/// <summary> /// Gets an array of geometryCollection objects matching the given criteria. /// </summary> /// <param name="includeLargeObject">If true, it also gets the actual object data from the database.</param> /// <param name="whereClause">The matching criteria for the where clause of the database query. /// Please refer to geometry_collection table in the database for the definitions.</param> /// <param name="connectionString">The connectionString to the database. Please refer to .Net Data Provider for Postgresql for format specifications</param> /// <returns>Returns an array of geometry collection.</returns> /// <seealso cref="GetObjectsWithIdAndCriteriaMinimal"/> public static geometryCollection[] GetObjectsWithIdAndCriteria(bool includeLargeObject, string whereClause, string connectionString) { NpgsqlConnection con = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString); con.Open(); NpgsqlCommand com = new NpgsqlCommand("", con); com.CommandText = "select id,name,versionTitle,major,minor,format,largeobjectReference,latitude,longitude,pivotX,pivotY,pivotZ,gisId,gistype,lastUpdate from geometryCollection"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereClause)) { com.CommandText += " where " + whereClause; } //com.CommandText = com.CommandText.Replace(",", "."); NpgsqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); List <geometryCollection> objectcollection = new List <geometryCollection>(); while (reader.Read()) { geometryCollection singleObject = new geometryCollection(); singleObject.id = reader.GetInt64(0); singleObject.name = reader.GetString(1); singleObject.version = new GaPSlabsVersion() { versionTitle = reader.GetString(2), major = reader.GetInt32(3), minor = reader.GetInt32(4) }; singleObject.format = reader.GetString(5); if (includeLargeObject && reader.GetInt32(6) != 0) { singleObject.largeObject = GetLargeObject((int)reader.GetInt64(6), connectionString); } else { singleObject.largeObject = null; } singleObject.large_object_reference = (int)reader.GetInt64(6); singleObject.latitude = reader.GetInt32(7); singleObject.longitude = reader.GetInt32(8); singleObject.pivot = new Vector3GaPS() { x = (float)reader.GetDecimal(9), y = (float)reader.GetDecimal(10), z = (float)reader.GetDecimal(11) }; singleObject.gisId = reader.GetInt32(12); singleObject.gisType = reader.GetString(13); singleObject.lastUpdate = reader.GetTimeStamp(14).ToDateTime(); objectcollection.Add(singleObject); } if (!reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } con.Close(); return(objectcollection.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the geometry object with the matching id /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The id of the object in the geometry_collection table.</param> /// <param name="includeLargeObject">If true, it also gets the actual object data from the database.</param> /// <param name="connectionString">The connectionString to the database. Please refer to .Net Data Provider for Postgresql for format specifications</param> /// <returns>Returns the geometry.</returns> public static geometryCollection GetSingleObjectWithId(string id, bool includeLargeObject, string connectionString) { NpgsqlConnection con = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString); con.Open(); NpgsqlCommand com = new NpgsqlCommand("", con); com.CommandText = "select id,name,version_title,major,minor,format,large_object_Reference,latitude,longitude,pivotx,pivoty,pivotz,gis_id,gis_type,last_update from geometry_collection where id=" + "'" + id + "'"; NpgsqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); //List<String> temp = new List<string>(); geometryCollection singleObject = new geometryCollection(); while (reader.Read()) { //temp.Add(reader[0].ToString()); singleObject.id = reader.GetInt64(0); singleObject.name = reader.GetString(1); singleObject.version = new GaPSlabsVersion() { versionTitle = reader.GetString(2), major = reader.GetInt32(3), minor = reader.GetInt32(4) }; singleObject.format = reader.GetString(5); if (includeLargeObject && reader.GetInt64(6) != 0) { singleObject.largeObject = GetLargeObject((int)reader.GetInt64(6), connectionString); } else { singleObject.largeObject = null; } singleObject.large_object_reference = (int)reader.GetInt64(6); singleObject.latitude = reader.GetInt32(7); singleObject.longitude = reader.GetInt32(8); singleObject.pivot = new Vector3GaPS() { x = (float)reader.GetDecimal(9), y = (float)reader.GetDecimal(10), z = (float)reader.GetDecimal(11) }; singleObject.gisId = reader.GetInt32(12); singleObject.gisType = reader.GetString(13); singleObject.lastUpdate = reader.GetTimeStamp(14).ToDateTime(); break; } if (!reader.IsClosed) { reader.Close(); } con.Close(); return(singleObject); }
static void MainTemp(string[] args) { NpgsqlConnection schemaConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connPostGreSql); schemaConnection.Open(); var databaseName = "GIS"; DataTable dataTables = schemaConnection.GetSchema("Tables", new string[] { databaseName, "public", null, null }); foreach (DataRow rowTable in dataTables.Rows) { string tableName = rowTable["table_name"].ToString(); if (tableName != "geometry_collection") { continue; } DataTable dataColumns = schemaConnection.GetSchema("Columns", new string[] { databaseName, "public", tableName }); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("public class " + tableName); sb.AppendLine("{"); sb.AppendLine("\tpublic " + tableName + "(){}"); foreach (DataRow rowColumn in dataColumns.Rows) { string columnName = rowColumn["column_name"].ToString(); string type = rowColumn["data_type"].ToString(); sb.AppendLine("\tpublic " + type + " " + columnName + " {get;set;}"); } sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.Replace("int8", "long"); sb.Replace("int4", "int"); sb.Replace("text", "string"); sb.Replace("oid", "long"); sb.Replace("numeric", "float"); sb.Replace("timestamp", "DateTime"); var def = sb.ToString(); } schemaConnection.Close(); return; var geometryRetrieval = geometryCollection.GetSingleObjectWithId("8", true, connPostGreSql); // testing GeometryCollection Aram.OSMParser.geometryCollection col = new Aram.OSMParser.geometryCollection(); // col.gisId = col.gisType = "dummy"; col.format = "txt"; col.largeObject = null; col.lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; col.latitude = 563213212; col.longitude = 171231231; col.name = "Test2"; col.pivot = new Aram.OSMParser.Vector3GaPS() { x = 1f, y = 2f, z = 3f }; col.version = new Aram.OSMParser.GaPSlabsVersion() { versionTitle = "development", major = 0, minor = 1 }; col.AddGeometryCollectionToDatabase(connPostGreSql, false); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\GaPSLabs\AramOSMParser\OsmParserTestApplication\bin\Debug\Npgsql.xml"); col.largeObject = bytes; col.UpdateThisGeometryOnDatabase(connPostGreSql, true); var resultBytes = geometryCollection.GetLargeObject(col.largeObjectReference, connPostGreSql); File.WriteAllBytes("c:\\dummy", resultBytes); return; // ERROR: 42704: invalid large-object descriptor: 0 ?? // largeobject only works within a transaction. Use bytea as an alternative to large objects. // http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/002701c49d7e$0f059240$d604460a@zaphod NpgsqlConnection testConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connPostGreSql); testConnection.Open(); NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager lm = new NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager(testConnection); var generatedLO = lm.Create(NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager.READWRITE); // It must be within a transaction var TransWrite = testConnection.BeginTransaction(); LargeObject lo = lm.Open(generatedLO, LargeObjectManager.READWRITE); lo.Write(new byte[] { 0, 10, 50, 24 }); lo.Close(); TransWrite.Commit(); var TransRead = testConnection.BeginTransaction(); var loOid = lo.GetOID(); var readlo = lm.Open(loOid, LargeObjectManager.READWRITE); var resultLo = readlo.Read(readlo.Size()); lm.Delete(generatedLO); TransRead.Commit(); testConnection.Close(); return; OSMPostgresqlSource sourceVisTest = new OSMPostgresqlSource(connPostGreSql); var bounds = sourceVisTest.Bounds; return; GaPSlabsSimulationLibrary.SUMOSimulationFCD df = new GaPSlabsSimulationLibrary.SUMOSimulationFCD(); //df.LoadFromXML(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Dropbox\GaPSLabs\SUMO Packet Tester\Pedestrians.xml"); //df.LoadFromXML(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Dropbox\GaPSLabs\SUMO Packet Tester\bufferoutput - 500.xml"); ServiceGapslabsClient client2 = ServicePropertiesClass.GetGapslabsService(ServicePropertiesClass.ServiceUri); int id = client2.LoadSUMOFCDSimulationList(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Dropbox\GaPSLabs\SUMO Packet Tester\bufferoutput - 500.xml", "__POSTFIX"); //client.LoadSUMOFCDSimulation(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Dropbox\GaPSLabs\SUMO Packet Tester\bufferoutput - 500.xml"); while (!client2.IsSimulationLoadedList(id)) { } var vvvv = client2.GetTimestepAtList(6, id); var vvvv2 = client2.GetTimestepAtList(7, id); return; int size = 16777216; int[] aa = new int[size]; int[] bbb = new int[size]; int[] cccc = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { aa[i] = i; bbb[i] = i; } var apointer = aa.ToIntPtr <int[]>(); var bpointer = bbb.ToIntPtr <int[]>(); var cpointer = cccc.ToIntPtr <int[]>(); long MinGPU = 1000000; long MinCPU = 1000000; long MinCPUParallel = 100000; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); bool SkipCpu = false; GPU_WarmUp(); int TestCounter = 0; int blockSize = 16; while (TestCounter++ < 7) { watch.Restart(); GPU_Add(apointer, bpointer, cpointer, size, blockSize); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Total GPU" + "(" + blockSize + ")" + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < MinGPU) { MinGPU = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } blockSize *= 2; } Console.WriteLine("Minimum GPU was " + MinGPU); if (!SkipCpu) { TestCounter = 0; while (TestCounter++ < 10) { watch.Restart(); CPU_AddParallel(apointer, bpointer, cpointer, size); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Total CPU Parallel: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < MinCPUParallel) { MinCPUParallel = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } } Console.WriteLine("Minimum CPU was " + MinCPU); TestCounter = 0; while (TestCounter++ < 10) { watch.Restart(); CPU_Add(apointer, bpointer, cpointer, size); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Total CPU: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < MinCPU) { MinCPU = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } } Console.WriteLine("Minimum CPU was " + MinCPU); } //apointer.Free(); //bpointer.Free(); //cpointer.Free(); Console.ReadLine(); return; //GaPSlabsSimulationLibrary.SUMOSimulationFCD simulation = new GaPSlabsSimulationLibrary.SUMOSimulationFCD(); //simulation.LoadFromXML(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Dropbox\GaPSLabs\SUMOData\fcdoutput.xml"); //simulation.LoadFromCSV(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Notable Software\iMobility\stkhlm-taxi.csv"); ServiceGapslabsClient client = ServicePropertiesClass.GetGapslabsService(ServicePropertiesClass.ServiceUri); //client.LoadSUMOFCDSimulation(@"C:\Users\admgaming\Desktop\Dropbox\GaPSLabs\SUMO Packet Tester\bufferoutput - 500.xml"); //while (!client.IsSimulationLoaded()) // Console.WriteLine("Loading..."); //Console.WriteLine("Load finished"); //Console.ReadLine(); //return; OSMPostgresqlSource sour = new OSMPostgresqlSource(connPostGreSql); // var TrafficNodes = sour.GetNodeIdsInBoundWithInfo(sour.Bounds, "traffic_signals"); var result = client.GetWayTags("134972364", connPostGreSql); BoundsWCF b = new BoundsWCF(); b.minlat = 59.32973; b.maxlat = 59.34481; b.minlon = 18.07556; b.maxlon = 18.1062; client.GetWayExtIdsInBound(connPostGreSql, b); client.InitializeRouter(connPostGreSql); OsmNodeWCF n1 = new OsmNodeWCF(); n1.id = "none"; n1.order = -1; n1.lat = 59.330957; n1.lon = 18.059285; //n1.lat = 59.374563; //n1.lon = 18.0135727; OsmNodeWCF n2 = new OsmNodeWCF(); n2.id = "none"; n2.order = -1; n2.lat = 59.33784; n2.lon = 18.088558; //n2.lat = 59.37225; //n2.lon = 18.00733; var RouterResult = client.RouteUsingDykstra(VehicleEnum.Car, n1, n2); OsmGeo.ShapeInterperter = new SimpleShapeInterpreter(); PostgreSQLSimpleSchemaSource source = new PostgreSQLSimpleSchemaSource(connPostGreSql); // keeps a memory-efficient version of the osm-tags. OsmTagsIndex tags_index = new OsmTagsIndex(); // creates a routing interpreter. (used to translate osm-tags into a routable network) OsmRoutingInterpreter interpreter = new OsmRoutingInterpreter(); // create routing inter OsmSourceRouterDataSource routing_data = new OsmSourceRouterDataSource( interpreter, tags_index, source); // create the router object. //IRouter<RouterPoint> router = new Router<PreProcessedEdge>(routing_data, interpreter, // new DykstraRoutingPreProcessed(routing_data.TagsIndex)); IRouter <RouterPoint> router = new Router <PreProcessedEdge>(routing_data, interpreter , new DykstraRoutingPreProcessed(routing_data.TagsIndex)); // resolve both points; find the closest routable road. //RouterPoint point1 = router.Resolve(VehicleEnum.Car, new GeoCoordinate(60.1674654,18.454302)); // RouterPoint point2 = router.Resolve(VehicleEnum.Car, new GeoCoordinate(60.1673373,18.4541732)); // Working //RouterPoint point1 = router.Resolve(VehicleEnum.Car, new GeoCoordinate(59.3863281, 18.0176665)); //RouterPoint point2 = router.Resolve(VehicleEnum.Car, new GeoCoordinate(59.3675634, 18.0140447)); // Working RouterPoint point1 = router.Resolve(VehicleEnum.Car, new GeoCoordinate(59.374563, 18.0135727)); RouterPoint point2 = router.Resolve(VehicleEnum.Car, new GeoCoordinate(59.37225, 18.00733)); //ArrayList al=new ArrayList(); //foreach (var en in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VehicleEnum))) //{ // al.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(VehicleEnum), (VehicleEnum)en) + "=" + router.SupportsVehicle((VehicleEnum)en)); //} // calculate route. OsmSharpRoute route = router.Calculate(VehicleEnum.Car, point1, point2); route.SaveAsGpx(new FileInfo("route.gpx")); Console.ReadLine(); }