예제 #1
		public override baseResponse runAction(System.Web.HttpContext context) {
			defaultResponse response = new defaultResponse {responseCode = responseCodes.Error};
			try {

				string projectId = context.Request["project_id"];
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectId))
					throw new Exception("project_id is not specified.");
				addParameter("@prj_identifier", SqlDbType.VarChar, projectId);

				string projectName = context.Request["project_name"];
					throw new Exception("project_name is not specified");
				addParameter("@prj_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, projectName);

				byte isActive;
				if (!byte.TryParse(context.Request["is_active"], out isActive))
					isActive = 0;
				addParameter("@prj_is_active", SqlDbType.TinyInt, isActive);
				addParameter("@usr_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, context.Request["username"]);


				response.responseCode = responseCodes.OK;
			catch(Exception exc) {
				response.responseCode = responseCodes.Error;
				response.responseMessage = exc.ToString();
			return response;
예제 #2
		public override baseResponse runAction(HttpContext context) {

			defaultResponse response = new defaultResponse {responseCode = responseCodes.Error};
			try {
				//Perform base Actions like Authentication

				string newUsername = context.Request["new_username"];
				string newPassword = context.Request["new_password"];
				int maxProjects =
					int.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["max_projects"]) ? "0" : context.Request["max_projects"]);
				byte isAdmin =
					byte.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["is_admin"]) ? "0" : context.Request["is_admin"]);

				if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(newUsername) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPassword))
					throw new Exception();

				addParameter("@usr_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, newUsername);
				addParameter("@usr_password", SqlDbType.VarChar, hashPassword(newPassword));
				addParameter("@usr_max_projects",SqlDbType.Int, maxProjects);
				addParameter("@usr_is_admin", SqlDbType.TinyInt, isAdmin);

				int spResult = executeProcedure();
				if(spResult == -1)
					throw new Exception("This Username is already taken.");

				if (spResult == 0)
					response.responseCode = responseCodes.OK;
			catch(Exception exc) {
				response.responseCode = responseCodes.Error;
				response.responseMessage = exc.Message;
			return response;
예제 #3
		public override baseResponse runAction(System.Web.HttpContext context) {
			var response = new defaultResponse {responseCode = responseCodes.Error};
			try {

				string obsoleteUsername = context.Request["obsolete_username"];
					throw new Exception("obsolete_username is a required Parameter.");

				if(obsoleteUsername.ToLower() == context.Request["username"].ToLower())
					throw new Exception("Whoops, you cannot delete yourself. It's like to bite the Hand that feeds you.");

				addParameter("@usr_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, obsoleteUsername);
				int result = executeProcedure();
				if (result != 0)
					throw new Exception(string.Format("Deletion failed! You cannot delete Rootuser and it seems {0} is one. Sorry.",

				response.responseCode = responseCodes.OK;
			catch(Exception exc) {
				response.responseCode = responseCodes.Error;
				response.responseMessage = exc.Message;
			return response;
예제 #4
		public override baseResponse runAction(System.Web.HttpContext context) {
			defaultResponse response = new defaultResponse {responseCode = responseCodes.Error};
			try {
				//Perform Basic-Auth

				string projectName = context.Request["project_name"];
				string projectId = context.Request["project_id"];
				byte isActive;
				if (!byte.TryParse(context.Request["is_active"], out isActive))
					isActive = 0;

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectId))
					throw new Exception("Not enough Parameter provided.");

				addParameter("@prj_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, projectName);
				addParameter("@prj_identifier", SqlDbType.VarChar, projectId);
				addParameter("@prj_is_active", SqlDbType.TinyInt, isActive);
				addParameter("@usr_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, context.Request["username"]);

				int result = executeProcedure();
				if (result == -1)
					throw new Exception("The User could not be found or the User is inactice.");
				if (result == -2)
					throw new Exception("The Projectlimit exceeded for this User. You have to delete one or more Projects in order to add a new one.");

				response.responseCode = responseCodes.OK;
			catch (Exception exc) {
				response.responseCode = responseCodes.Error;
				response.responseMessage = exc.Message;
			return response;
예제 #5
		public override baseResponse runAction(System.Web.HttpContext context) {
			defaultResponse response = new defaultResponse {responseCode = responseCodes.Error};
			try {
				//Perform base Actions like Authentication

				//Add and validate old Username-Parameter
				string oldUsername = context.Request["old_username"];
					throw new Exception("old_username not specified.");
				addParameter("@old_usr_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, oldUsername);

				//Add and validate new Username-Parameter
				string editUsername = context.Request["edit_username"];
					throw new Exception("You have to specify a Username which you want to edit.");
				addParameter("@usr_name", SqlDbType.VarChar,editUsername);

				//Add Password-Parameter if not empty
				string editPassword = context.Request["edit_password"];
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editPassword))
					addParameter("@usr_password", SqlDbType.VarChar, hashPassword(editPassword));
				int maxProjects;
				if (!int.TryParse(context.Request["max_projects"], out maxProjects) || !userIsAdministrator)
					maxProjects = -1;
				addParameter("@usr_max_projects", SqlDbType.Int, maxProjects);

				byte isAdmin;
				if (!byte.TryParse(context.Request["is_admin"], out isAdmin) || !userIsAdministrator)
					isAdmin = 2;
				addParameter("@usr_is_admin", SqlDbType.TinyInt, isAdmin);

				byte isActive;
				if (!byte.TryParse(context.Request["is_active"], out isActive) || !userIsAdministrator)
					isActive = 2;
				addParameter("@usr_is_active", SqlDbType.TinyInt, isActive);

				//Check if the Current User is allowed to change the userdetails
				string currentUsername = context.Request["username"];
				if (currentUsername != editUsername && !userIsAdministrator)
					throw new Exception(string.Format("The User {0} is not authorized to edit User {1}", currentUsername, editUsername));

				int result = executeProcedure();
				if (result == -1)
					throw new Exception(string.Format("The Username {0} could not be found", editUsername));
				if (result == -2)
					throw new Exception(string.Format("The Username {0} is already in use.", editUsername));

				response.responseCode = responseCodes.OK;
			catch (Exception exc) {
				response.responseCode = responseCodes.Error;
				response.responseMessage = exc.Message;
			return response;