = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(_storage) .CreateCloudTableClient() .GetTableReference("article"); if (checkTableExists) { articleTable.CreateIfNotExists(); } DateTime today = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc); TableQuery <ArticlePost> articlesPublishedBeforeToday = articleTable.CreateQuery <ArticlePost>().Where(x => x.ArticleDate <today && x.ArticleDate> today.AddDays(-27)).AsTableQuery(); CloudTable oauthTable = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(_storage) .CreateCloudTableClient() .GetTableReference("oauth"); if (checkTableExists) { checkTableExists = false; oauthTable.CreateIfNotExists(); } RedditOAuth result = (RedditOAuth)oauthTable .Execute( TableOperation.Retrieve <RedditOAuth>("reddit", _user) ).Result; // // if (result?.GetNewToken < DateTimeOffset.Now) { result = null; log.LogInformation("need a new token"); } Reddit r = null; BotWebAgent agent = null; bool saveToken = false; bool tryLogin = false; int tryLoginAttempts = 2; do { tryLoginAttempts--; tryLogin = false; if (result == null) { agent = new BotWebAgent(_user, _pass, _clientId, _secret, ""); result = new RedditOAuth() { Token = agent.AccessToken, GetNewToken = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(57), PartitionKey = "reddit", RowKey = _user }; r = new Reddit(agent, true); saveToken = true; } else { try { r = new Reddit(result.Token); } catch (AuthenticationException a) { result = null; tryLogin = true; } catch (WebException w) { if (w.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError && (w.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { result = null; tryLogin = true; } else { throw; } } } } while (tryLogin && tryLoginAttempts > 0); if (r == null) { throw new Exception("couldn't get logged in"); } if (saveToken) { oauthTable .Execute( TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(result)); log.LogInformation("saving token"); } List <Task> updateCommentTasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (ArticlePost ap in articlesPublishedBeforeToday) { Task updateComment = GetCommentLine(ap, log, newsBankClient) .ContinueWith(async(commentLine) => { bool retry = false; do { Comment c = r.GetComment(new Uri("" + ap.CommentUri)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commentLine.Result)) { EditComment(commentLine.Result, c); articleTable.Execute(TableOperation.Delete(ap)); retry = false; } else { log.LogInformation("Empty CommentLine, will check headline."); retry = await TryUpdateArticleData(ap, r, articleTable, log); if (retry) { log.LogInformation($"author: {ap.ArticleAuthor} ---- headline: {ap.ArticleHeadline}"); } } } while (retry); } , TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion).Unwrap(); updateCommentTasks.Add(updateComment); } await Task.WhenAll(updateCommentTasks.ToArray()); log.LogInformation("AwaitWhenALL " + updateCommentTasks.Count.ToString()); }