public override Stream CreateDownloadStream(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry)
            // get the session creds
            ICredentials creds = session.SessionToken as ICredentials;

            // get the full path
            String uriPath = GetResourceUrl(session, fileSystemEntry, null);

            // get the ftp request
            FtpWebRequest ftp = (FtpWebRequest) _ftpService.CreateWebRequest(uriPath, WebRequestMethodsEx.Ftp.DownloadFile, creds, false, null);

            // set request to download a file in binary mode            
            ftp.UseBinary = true;

            // create the response
            WebResponse response = _ftpService.GetWebResponse(ftp);

            // get the data 
            Stream orgStream = _ftpService.GetResponseStream(response);

            BaseFileEntryDownloadStream dStream = new BaseFileEntryDownloadStream(orgStream, fileSystemEntry);

            // put the disposable on the stack

            // go ahead
            return dStream;
        public override Stream CreateDownloadStream(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry)
            // build the url 
            string url = GetResourceUrl(session, fileSystemEntry, null);

            // get the session creds
            ICredentials creds = session.SessionToken as ICredentials;

            // Build the service
            DavService svc = new DavService();

            // create the webrequest
            WebRequest request = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, creds.GetCredential(null, null), false, null);

            // create the response
            WebResponse response = svc.GetWebResponse(request);

            // get the data 
            Stream orgStream = svc.GetResponseStream(response);

            BaseFileEntryDownloadStream dStream = new BaseFileEntryDownloadStream(orgStream, fileSystemEntry);

            // put the disposable on the stack

            // go ahead
            return dStream;
        public override Stream CreateDownloadStream(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry)
            // build the url 
            var url = GetDownloadFileUrlInternal(session, fileSystemEntry);

            // build the service
            var svc = new OAuthService();

            // get the dropbox session
            var dropBoxSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            // create webrequst 
            var requestProtected = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, null, null, dropBoxSession.Context, (DropBoxToken) dropBoxSession.SessionToken, null);

            // get the response
            var response = svc.GetWebResponse(requestProtected);

            // get the data stream
            var orgStream = svc.GetResponseStream(response);

            // build the download stream
            var dStream = new BaseFileEntryDownloadStream(orgStream, fileSystemEntry);

            // put the disposable on the stack

            // go ahead
            return dStream;