//the way a code is encrypted may be changed by class inheritors //but adding the _magic is unique using the | separator and _magic protected static string GenerateCode(string plainText) { var log = ClassLogger.Create(typeof(AuthorizationCode)); var dblog = DebugOnlyLogger.Create(log); var cryptText = PWCrypto.Encrypt(plainText, _pwd); dblog.InfoFormat(GeneratedCodeMsgFormat, plainText); return(cryptText); }
public static T DecryptDeserialize(string t, string pass) { Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t)); Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pass)); var log = ClassLogger.Create(typeof(EncryptedObject <T>)); string p = PWCrypto.Decrypt(t, pass); log.InfoFormat("Decrypting object {0}", p); T token = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(p); return(token); }
public static string EncryptSerialize(T token, string pass) { Contract.Requires(null != token); Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pass)); var log = ClassLogger.Create(typeof(EncryptedObject <T>)); string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token); log.InfoFormat("Securing object {0}", s); string c = PWCrypto.Encrypt(s, pass); return(c); }
//decrypt a code, this method may be overriten by inheritors with other ways to decrypt protected static string DecryptCode(string authCode) { var plain = PWCrypto.Decrypt(authCode, _pwd); return(plain); }