static void Main(string[] mainArgs) { Options opts = new Options(); opts.Parse(mainArgs); QueueChannelFactory.SetBroker(, opts.port); QueueChannelFactory.SetSecurity(opts.ssl, opts.username, opts.password); WarmUpTransactionSubsystem(opts); if (opts.type == ClientType.Publisher) { PublishThread pub = new PublishThread(opts.baseName + "0", "", opts); Thread pubThread = new Thread(pub.Run); pubThread.Start(); pubThread.Join(); } else if (opts.type == ClientType.Subscriber) { SubscribeThread sub = new SubscribeThread(opts.baseName + "0", opts); Thread subThread = new Thread(sub.Run); subThread.Start(); subThread.Join(); } else { InteropDemo(opts); } if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.WriteLine("Hit return to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
// demonstrate message exchange between WcfPerftest.exe and native // C++ perftest.exe static void InteropDemo(Options opts) { string perftest_cpp_exe = "qpid-perftest.exe"; string commonArgs = String.Format(" --count {0} --size {1} --broker {2} --port {3}", opts.messageCount, opts.messageSize,, opts.port); if (opts.durable) { commonArgs += " --durable yes"; } if (opts.ssl) { commonArgs += " --protocol ssl"; } if (opts.saslMechanism == SaslMechanism.Plain) { commonArgs += String.Format(" --username {0} --password {1} --mechanism PLAIN", opts.username, opts.password); } Console.WriteLine("===== WCF Subscriber and C++ Publisher ====="); Process setup = new Process(); setup.StartInfo.FileName = perftest_cpp_exe; setup.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; setup.StartInfo.Arguments = "--setup" + commonArgs; try { setup.Start(); } catch (Win32Exception win32e) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot execute {0}: PATH not set?", perftest_cpp_exe); Console.WriteLine(" Error: {0}", win32e.Message); return; } setup.WaitForExit(); Process control = new Process(); control.StartInfo.FileName = perftest_cpp_exe; control.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; control.StartInfo.Arguments = "--control" + commonArgs; control.Start(); Process publish = new Process(); publish.StartInfo.FileName = perftest_cpp_exe; publish.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; publish.StartInfo.Arguments = "--publish" + commonArgs; publish.Start(); SubscribeThread subscribeWcf = new SubscribeThread(opts.baseName + "0", opts); Thread subThread = new Thread(subscribeWcf.Run); subThread.Start(); subThread.Join(); publish.WaitForExit(); control.WaitForExit(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("===== WCF Publisher and C++ Subscriber ====="); setup = new Process(); setup.StartInfo.FileName = perftest_cpp_exe; setup.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; setup.StartInfo.Arguments = "--setup" + commonArgs; setup.Start(); setup.WaitForExit(); control = new Process(); control.StartInfo.FileName = perftest_cpp_exe; control.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; control.StartInfo.Arguments = "--control" + commonArgs; control.Start(); PublishThread pub = new PublishThread(opts.baseName + "0", "", opts); Thread pubThread = new Thread(pub.Run); pubThread.Start(); Process subscribeCpp = new Process(); subscribeCpp.StartInfo.FileName = perftest_cpp_exe; subscribeCpp.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; subscribeCpp.StartInfo.Arguments = "--subscribe" + commonArgs; subscribeCpp.Start(); subscribeCpp.WaitForExit(); pubThread.Join(); control.WaitForExit(); }