public void GetYoungestCustomersAsync_ReturnsValidResults()
            MockDataClient client = new MockDataClient("http://myurl");

            Processor p = new Processor(client);

                List<Customer> c = p.GetYoungestCustomersAsync(2).Result;

                Assert.IsTrue(c.Count == 2);

                // make number invalid
                client.CustomerMap[1].Number = "555";

                c = p.GetYoungestCustomersAsync(2).Result;

                // result should contain 2 & 3 since 1 is invalid
                Assert.IsTrue(c.Count == 2);

            catch (AggregateException ex)
                throw ex.InnerException;
        public void GetYoungestCustomersAsync_ThrowsWhenCountIsNull()
            CustomerDataClient client = new CustomerDataClient("http://myurl");

            Processor p = new Processor(client);

                List<Customer> c= p.GetYoungestCustomersAsync(0).Result;
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                throw ex.InnerException;
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string ServiceUrlKey = "serviceUrl";

            // read the service base address from configuration, enables to change the endpoint dynamically(production versus test/int environment)
            string serviceUrl = Utils.ReadSetting(ServiceUrlKey);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceUrl))
                Console.WriteLine("serviceUrl is null, verify that the key is present in the configuration");
                // log & throw ex  if this was not a console app (i.e., in production app/site)

            // Initialize the data client. This can be done through Mef or some Dependency Resolver in a large project
            ICustomerDataClient dataClient = new CustomerDataClient(serviceUrl);

            // Initialize the data processor
            Processor customerDataProcessor = new Processor(dataClient);

            // Retrieve the youngest users and display the results
            Task<List<Customer>> getYoungestUsersTask = customerDataProcessor.GetYoungestCustomersAsync(5);


            List<Customer> result = getYoungestUsersTask.Result;

            if (result == null)
                // we are not swallowing any exceptions, so web service calls succeeded but there are no users with valid phone numbers
                Console.WriteLine("There are no users with valid phone numbers");
                Console.WriteLine("The list of youngest users sorted by name are: \n{0}",
                                string.Join("\n", result.Select(
                                        c=> string.Format("Name = {0},\tCustomerId = {1}\tAge= {2},\tNumber = {3}",
                                                            c.Name, c.Id, c.Age, c.Number))));