public override void Init() { base.Init(); _producers = new LinkedList<IMessageProducer>(); _consumers = new Hashtable(); XmlNode nmsNode = this.DestinationDefinition.PropertiesXml.SelectSingleNode("nms"); _nmsSettings = new NMSSettings(nmsNode); if (_nmsSettings != null) { ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(_nmsSettings.URI); log.Debug(string.Format("NMSAdapter Connected to URI {0}", _nmsSettings.URI)); _connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); _connection.Start(); _session = _connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.DupsOkAcknowledge); if (_nmsSettings.DESTINATION_TYPE.StartsWith(NMSSettings.QueueDestination)) { _destination = new ActiveMQQueue(_nmsSettings.Destination); log.Debug(string.Format("NMSAdapter Connected to Queue {0}", _nmsSettings.Destination)); } else if (_nmsSettings.DESTINATION_TYPE.StartsWith(NMSSettings.TopicDestination)) { _destination = new ActiveMQTopic(_nmsSettings.Destination); log.Debug(string.Format("NMSAdapter Connected to Topic {0}", _nmsSettings.Destination)); } else { log.Debug(string.Format("Unknown Destination Type {0}", _nmsSettings.DESTINATION_TYPE)); } } }
public MessageProducer(Session session, ProducerId id, ActiveMQDestination destination, TimeSpan requestTimeout) { this.session = session; this.RequestTimeout = requestTimeout; = new ProducerInfo(); = id; = destination; = session.Connection.ProducerWindowSize; this.messageTransformation = session.Connection.MessageTransformation; // If the destination contained a URI query, then use it to set public // properties on the ProducerInfo if(destination != null && destination.Options != null) { URISupport.SetProperties(, destination.Options, "producer."); } // Version Three and higher will send us a ProducerAck, but only if we // have a set producer window size. if(session.Connection.ProtocolVersion >= 3 && > 0) { Tracer.Debug("MessageProducer created with a Window Size of: " +; this.usage = new MemoryUsage(; } }
internal QueueBrowser(Session session, ConsumerId consumerId, ActiveMQDestination destination, string selector, bool dispatchAsync) { this.session = session; this.consumerId = consumerId; this.destination = destination; this.selector = selector; this.dispatchAsync = dispatchAsync; this.consumer = CreateConsumer(); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetConsumerAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { if (destination.IsQueue) { return new ActiveMQTopic(QUEUE_CONSUMER_ADVISORY_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.PhysicalName); } else { return new ActiveMQTopic(TOPIC_CONSUMER_ADVISORY_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.PhysicalName); } }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetExpiredQueueMessageAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String name = EXPIRED_QUEUE_MESSAGES_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.PhysicalName; return new ActiveMQTopic(name); }
// Constructor internal to prevent clients from creating an instance. internal MessageConsumer(Session session, ConsumerId id, ActiveMQDestination destination, String name, String selector, int prefetch, int maxPendingMessageCount, bool noLocal, bool browser, bool dispatchAsync ) { if(destination == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Consumer cannot receive on Null Destinations."); } this.session = session; this.redeliveryPolicy = this.session.Connection.RedeliveryPolicy; this.messageTransformation = this.session.Connection.MessageTransformation; if(session.Connection.MessagePrioritySupported) { this.unconsumedMessages = new SimplePriorityMessageDispatchChannel(); } else { this.unconsumedMessages = new FifoMessageDispatchChannel(); } = new ConsumerInfo(); = id; = destination; = name; = selector; = prefetch; = maxPendingMessageCount; = noLocal; = browser; = dispatchAsync; = session.Retroactive; = session.Exclusive; = session.Priority; // If the destination contained a URI query, then use it to set public properties // on the ConsumerInfo if(destination.Options != null) { // Get options prefixed with "consumer.*" StringDictionary options = URISupport.GetProperties(destination.Options, "consumer."); // Extract out custom extension options "consumer.nms.*" StringDictionary customConsumerOptions = URISupport.ExtractProperties(options, "nms."); URISupport.SetProperties(, options); URISupport.SetProperties(this, customConsumerOptions, "nms."); } }
public ActiveMQDestination[] GetCompositeDestinations() { if (IsComposite) { LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); String[] composites = physicalName.Split(COMPOSITE_SEPARATOR.ToCharArray()); foreach(String composite in composites) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(composite.Trim())) { continue; } list.AddLast(composite.Trim()); } ActiveMQDestination[] compositeDestinations = new ActiveMQDestination[list.Count]; int counter = 0; foreach(String destination in list) { compositeDestinations[counter++] = CreateDestination(destination); } return compositeDestinations; } return new ActiveMQDestination[0]; }
/// <summary> /// Lets sort by name first then lets sort topics greater than queues /// </summary> /// <param name="that">another destination to compare against</param> /// <returns>1 if this is less than o else 0 if they are equal or -1 if this is less than o</returns> public int CompareTo(ActiveMQDestination that) { int answer = 0; if(physicalName != that.physicalName) { if(physicalName == null) { return -1; } else if(that.physicalName == null) { return 1; } answer = physicalName.CompareTo(that.physicalName); } if(answer == 0) { if(IsTopic) { if(that.IsQueue) { return 1; } } else { if(that.IsTopic) { return -1; } } } return answer; }
/// <summary> /// From a temporary destination find the clientId of the Connection that created it /// </summary> /// <param name="destination"></param> /// <returns>the clientId or null if not a temporary destination</returns> public static String GetClientId(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String answer = null; if(destination != null && destination.IsTemporary) { String name = destination.PhysicalName; int start = name.IndexOf(TEMP_PREFIX); if(start >= 0) { start += TEMP_PREFIX.Length; int stop = name.LastIndexOf(TEMP_POSTFIX); if(stop > start && stop < name.Length) { answer = name.Substring(start, stop); } } } return answer; }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetSlowConsumerAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String name = SLOW_CONSUMER_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.GetDestinationTypeAsString() + "." + destination.PhysicalName; return new ActiveMQTopic(name); }
public BrowsingMessageConsumer(QueueBrowser parent, Session session, ConsumerId id, ActiveMQDestination destination, String name, String selector, int prefetch, int maxPendingMessageCount, bool noLocal, bool browser, bool dispatchAsync) : base(session, id, destination, name, selector, prefetch, maxPendingMessageCount, noLocal, browser, dispatchAsync) { this.parent = parent; }
public static bool IsFullAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { if (destination.IsComposite) { ActiveMQDestination[] compositeDestinations = destination.GetCompositeDestinations(); for (int i = 0; i < compositeDestinations.Length; i++) { if (IsFullAdvisoryTopic(compositeDestinations[i])) { return true; } } return false; } else { return destination.IsTopic && destination.PhysicalName.StartsWith(FULL_TOPIC_PREFIX); } }
public static bool IsConnectionAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { if (destination.IsComposite) { ActiveMQDestination[] compositeDestinations = destination.GetCompositeDestinations(); for (int i = 0; i < compositeDestinations.Length; i++) { if (IsConnectionAdvisoryTopic(compositeDestinations[i])) { return true; } } return false; } else { return destination.Equals(CONNECTION_ADVISORY_TOPIC); } }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetDestinationAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { switch (destination.GetDestinationType()) { case ActiveMQDestination.ACTIVEMQ_QUEUE: return QUEUE_ADVISORY_TOPIC; case ActiveMQDestination.ACTIVEMQ_TOPIC: return TOPIC_ADVISORY_TOPIC; case ActiveMQDestination.ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_QUEUE: return TEMP_QUEUE_ADVISORY_TOPIC; case ActiveMQDestination.ACTIVEMQ_TEMPORARY_TOPIC: return TEMP_TOPIC_ADVISORY_TOPIC; default: throw new NMSException("Unknown destination type: " + destination.DestinationType); } }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetFullAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String name = FULL_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.GetDestinationTypeAsString() + "." + destination.PhysicalName; return new ActiveMQTopic(name); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetMessageDLQdAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String name = MESSAGE_DLQ_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.GetDestinationTypeAsString() + "." + destination.PhysicalName; return new ActiveMQTopic(name); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetFastProducerAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String name = FAST_PRODUCER_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.GetDestinationTypeAsString() + "." + destination.PhysicalName; return new ActiveMQTopic(name); }
// Constructor internal to prevent clients from creating an instance. internal MessageConsumer(Session session, ConsumerId id, ActiveMQDestination destination, String name, String selector, int prefetch, int maxPendingMessageCount, bool noLocal, bool browser, bool dispatchAsync ) { if(destination == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Consumer cannot receive on Null Destinations."); } else if(destination.PhysicalName == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("The destination object was not given a physical name."); } else if (destination.IsTemporary) { String physicalName = destination.PhysicalName; if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(physicalName)) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Physical name of Destination should be valid: " + destination); } String connectionID = session.Connection.ConnectionId.Value; if(physicalName.IndexOf(connectionID) < 0) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot use a Temporary destination from another Connection"); } if(!session.Connection.IsTempDestinationActive(destination as ActiveMQTempDestination)) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot use a Temporary destination that has been deleted"); } } this.session = session; this.redeliveryPolicy = this.session.Connection.RedeliveryPolicy; this.messageTransformation = this.session.Connection.MessageTransformation; if(session.Connection.MessagePrioritySupported) { this.unconsumedMessages = new SimplePriorityMessageDispatchChannel(); } else { this.unconsumedMessages = new FifoMessageDispatchChannel(); } = new ConsumerInfo(); = id; = destination; = name; = selector; = prefetch; = maxPendingMessageCount; = noLocal; = browser; = dispatchAsync; = session.Retroactive; = session.Exclusive; = session.Priority; // If the destination contained a URI query, then use it to set public properties // on the ConsumerInfo if(destination.Options != null) { // Get options prefixed with "consumer.*" StringDictionary options = URISupport.GetProperties(destination.Options, "consumer."); // Extract out custom extension options "consumer.nms.*" StringDictionary customConsumerOptions = URISupport.ExtractProperties(options, "nms."); URISupport.SetProperties(, options); URISupport.SetProperties(this, customConsumerOptions, "nms."); } }
internal void DoSend(ActiveMQDestination destination, ActiveMQMessage message, MessageProducer producer, MemoryUsage producerWindow, TimeSpan sendTimeout) { ActiveMQMessage msg = message; if(destination.IsTemporary && !connection.IsTempDestinationActive(destination as ActiveMQTempDestination)) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: " + destination); } if(IsTransacted) { DoStartTransaction(); msg.TransactionId = TransactionContext.TransactionId; } msg.RedeliveryCounter = 0; msg.BrokerPath = null; if(this.connection.CopyMessageOnSend) { msg = (ActiveMQMessage)msg.Clone(); } msg.OnSend(); msg.ProducerId = msg.MessageId.ProducerId; if(sendTimeout.TotalMilliseconds <= 0 && !msg.ResponseRequired && !connection.AlwaysSyncSend && (!msg.Persistent || connection.AsyncSend || msg.TransactionId != null)) { this.connection.Oneway(msg); if(producerWindow != null) { // Since we defer lots of the marshaling till we hit the wire, this // might not provide and accurate size. We may change over to doing // more aggressive marshaling, to get more accurate sizes.. this is more // important once users start using producer window flow control. producerWindow.IncreaseUsage(msg.Size()); } } else { if(sendTimeout.TotalMilliseconds > 0) { this.connection.SyncRequest(msg, sendTimeout); } else { this.connection.SyncRequest(msg); } } }
public abstract bool matches(ActiveMQDestination destination);
public static ActiveMQTopic GetExpiredMessageTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { if (destination.IsQueue) { return GetExpiredQueueMessageAdvisoryTopic(destination); } return GetExpiredTopicMessageAdvisoryTopic(destination); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetNoQueueConsumersAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination destination) { String name = NO_QUEUE_CONSUMERS_TOPIC_PREFIX + destination.PhysicalName; return new ActiveMQTopic(name); }
protected void CreateTemporaryDestination(ActiveMQDestination tempDestination) { }
/// <summary> /// A helper method to return a descriptive string for the topic or queue /// </summary> /// <param name="destination"></param> /// <returns>a descriptive string for this queue or topic</returns> public static String Inspect(ActiveMQDestination destination) { if(destination is ITopic) { return "Topic(" + destination.ToString() + ")"; } else { return "Queue(" + destination.ToString() + ")"; } }