public UsageComposerFacts() { this.arguments = new List <IArgument>(); this.requiredArguments = new List <IArgument>(); this.longAliases = new Dictionary <string, IArgumentWithName>(); = new List <Help.Help>(); var configuration = new CommandLineConfiguration( this.arguments, this.longAliases, this.requiredArguments,; this.testee = new UsageComposer(configuration); }
public void UnknownArgument( string[] args, CommandLineConfiguration configuration, UsageComposer usageComposer, Usage usage) { "establish a parsing configuration".x(() => { configuration = CommandLineParserConfigurator .Create() .WithNamed("optional", Dummy) .DescribedBy("placeholder", "optional description") .WithNamed("required", Dummy) .Required() .DescribedBy("placeholder", "required description") .BuildConfiguration(); }); "establish a usage composer using the parsing configuration".x(() => { usageComposer = new UsageComposer(configuration); }); "when composing usage".x(() => usage = usageComposer.Compose()); "should list arguments".x(() => usage.Arguments .Should().Contain("-optional <placeholder>") .And.Contain("-required <placeholder>")); "should show whether an argument is optional or required".x(() => (usage.Arguments + " ") .Should().Contain("[-optional <placeholder>]") .And.Contain(" -required <placeholder> ")); "should list options per argument with description".x(() => usage.Options .Should().Contain("optional description") .And.Contain("required description")); }