// GET api/setting public dynamic GetGridData([FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { var data = GetQuery(_service.Query(),searchModel); var dataList = data.Items.Select(x => new { x.Id, x.Name, x.Value }).ToList(); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = data.TotalPage, page = data.CurrentPage, records = data.TotalNumber, rows = dataList.Select(x => new { id = x.Id, cell = new object[] { x.Id, x.Name, x.Value } }).ToArray() }; return grid; }
// GET api/quartztask public dynamic GetGridData([FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { int totalRecords; var dataList = GetQuery(searchModel, out totalRecords); var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / searchModel.rows); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = totalPages, page = searchModel.page, records = totalRecords, rows = dataList.Select(x => new { id = x.TriggerGroup + "," + x.TriggerName, cell = new object[] { x.TriggerGroup + "," + x.TriggerName, x.TriggerGroup, x.TriggerName, x.JobGroup, x.JobName, x.Description, x.CronExpression, x.TimeZone, x.State, x.PreviousTimeUtc, x.StartTimeUtc, x.EndTimeUtc, x.Parameters } }).ToArray() }; return grid; }
// GET api/task public dynamic GetGridData([FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { var data = GetQuery(_service.Query(),searchModel); var dataList = data.Items.ToList(); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = data.TotalPage, page = data.CurrentPage, records = data.TotalNumber, rows = dataList.Select(x => new { id = x.Id, cell = new object[] { x.Id, x.Name, x.Seconds, x.Type, x.Enabled, x.StopOnError, x.LastStartUtc, x.LastEndUtc, x.LastSuccessUtc } }).ToArray() }; return grid; }
public dynamic GetUserRoles(Guid id, [FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { if (id == default(Guid)) return BadRequest("User id cannot be empty."); if (!HasPermission(id, Constants.ROLE_ADMIN)) return Unauthorized(); var data = GetUserRolesQuery(id,searchModel); var dataList = data.Items.Select(x => new { x.Id, x.Name, x.Description, x.HasRole }).ToList(); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = data.TotalPage, page = data.CurrentPage, records = data.TotalNumber, rows = dataList.Select(x => new { id = x.Id, cell = new object[] { x.Id, x.Name, x.Description, x.HasRole} }).ToArray() }; return grid; }
// GET api/role public dynamic GetGridData([FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { var data = GetQuery(_userService.Query(),searchModel); var dataList = data.Items.Select(x => new { x.ID, x.Tenant, x.Username, x.Email, x.FirstName, x.LastName, x.LastUpdated, x.Created, x.LastLogin, x.IsAccountClosed, x.AccountClosed, x.IsLoginAllowed, x.LastFailedLogin, x.FailedLoginCount, x.PasswordChanged, x.RequiresPasswordReset, x.IsAccountVerified, x.LastFailedPasswordReset, x.FailedPasswordResetCount, //x.MobileCode, //x.MobileCodeSent, x.MobilePhoneNumber, //x.MobilePhoneNumberChanged, //x.AccountTwoFactorAuthMode, //x.CurrentTwoFactorAuthStatus, x.VerificationKey, x.VerificationKeySent, x.VerificationPurpose/*, x.VerificationStorage, x.HashedPassword*/ }).ToList(); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = data.TotalPage, page = data.CurrentPage, records = data.TotalNumber, rows = dataList.Select(x => new { id = x.ID, cell = new object[] { x.ID, x.Tenant, x.Username, x.Email, x.FirstName, x.LastName, x.LastUpdated, x.Created, x.LastLogin, x.IsAccountClosed, x.AccountClosed, x.IsLoginAllowed, x.LastFailedLogin, x.FailedLoginCount, x.PasswordChanged, x.RequiresPasswordReset, x.IsAccountVerified, x.LastFailedPasswordReset, x.FailedPasswordResetCount, //x.MobileCode, //x.MobileCodeSent, x.MobilePhoneNumber, //x.MobilePhoneNumberChanged, //x.AccountTwoFactorAuthMode, //x.CurrentTwoFactorAuthStatus, x.VerificationKey, x.VerificationKeySent, x.VerificationPurpose/*, x.VerificationStorage, x.HashedPassword*/ } }).ToArray() }; return grid; }
public dynamic GetRolePermissions(Guid id, [FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { if (id == default(Guid)) return BadRequest("Role id cannot be empty."); var data = GetRolePermissionsQuery(id, searchModel); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = data.TotalPage, page = data.CurrentPage, records = data.TotalNumber, rows = data.Items.ToList().Select(x => new { id = x.Id, cell = new object[] { x.Id, x.Name, x.Description, x.HasPermission} }).ToArray() }; return grid; }
public dynamic GetGridData([FromUri] JqGridSearchModel searchModel) { var data = GetQuery(_service.Query(),searchModel); var dataList = data.Items.ToList(); var grid = new JqGridModel { total = data.TotalPage, page = data.CurrentPage, records = data.TotalNumber, rows = dataList.Select(x => new { id = x.Id, cell = new object[] { x.Id, x.Application, x.CreatedDate, x.Activity, x.Detail, x.UserName, x.ClientIP } }).ToArray() }; return grid; }