private async void Initialize() { // Show dark gray canvas basemap. _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateDarkGrayCanvasVector()); // Create the WMS Service. WmsService service = new WmsService(_wmsUrl); // Load the WMS Service. await service.LoadAsync(); // Get the service info (metadata) from the service. WmsServiceInfo info = service.ServiceInfo; List <LayerDisplayVM> viewModelList = new List <LayerDisplayVM>(); // Get the list of layer infos. foreach (var layerInfo in info.LayerInfos) { LayerDisplayVM.BuildLayerInfoList(new LayerDisplayVM(layerInfo, null), viewModelList); } // Construct the layer list source. _layerListSource = new LayerListSource(viewModelList, this); // Set the source for the table view (layer list). _myDisplayList.Source = _layerListSource; // Force an update of the list display. _myDisplayList.ReloadData(); }
private async void Initialize() { // Show dark gray canvas basemap. _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateDarkGrayCanvasVector()); // Create the WMS Service. WmsService service = new WmsService(_wmsUrl); // Load the WMS Service. await service.LoadAsync(); // Get the service info (metadata) from the service. WmsServiceInfo info = service.ServiceInfo; // Get the list of layer infos. IReadOnlyList <WmsLayerInfo> topLevelLayers = info.LayerInfos; // Recursively build up a list of all the layers in the service and get their IDs as a flat list. List <WmsLayerInfo> expandedList = new List <WmsLayerInfo>(); BuildLayerInfoList(topLevelLayers, expandedList); List <LayerDisplayVm> displayList = new List <LayerDisplayVm>(); // Build the ViewModel from the expanded list of layer infos. foreach (WmsLayerInfo layerInfo in expandedList) { // LayerDisplayVM is a custom type made for this sample to serve as the ViewModel; it is not a part of the ArcGIS Runtime. displayList.Add(new LayerDisplayVm(layerInfo)); } // Construct the layer list source. _layerListSource = new LayerListSource(displayList, this); // Set the source for the table view (layer list). _myDisplayList.Source = _layerListSource; // Force an update of the list display. _myDisplayList.ReloadData(); }
private async void Initialize() { // Show dark gray canvas basemap. _myMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISDarkGray); // Create the WMS Service. WmsService service = new WmsService(_wmsUrl); try { // Load the WMS Service. await service.LoadAsync(); // Get the service info (metadata) from the service. WmsServiceInfo info = service.ServiceInfo; List <LayerDisplayVM> viewModelList = new List <LayerDisplayVM>(); // Get the list of layer infos. foreach (var layerInfo in info.LayerInfos) { LayerDisplayVM.BuildLayerInfoList(new LayerDisplayVM(layerInfo, null), viewModelList); } // Construct the layer list source. _layerListSource = new LayerListSource(viewModelList, this); // Set the source for the table view (layer list). _layerList.Source = _layerListSource; // Force an update of the list display. _layerList.ReloadData(); } catch (Exception e) { new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show(); } }