/// <summary> /// Tell Apprien that these products were shown. NOTE: This is needed for Apprien to work correctly. /// </summary> /// <param name="apprienProducts"></param> /// <returns>Returns an IEnumerator that can be forwarded manually or passed to StartCoroutine.</returns> public IEnumerator ProductsShown(ApprienProduct[] apprienProducts) { var formData = new List <IMultipartFormSection>(); for (var i = 0; i < apprienProducts.Length; i++) { formData.Add(new MultipartFormDataSection("iap_ids[" + i + "]", apprienProducts[i].ApprienVariantIAPId)); } var url = String.Format(ApprienUtility.REST_POST_PRODUCTS_SHOWN_URL, StoreIdentifier); using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, formData)) { request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + Token); yield return(ApprienUtility.SendWebRequest(request)); if (ApprienUtility.IsHttpError(request)) { SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while posting products shown. HTTP error: " + request.downloadHandler.text); } else if (ApprienUtility.IsNetworkError(request)) { SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while posting products shown. Network error"); } } }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Posts the receipt to Apprien for calculating new prices. /// </para> /// <para> /// Passes messages OnApprienPostReceiptSuccess or OnApprienPostReceiptFailed to the given MonoBehaviour. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="unityComponent">MonoBehaviour, typically 'this'.</param> /// <param name="receiptJson"></param> /// <returns>Returns an IEnumerator that can be forwarded manually or passed to StartCoroutine.</returns> public IEnumerator PostReceipt(MonoBehaviour unityComponent, string receiptJson) { var formData = new List <IMultipartFormSection>(); formData.Add(new MultipartFormDataSection("deal=receipt", receiptJson)); var url = String.Format(ApprienUtility.REST_POST_RECEIPT_URL, StoreIdentifier, GamePackageName); using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, formData)) { request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + Token); yield return(ApprienUtility.SendWebRequest(request)); if (ApprienUtility.IsHttpError(request)) { SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while posting receipt. HTTP error: " + request.downloadHandler.text); unityComponent.SendMessage("OnApprienPostReceiptFailed", request.responseCode + ": " + request.error, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } else if (ApprienUtility.IsNetworkError(request)) { SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while posting receipt. Network error"); unityComponent.SendMessage("OnApprienPostReceiptFailed", request.responseCode + ": " + request.error, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } else { unityComponent.SendMessage("OnApprienPostReceiptSuccess", request.downloadHandler.text, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Fetch Apprien variant IAP id for the given product. /// NOTE: Only use this overload for fetching single products, if required by game/store logic. /// Use the other overload when fetching multiple products, to save on request volume. /// </para> /// <para>> /// Prices are located in the Apprien -generated IAP id variants. Typically /// the actual prices are fetched from the Store (Google or Apple) by the /// StoreManager by providing the IAP id (or in this case the variant). /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="product">Apprien.Product instance. After the request completes, will contain the Apprien IAP id variant.</param> /// <param name="callback">Callback that is called when the request finishes. Takes string argument, containing the resolved IAP id.</param> /// <returns>Returns an IEnumerator that can be forwarded manually or passed to StartCoroutine.</returns> public IEnumerator FetchApprienPrice(ApprienProduct product, Action callback = null) { var requestSendTimestamp = DateTime.Now; var url = string.Format(ApprienUtility.REST_GET_PRICE_URL, StoreIdentifier, GamePackageName, product.BaseIAPId); using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) { request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + Token); request.SetRequestHeader("Session-Id", ApprienIdentifier); ApprienUtility.SendWebRequest(request); while (!request.isDone) { // Timeout the request and return false if ((DateTime.Now - requestSendTimestamp).TotalSeconds > RequestTimeout) { if (callback != null) { callback(); } yield break; } // Specify that the request is still in progress yield return(null); } if (ApprienUtility.IsHttpError(request)) { // send apprien api info about the error SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while fetching Apprien prices. HTTP error: " + request.downloadHandler.text); } else if (ApprienUtility.IsNetworkError(request)) { // send apprien api info about the error SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while fetching Apprien prices. Network error"); } else { if (request.responseCode == 200) { // Apprien IAP id variant fetched, apply it to the given product and var apprienVariantIAPid = request.downloadHandler.text; product.ApprienVariantIAPId = apprienVariantIAPid; } else { // If Apprien returns a non-200 message code, return base IAP id price SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while fetching Apprien prices"); Debug.Log("Apprien request error: " + request.responseCode + ". " + request.downloadHandler.text); } } // Regardless of the outcome, execute the callback if (callback != null) { callback(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Check whether Apprien API service is online. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns an IEnumerator that can be forwarded manually or passed to StartCoroutine</returns> public IEnumerator <bool?> CheckServiceStatus() { var requestSendTimestamp = DateTime.Now; using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(REST_GET_APPRIEN_STATUS)) { ApprienUtility.SendWebRequest(request); while (!request.isDone) { // Timeout the request and return false if ((DateTime.Now - requestSendTimestamp).TotalSeconds > _apprienManager.RequestTimeout) { Debug.Log("Timeout reached while checking Apprien status."); yield return(false); yield break; } // Specify that the request is still in progress yield return(null); } // If there was an error sending the request, or the server returns an error code > 400 if (ApprienUtility.IsHttpError(request)) { //Debug.LogError("Connection check: HTTP Error " + request.responseCode); yield return(false); yield break; } else if (ApprienUtility.IsNetworkError(request)) { //Debug.LogError("Connection check: Network Error " + request.responseCode); yield return(false); yield break; } // The service is online yield return(true); yield break; } }
/// <summary> /// Validates the supplied access token with the Apprien API /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns an IEnumerator that can be forwarded manually or passed to StartCoroutine</returns> public IEnumerator <bool?> CheckTokenValidity() { var requestSendTimestamp = DateTime.Now; var url = string.Format(REST_GET_VALIDATE_TOKEN_URL, ApprienUtility.GetIntegrationUri(ApprienIntegrationType.GooglePlayStore), Application.identifier); using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) { request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + _apprienManager.Token); ApprienUtility.SendWebRequest(request); while (!request.isDone) { // Timeout the request and return false if ((DateTime.Now - requestSendTimestamp).TotalSeconds > _apprienManager.RequestTimeout) { Debug.LogError("Token check: Request Timeout"); yield return(false); yield break; } // Specify that the request is still in progress yield return(null); } // If there was an error sending the request, or the server returns an error code > 400 if (ApprienUtility.IsHttpError(request)) { //Debug.LogError("Token check: HTTP Error " + request.responseCode); yield return(false); yield break; } else if (ApprienUtility.IsNetworkError(request)) { //Debug.LogError("Token check: Network Error " + request.responseCode); yield return(false); yield break; } // The token is valid yield return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Fetch all Apprien variant IAP ids with optimum prices. /// </para> /// <para> /// Prices are located in the Apprien -generated IAP id variants. Typically /// the actual prices are fetched from the Store (Google or Apple) by the /// StoreManager by providing the IAP id (or in this case the variant). /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">Callback that is called when all product variant requests have completed.</param> /// <returns>Returns an IEnumerator that can be forwarded manually or passed to StartCoroutine</returns> public IEnumerator FetchApprienPrices(ApprienProduct[] apprienProducts, Action callback = null) { var requestSendTimestamp = DateTime.Now; var url = string.Format(ApprienUtility.REST_GET_ALL_PRICES_URL, StoreIdentifier, GamePackageName); using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) { request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + Token); request.SetRequestHeader("Session-Id", ApprienIdentifier); ApprienUtility.SendWebRequest(request); while (!request.isDone) { // Timeout the request and return false if ((DateTime.Now - requestSendTimestamp).TotalSeconds > RequestTimeout) { if (callback != null) { callback(); } yield break; } // Specify that the request is still in progress yield return(null); } if (ApprienUtility.IsHttpError(request)) { SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while fetching Apprien prices: HTTP error: " + request.downloadHandler.text); } else if (ApprienUtility.IsNetworkError(request)) { SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while fetching Apprien prices: Network error"); } else { if (request.responseCode == 200) { // Parse the JSON data and update the variant IAP ids try { // Create lookup to update the products in more linear time var productLookup = new Dictionary <string, ApprienProduct>(); foreach (var product in apprienProducts) { productLookup[product.BaseIAPId] = product; } var json = request.downloadHandler.text; var productList = JsonUtility.FromJson <ApprienProductList>(json); foreach (var product in productList.products) { if (productLookup.ContainsKey(product.@base)) { productLookup[product.@base].ApprienVariantIAPId = product.variant; } } } catch { } // If the JSON cannot be parsed, products will be using default IAP ids } else { // If Apprien returns a non-200 message code, return base IAP id price SendError((int)request.responseCode, "Error occured while fetching Apprien prices. Error: " + request.downloadHandler.text); } } // Regardless of the outcome, execute the callback if (callback != null) { callback(); } } }