public USBInterface WithEndpoint(Direction direction, EndpointTransferType transferType, short maximumPacketSize, byte interval, out USBEndpoint createdEndpoint)
            if (endpoints.Count == byte.MaxValue)
                throw new ConstructionException("The maximal number of endpoints reached");

            createdEndpoint = new USBEndpoint(device, (byte)(endpoints.Count + 1), direction, transferType, maximumPacketSize, interval);
        public USBInterface WithEndpoint(Direction direction, EndpointTransferType transferType, short maximumPacketSize, byte interval, out USBEndpoint createdEndpoint, byte?id = null)
            if (!id.HasValue && endpoints.Count == byte.MaxValue)
                throw new ConstructionException("The maximal number of endpoints reached");

            var localId = id ?? (byte)(endpoints.Count + 1);

            if (endpoints.Any(x => x.Identifier == localId && x.Direction == direction))
                throw new ConstructionException($"Endpoint with id {localId} in direction {direction} already definied");

            createdEndpoint = new USBEndpoint(device, localId, direction, transferType, maximumPacketSize, interval);