// Handle selection events in the spatial operations picker.
        private void OperationModel_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the data model that contains the spatial operation choices.
            PickerDataModel operationsModel = (PickerDataModel)_operationPicker.Model;

            // If an operation hasn't been selected, return.
            if (operationsModel.SelectedItem == "")

            // Remove any currently displayed result.

            // Polygon geometry from the input graphics.
            Geometry polygonOne = _graphicOne.Geometry;
            Geometry polygonTwo = _graphicTwo.Geometry;

            // Result polygon for spatial operations.
            Geometry resultPolygon = null;

            // Run the selected spatial operation on the polygon graphics and get the result geometry.
            switch (operationsModel.SelectedItem)
            case "Union":
                resultPolygon = GeometryEngine.Union(polygonOne, polygonTwo);

            case "Difference":
                resultPolygon = GeometryEngine.Difference(polygonOne, polygonTwo);

            case "Symmetric difference":
                resultPolygon = GeometryEngine.SymmetricDifference(polygonOne, polygonTwo);

            case "Intersection":
                resultPolygon = GeometryEngine.Intersection(polygonOne, polygonTwo);

            // Create a black outline symbol to use for the result polygon.
            SimpleLineSymbol outlineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1);

            // Create a solid red fill symbol for the result polygon graphic.
            SimpleFillSymbol resultSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Red, outlineSymbol);

            // Create the result polygon graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
            _resultGraphic = new Graphic(resultPolygon, resultSymbol);
예제 #2
        private void CreateLayout()
            // Lay out the spatial operations UI vertically.
            _operationToolsView.Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical;

            // Create a label to prompt for a spatial operation.
            UILabel operationLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(5, 0, View.Bounds.Width, 30))
                Text          = "Choose a spatial operation:",
                TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left,
                TextColor     = UIColor.Blue

            // Create a picker model with spatial operation choices.
            List <string> operationsList = new List <string> {
                "", "Difference", "Intersection", "Symmetric difference", "Union"
            PickerDataModel operationModel = new PickerDataModel(operationsList);

            // Handle the selection change for spatial operations.
            operationModel.ValueChanged += OperationModel_ValueChanged;

            // Create a picker to show the spatial operations.
            _operationPicker = new UIPickerView(new CGRect(20, 25, View.Bounds.Width - 20, 100))
                Model = operationModel

            // Create a button to reset the operation result.
            UIButton resetButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.Plain);

            resetButton.Frame = new CGRect(20, 110, View.Bounds.Width - 20, 30);
            resetButton.SetTitle("Reset operation", UIControlState.Normal);
            resetButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Blue, UIControlState.Normal);
            resetButton.TouchUpInside += ResetButton_TouchUpInside;

            // Add the controls to the tools UI (stack view).
            _operationToolsView.AddSubviews(operationLabel, _operationPicker, resetButton);

            // Add the map view and tools sub-views to the view.
            View.AddSubviews(_myMapView, _operationToolsView);

            // Set the view background color.
            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;