private void onRecvedData() { ADebug.Log("onRecvedData OnDataRecvedProc"); while (true) { int num; byte[] buffer = null; if (this.connector.ReadData(out buffer, out num) != ApolloResult.Success) { return; } try { ApolloMessage message = ApolloMessageManager.Instance.UnpackResponseData(buffer, num); if (message != null) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Recved:", message.Command, " and resp is:", message.Response })); ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "OnDataRecvedProc: apolloMessage.Handler != null?: ", message.Handler != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithReceipt != null?: ", message.HandlerWithReceipt != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null?: ", message.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null })); message.HandleMessage(); } else { ADebug.LogError("OnDataRecvedProc UnpackResponseData error"); } } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
private void OnReconnectProc(string msg) { ADebug.Log("c#:OnReconnectProc: " + msg); ApolloStringParser apolloStringParser = new ApolloStringParser(msg); ApolloResult @int = (ApolloResult)apolloStringParser.GetInt("Result", 6); if (@int == ApolloResult.Success) { this.Connected = true; } else { this.Connected = false; } if (this.ReconnectEvent != null) { try { this.ReconnectEvent(@int); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } else { ADebug.Log("OnReconnectProc ReconnectEvent is null"); } }
private void OnConnectProc(string msg) { ADebug.Log("c#:OnConnectProc: " + msg); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { ADebug.LogError("OnConnectProc msg is null"); return; } ApolloStringParser apolloStringParser = new ApolloStringParser(msg); ApolloResult @int = (ApolloResult)apolloStringParser.GetInt("Result", 6); this.LoginInfo = apolloStringParser.GetObject <ApolloLoginInfo>("LoginInfo"); if (@int == ApolloResult.Success) { this.Connected = true; } else { this.Connected = false; } ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "c#:OnConnectProc: ", @int, " loginfo:", this.LoginInfo })); if (this.LoginInfo != null && this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo != null && this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.TokenList != null) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "C# logininfo| platform:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.Platform, " openid:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.OpenId, " tokensize:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.TokenList.Count, " pf:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.Pf, " pfkey:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.PfKey })); } if (this.ConnectEvent != null) { try { this.ConnectEvent(@int, this.LoginInfo); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } else { ADebug.Log("OnConnectProc ConnectEvent is null"); } }
private void OnUdpDataRecvedProc(string msg) { if (this.RecvedUdpDataEvent != null) { try { this.RecvedUdpDataEvent(); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
private void OnDataRecvedProc(string msg) { this.Connected = true; if (this.RecvedDataEvent != null) { try { this.RecvedDataEvent(); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
private void OnRouteChangedProc(string msg) { ulong serverId = new ApolloStringParser(msg).GetUInt64("serverId"); if (this.RouteChangedEvent != null) { try { this.RouteChangedEvent(serverId); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
public bool Encode(out byte[] buffer) { try { ApolloBufferWriter writer = new ApolloBufferWriter(); this.BeforeEncode(writer); this.WriteTo(writer); buffer = writer.GetBufferData(); return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { buffer = null; ADebug.LogException(exception); return(false); } }
private void onRecvedData() { ADebug.Log("onRecvedData OnDataRecvedProc"); while (true) { byte[] data = null; int realSize; ApolloResult apolloResult = this.connector.ReadData(out data, out realSize); if (apolloResult != ApolloResult.Success) { break; } try { ApolloMessage apolloMessage = ApolloMessageManager.Instance.UnpackResponseData(data, realSize); if (apolloMessage != null) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Recved:", apolloMessage.Command, " and resp is:", apolloMessage.Response })); ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "OnDataRecvedProc: apolloMessage.Handler != null?: ", apolloMessage.Handler != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithReceipt != null?: ", apolloMessage.HandlerWithReceipt != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null?: ", apolloMessage.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null })); apolloMessage.HandleMessage(); } else { ADebug.LogError("OnDataRecvedProc UnpackResponseData error"); } } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
public bool Decode(byte[] data) { if (data != null) { try { ApolloBufferReader reader = new ApolloBufferReader(data); this.BeforeDecode(reader); this.ReadFrom(reader); return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); return(false); } } return(false); }
private void OnConnectorErrorProc(string msg) { ApolloStringParser apolloStringParser = new ApolloStringParser(msg); ApolloResult @int = (ApolloResult)apolloStringParser.GetInt("Result", 6); ADebug.LogError("OnConnectorErrorProc:" + @int); this.Connected = false; if (this.ErrorEvent != null) { try { this.ErrorEvent(@int); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
public bool Encode(out byte[] buffer) { bool result; try { ApolloBufferWriter apolloBufferWriter = new ApolloBufferWriter(); this.BeforeEncode(apolloBufferWriter); this.WriteTo(apolloBufferWriter); buffer = apolloBufferWriter.GetBufferData(); result = true; } catch (Exception exception) { buffer = null; ADebug.LogException(exception); result = false; } return(result); }
private void OnDisconnectProc(string msg) { ApolloStringParser apolloStringParser = new ApolloStringParser(msg); ApolloResult @int = (ApolloResult)apolloStringParser.GetInt("Result"); if (@int == ApolloResult.Success) { this.Connected = false; } if (this.DisconnectEvent != null) { try { this.DisconnectEvent(@int); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
public bool Decode(byte[] data) { if (data != null) { try { ApolloBufferReader reader = new ApolloBufferReader(data); this.BeforeDecode(reader); this.ReadFrom(reader); bool flag = true; bool result = flag; return(result); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); bool flag2 = false; bool result = flag2; return(result); } return(false); } return(false); }